Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2028: , Fearless!

Wan Lai was silent at night.

The sky was like a black curtain, covering it, only the bright stars dotted it.

The night on the sea is even more quiet and dreamy.

At this time, it was about three o'clock in the morning.

Located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, there is a vast island.

This small island cannot be found on the world map, and few people know that there is such a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

This small island seems to have been lost by the world. Everyone who knows here calls this small island the "Lost Island".

The whole island is like a crescent moon, as if floating on the sea, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, looking from a distance, it is like a fairyland on earth.

Under the starry sky and the moon, you can clearly see the beauty of the island.

The rivers, lakes, mountains, lush woods, and the white sand beaches of the waves are all beautiful.

Moreover, in addition to these natural scenery, many houses have been built on the island.

The construction of houses is of various types, including wooden houses, bamboo houses, stone houses, etc., and the construction styles of houses are very different, including European style, American style, and Chinese style.

In short, on this island, you can find houses of various styles all over the world.

In addition, a modern-style market town has been built on the island. Because of its rich resources, people living here can be self-sufficient.

The whole island is like spring in all seasons, just like a few pearls on the blue sea.

If an island like this is used for tourism, tourists from all over the world will definitely come here.

However, this island does not belong to any country, nor does it belong to anyone. It is the location of the top ten S-level organization temples in the world.

In a place not far from the market town on the island, a large and magnificent building was erected.

The whole building is like a huge ten-story castle. The bricks and stones of the castle are well-built and full of heavy atmosphere.

The old Hong Zhong, standing above the castle, will make a dull and thick sound every hour.

The white dove that pierced the sky, flying above the castle, flew towards the sky, as if to penetrate the sky to get a glimpse of the mystery of heaven.

Looking around, all around the castle are dazzling enamel-painted window lattices and lifelike marble reliefs, magnificent and majestic.

Moreover, there are many people patrolling around the castle.

These people perform their duties and dare not relax their vigilance for a moment.

And these people are the purgatory knights, nether guards, and dark soldiers of the temple.

At this time, it is on the basement level of the old castle.

The space here is very spacious and bright, and the walls are made of special metal.

The extremely modern design makes this an ultra-futuristic experimental base.

Many photoelectric computers and various experimental equipment are placed in this experimental base, and the screen on the wall is bounced with all kinds of strange characters and three-dimensional graphics that people can't understand.

At this time, in the experimental base, in front of a screen, there are a few foreign men and women wearing white coats standing, including young people and middle-aged people, with different skin colors.

These people are the top scientists in various fields in the world, and they voluntarily join the temple to work for them.

In the forefront of these people, there is a beautiful woman standing.

She has pale blue eyes, long amber hair, a delicate face, a high-pitched nose, a pointed chin, and the lines seem to be exquisite jade stone carvings without any blemishes.

With a tall figure of 1.7 meters, even if it is wrapped in an unpretentious white coat, he can feel graceful and moving.

The face of the angel, the figure of the devil, as if born to be an adjective for such a woman.

She is the steward of the temple, one of the eight demon kings under Ye Fei's seat, the "Goddess of Wisdom" Elena.

Elena stood in front of the screen, staring at the weird characters on the screen for a long time.

She frowned slightly and said, "It seems that the more this genetic research data is deciphered, the more difficult it is."

"If Professor Minova is there, then all the problems must be solved." A white man of medium height and wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses said lightly.

Others present also nodded, agreeing with what the white man said.

After all, as the mad scientist Minova who has transcended this era, they admire it from the bottom of their hearts.

Elena shook her head and said: "The teacher has left the temple now. I don't know where she is. Even if we use the "super eye" to check her whereabouts, we can't find it.

Therefore, the next work has to be done by ourselves. "

"is teacher."

Everyone present respectfully responded.

"Well, it's getting late now, everyone go and rest." Elena said to everyone.

Everyone nodded, and after greeting Elena, they left the underground laboratory one after another.

After everyone left, Elena stared at the characters on the screen and studied for a while, and tapped the photoelectric keyboard to check the information.

However, half an hour passed, but still nothing.

Elena grabbed her hair helplessly, and muttered: "Dear King, you are throwing a huge problem to me.

Forget it, there is an old saying in Huaxia that is so good that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so take your time. "

With that said, Elena wandered around the laboratory, and after confirming that there was no problem, she took off her white coat and was about to leave the laboratory.

But at this moment.

An alarm sounded in the laboratory suddenly.

Elena lifted up and hurried to an optoelectronic computer and switched on the communication device.

"Cameron, what's the matter?" Elena asked in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency Elena, ten minutes ago, our purgatory knight detection team detected that there are now a large number of warships approaching our island!

At present, these warships are almost 70 nautical miles away from our island. "

There was a strong male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Do you know who the other party is?" Elena asked suspiciously.

"Your Excellency Elena, the hesitation is far away. At present, we don't know who the other party is." Cameron responded.

"Since you don't know, then continue to probe for me!"

Elena frowned and said: "We must figure out who the other party is, whether it is an enemy or a friend!"


Cameron responded with a shock.

After speaking, Elena turned off the communicator.

Afterwards, Elena walked to a huge photoelectric computer whose screen showed the sight of the Lost Island within a hundred nautical miles.

Logically speaking, if a stranger breaks in, it should be detected soon.

But why is there no display on the screen?

Elena squinted her eyes, she was startled, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Since it cannot be detected, it is enough to show that the other party has used the most advanced anti-detection device in the world.

Today, the only device that can avoid the temple detector is the "Red Eagle Anti-Detection Device" of the Magnesium Country.

Could it be said that the people near the Lost Island are Magnesium people?

What are these guys trying to do when they come here, and why should they avoid detection?

Elena's eyes were cold, and she whispered, "Is it possible to avoid the detection of our temple?"

Then, Elena went to a complicated and precise high-tech instrument.

This instrument, left by Minova, is called "Super Eye", also referred to as "Eye".

The "super eye" is also the "eye" of the temple, which can obtain all kinds of information and materials in this world.

Elena stretched out her hands and tapped a few times on the photoelectric keyboard of this instrument.

I saw that the characters on the screen of this instrument began to jump.

Not after a while.

I saw that there were many dense red dots on the screen.

Moreover, what shocked Elena was that these red dots were more than 70 nautical miles away from the Lost Island.

If each red dot represents a battleship, that is to say, these battleships have now surrounded the entire lost island and are slowly advancing towards the lost island.

Who are these guys?

What do they want to encircle the lost island? !

Elena's face became cold, and she realized that something was wrong...

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