Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2049: , Negotiating some interest!

Hearing this muffled thunderous noise, everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw a missile shooting towards this side like a fireball.

"This...what the **** is going on? Where did the missile come from?!"

A leader exclaimed, but he was a little unresponsive.

People in other organizations didn't figure out what was going on either.

"Run! Run!"


Someone yelled in horror when they saw the direction the missile was coming from, and subconsciously prepared to jump off the ship and ran away.

However, the speed of this missile was very fast, and it landed on a battleship in almost a few seconds.

Boom! !

A thunderous explosion sounded!

A battleship from those 19 organizations was blown up!

Some people on the battleship were directly blown to pieces and swallowed by the raging fire!

Until they died, these people couldn't even make a scream!

"Damn it! All the **** jumped off the battleship for me and got ashore!!"

The leader of an organization roared and led a group of people to jump off a battleship and go ashore.

However, before they jumped down, the second missile had already fired and landed precisely on the warship they were on.

boom! !

Another violent explosion sounded!

This battleship was directly blown into a huge fireball, and as for the people on this battleship, even the bones and scum were lost.

Moreover, the violent impact brought by this missile even sent countless people away.

Some were killed by the shock wave generated by the missile, and some were directly seriously injured by the shock.


The screams screamed constantly.

With only two missiles, these 19 organizations killed two to three hundred people and seriously injured more than one hundred people.

However, because of this, other people in these nineteen organizations jumped to the shore one after another, keeping a distance from the sea.

"What the **** is going on? Why are missiles launched suddenly?!"

The leader of an organization frowned and asked.

The others shook their heads, expressing that they were unclear.

However, the people on the temple side suddenly thought of something, and their eyes were red with excitement.

"Here! It must be my king and they are here!!"

"It must be! It must not be wrong!!"

"Hahaha! My sons, my king is here, you are dead!!"

The remaining fifty or sixty people in the temple cheered one by one.

In this battle, they have been crushed and beaten, and their hearts have long been filled with endless hatred.

Now that the king and the devil have arrived, they can finally fight back and avenge the dead brothers and sisters.

At this time, a dozen steel battleships appeared on the sea not far away. The banner of "Sea Demon" was erected on the battleships. The battleships lined up and were advancing towards the lost island.

On each battleship stood more than a hundred pirates of various builds, dark skin, strong muscles, and various cold weapons in their hands.

There are a dozen warships in total, with more than a thousand people.

More than a thousand people in the dark, stood proudly on the battleship, magnificent.

On the deck of the battleship in the middle, Ye Fei, Auston, Shi Junze, Bai Fengtu and others stood.

Everyone's faces were as cold as ice, and their eyes were full of murderous aura.

Although there was a distance, Ye Fei and others had already seen scenes on the beach and the island.

There was blood everywhere, and corpses everywhere.

Moreover, most of the corpses were warriors from the temple.

Ye Fei and the others were completely angry, burning with anger, and it was bound to wipe out all the offenders.

"Brothers, I only have one request..."

Ye Fei stared at the front coldly, shouting angrily: "Kill all the offenders, and leave none of them!!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

All the people on the battleship roared.

Waves of loud shouts of killing sounded across the sea, with an astonishing momentum and great momentum.


Nineteen people in the organization saw this scene and heard these roars. Even though they had more than 3,000 people, they were still frightened by the momentum of Ye Fei and others.

They swallowed their saliva and couldn't help shaking.

"The Purgatory King is here!!"

"And the sea emperor Auston... Dragon Soul instructor Shi Junze... are here, they are all here!!"

People from various organizations screamed in horror.

After all, whether it is Ye Fei, Alston or Shi Junze, their names are so big in the world that these people have to feel scared.

"Fuck me up, afraid of a fart?!"

The leader of an organization said angrily: "They only have more than 1,000 people, but we have more than 3,000 people, enough to crush them! Everyone, get ready to fight!!"

Although the people in various organizations were afraid, they were ready to go all out at this time.

Anyway, there are only more than 1,000 people on the other side, and more than 3,000 of them are afraid of being a bird?

As for the remaining fifty or sixty temple warriors on the island, all of them were excited.

The king is here, the Lord Alston is here, the Lord Jayne is here...their reinforcements are here.

"Brothers! My king has arrived!"

A squad leader of the Nether Guard waved his hand and said in a shocking voice: "Let us follow my king and smash all these miscellaneous things to death!!"


Everyone forgot the pain, they all raised their sharp blades and shouted.

However, at this moment, a missile flew from another direction suddenly.

This missile drags the flame's tail, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

It's less than a few seconds.



A battleship opened by the nineteen organizations exploded directly!

The fire is soaring, and the smoke is billowing!

On the battleship.

"Oston, why did you fire another shot?" Ye Fei asked.

"Boss, I didn't order the cannon!" Alston replied suspiciously.

"Who fired the gun then?"

Just when Ye Fei was puzzled, a rough voice came from not far away.

"Haha, boss, Alston, Jayne, I'm here!!"

Hearing this voice, Ye Fei and the others turned their heads and looked around, and they saw ten silver-gray battleships approaching not far away.

People stood on the battleships, and, above the ten battleships, there were countless eagles and eagles hovering.

As for the battleship at the forefront, there was a fat black man who was over 1.9 meters tall and a little boy who was just over 175 meters tall.

These two are Rex and Arnold.

In addition, behind them stood a group of beasts, including lions, tigers, cheetahs, wolves, and so on.

"Brother Ye Fei! I'm here too!!"

Arnold waved his hand excitedly.

"Hei Fatty, Arnold, let's go to the island together and destroy those guys!" Ye Fei said loudly.

"No problem! None of these guys can be let go!!"

Rex waved his hand and roared angrily.

At this time, the shore.

"Oh my god, the death dealer and the king of beasts are here too..."

"Can we really win this battle?"

People in various organizations were frightened, and they were very disturbed.

Although they are crowded, they are still very shocked in the face of the purgatory king and the great demon kings.

"Listen to me! No matter who comes, let's destroy it! If anyone dares to escape, Lao Tzu will be the first to kill him!!"

The leader of an organization yelled at the others.

Others resisted the fear in their hearts and dared not say more.

After a while, Ye Fei, Alston, Shi Junze, Rex, and Arnold were approaching.

"Everyone, prepare to meet the enemy! Destroy these demons!"

"Kill these demons! Don't let them go!"

The leaders of each organization issued orders one after another.

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and the erhu didn't say anything, his legs slammed on the deck, his body was like a dragon, soaring directly into the sky from the deck!


His figure drew a high parabola in the air and swept directly towards the shore.

Next second.

Only heard the explosion of "Peng", Ye Fei directly punched the head of an organization leader at the moment he landed.

The red and white things splashed out, frightened other people's liver and guts.

Blasting the head of a leader with a punch, this is too **** scary, isn't it?

"Purgatory King!!"

Fifty or sixty temple warriors on the shore were excited and shouted.

"Brothers, you are all good! Now, join me and kill them all!!"

Ye Fei glanced at the remaining temple warriors and gave the order.

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