Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2035: , What monster?

Barr turned around, frowned and said, "Louis, don't you know, don't answer any calls when I'm training!"

"Head, this news is from the temple!" The strong white man named Louis hurriedly replied.

"From the temple?"

Barr was shocked.

Generally speaking, there is no special emergency, and there will be no news from the temple headquarters.

Could it be that what happened to the temple?

Barr said nothing, and quickly took the satellite call from Louis.

Afterwards, Barr quickly clicked on an encrypted email.

After browsing the contents of the email, Barr's entire face became cold, and his iron fists were clenched tightly.

"Oh shit!!"

Barr snarled furiously.

"Head, what's wrong, what's the matter?"

Louis asked strangely.

The members who were training on the training ground stopped training and looked over.

"Someone wants to encircle our temple!"

Barr responded angrily.

"What? Encircle the temple?!"

"Head, you didn't joke with us, did you?"

When everyone heard it, they were stunned, an incredible look flashed across their faces, and some people didn't believe it at all.

After all, the temple is a sacred place in their hearts, a place that cannot be desecrated.

And the prestige of the temple in the world is so great, how could someone be so stupid to attack the temple?

"Do you think I would make fun of you about this kind of thing?"

Barr's eyes were cold, and he said loudly: "Everyone, give you ten minutes, go back and change your clothes, put on your equipment, and come here to gather!!!"

Seeing that Barr didn't seem to be joking, everyone ran away and hurriedly left the training ground.

In less than ten minutes, all the members of "Purgatory" gathered on the training ground.

Although there are only one hundred and fifty people, everyone is elite.

Everyone's faces were solemn, and there was a thick murderous look in their eyes.

Someone dared to attack their temple, isn't this looking for death?

Barr glanced at everyone, and then shook his voice: "Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4, Team 5, go with me! Others, stay at the base! Do you understand?"


Team one to team five, a total of one hundred people, these one hundred people heard that they could follow Baal to the rescue temple, and their faces flashed with extremely excited expressions, and they responded with tremors.

"Head, let us follow!"

"Yes, commander, don't leave us, we also want to participate in this operation!"

Fifty people from the remaining two teams shouted.

Barr turned his head to look at the two teams and said: "Brothers, the rescue temple is very important, but it is also very important to defend our base!

If all of us leave, what if someone takes the opportunity to attack our base? So, brothers, our base, please do it! "

The remaining fifty people heard Barr say so, and one by one healed and nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Barr led a hundred elite "Purgatory" and quickly left the Valley of Death in armored vehicles...

at this time.

Fa country.

The fallen angel base.

In an office at the base.

Algernon was sitting in front of the computer with a cup of coffee in his hand, browsing an email.

When he finished browsing the mail, Algernon's face was gloomy, and the temperature in the entire office seemed to drop to zero.

Algernon didn't say a word, but quickly turned off the computer and put the cup in his hand on the table with a "clang".

Then he got up and left the office.

As soon as Algernon left the office, there was a crackling sound in the office.

I saw that the cup containing half a cup of coffee broke directly, and the coffee spilled over the table.

After Algernon left the office, he made a call on the way to the training ground.

"Group leader, what's your order?"

A respectful voice came.

"Nighthawk, immediately gather everyone in Fa Nation and return to the headquarters." Algernon said lightly.

"All together?"

Nighthawk froze for a moment, "Group leader, what's the matter?"

"The temple is killed, we need to go to rescue."

After speaking, Algernon stopped talking nonsense and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Algernon made another call after another, summoning the killers from various European countries.

Soon, Algernon came to a closed training camp.

In the training camp, there were only a dozen or so killers.

Because there is no mission, everyone is practicing assassination skills.

The assassins were shocked when Algernon came in.

As killers, they felt something was wrong with the group leader, and a strong murderous aura was revealed all over them.

It was the first time they felt such a terrifying murderous aura from the team leader.

However, they did not ask more, but continued to train.

Algernon glanced at the crowd lightly, and then vibrated: "Everyone, stop training! Gather!"

At the moment when Algernon’s voice fell.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Afterimages flashed by!

Soon, the twenty-four assassins, all stood respectfully in front of Algernon!

"Everyone prepares, and when the other brothers come back, we will go to the temple together." Algernon said indifferently.

"Group leader, what are we doing back to the temple?"

A killer asked curiously.


Algernon spit out two words lightly.

These two words are like two sharp knives, thrusting straight into the hearts of everyone, making people feel terrified.

Although Algernon said few things, they could feel the anger in the team leader's heart and the endless killing intent.

They don't understand, who on earth provokes the team leader?

Algernon saw the doubts of the people, his eyes were cold, and said: "There is a group of young people trying to provoke the authority of our temple... What do you think?"


Hearing Algernon's words, everyone's murderous spirit skyrocketed, and they spit out a word in a shock.


Around five in the morning.

Magnesium, New York,

The Port of New York, one of the largest seaports in the world.

A luxury private yacht ranked among the top ten in the world is parked on the sea not far from the harbor.

The yacht is worth 300 million pounds, nearly 3 billion Chinese currency, and is 142 meters in length. The sail mast is as high as 91 meters. It has a size similar to that of a general large destroyer, and the name of this yacht is also Very special, named "Thunder Shield".

The owner of this luxury yacht is Rex, the top five firearms dealer in the world.

In the interior of this luxury yacht, it is difficult to have words to describe its luxurious feeling.

Inside the yacht is full of expensive yacht wood, coupled with a lot of leather-wrapped furniture, the interior rooms of this yacht are even more luxurious than the world's most luxurious hotel, like a mobile palace.

At this time, in a magnificent spacious room on the yacht.

A luxurious gaming table is placed in the room, wearing a floral shirt, beach pants, a gemstone the size of a pigeon egg on his neck, and a ring on his hands, like the nouveau riche Rex is talking with several people from The country’s tycoons are playing cards.

"I followed all this one!"

Rex grinned, and then pushed hundreds of millions of chips in front of him into the middle of the table, yelling, "Who would like to follow?"

"Rex, you played too much, I won't follow."

A man wearing a white robe and a white turban threw the card in his hand on the table.

"Fuck! Harmandan, you're the **** prince of the emirate, this little money is not trivial to you?" Rex said cursingly.

"Mr. Rex, this is not the way to play with money, right?" Harmandan spread his hands and said.

"Damn, whatever you want!"

Rex cast a blank look at Harmandan, then turned to look at the other two, "Hey, are you two following you?"

"This will not follow me."

"I won't follow either."

The two folds one after another.

Rex raised his **** and said, "One of you is an oil tycoon, and the other is a ‘Ship King’. You are not playing this. It’s so **** stingy, it’s boring!"

However, at this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man in a tuxedo held a diamond-encrusted satellite phone and quickly walked towards Rex...

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