Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2055: , The awakening of death!

The Amaterasu great **** formed by Zhen Qi obeyed the **** tyrant's order and rushed towards Ye Fei immediately!

Klang Klang! !

Although the Great God Amaterasu was formed by zhenqi, it was like a real person. When he ran, the whole ground was shaking!

Amaterasu's speed was very fast, and he came to Ye Fei in an instant!

Huh! !

The Great God Amaterasu directly slashed at Ye Fei with a sword, and the pressure he carried was like a mountain torrent erupting, as if he was about to split Ye Fei in half!

The red giant sword was slashed crazily, and the surrounding stone slabs were all shattered before Ye Fei approached!

The huge boulder was flying, and the dust was surging, making it impossible to see the trajectory of this sword!

"What **** Amaterasu! Lao Tzu is the god!"

Ye Fei roared wildly, and lifted all the power of returning to the origin in his body, and then condensed it on his fingers. It was a sword that greeted him!

"All beings punish!"

A sword swung down, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, the heavy coercion seemed to destroy everything!

boom! !

The two swords collided heavily!

A dazzling white light shone out, and a terrifying explosion sounded like several muffled thunders at the same time!

The momentum was astonishing, spreading directly to a kilometer away!

At this time, at the seaside.

Alston, Barr, Shi Junze, Arnold and others were fighting fiercely with the people in the organization, and they heard this explosion!

"I'm going! Where did the explosion just come from?"

Allston asked curiously.

"It seems to come from the direction of the old castle."

Barr replied and looked at the direction of the castle.

"It seems that the boss is fighting those guys...that can cause such a big movement, maybe only the boss..."

Shi Junze looked in the direction of the castle with respect.

Both Allston and Barr nodded, their eyes full of admiration.

"Well, we can't hold back the boss! Everyone cheer up and kill all these guys!"

Allston gave a shock.


Baer and Shi Junze responded and went into battle again.

At this time, in front of the old castle.

When the explosion fell, the dust dissipated.

I saw a huge pothole appeared where Ye Fei and Amaterasu fought fiercely.

Moreover, Ye Fei and Amaterasu still stood in place, neither of them took a step back.

The frail **** tyrant in the distance saw that Ye Fei could actually block the sword of the Great God Amaterasu. He was shocked and angry.

"Amaterasu! Keep on attacking! Attack!!"

The **** tyrant yelled frantically.

The Great God Amaterasu heard the dispatch, holding a red giant sword, dashing for a step, stepping a footprint on the ground, and swinging several swords at Ye Fei again!

And Ye Fei is the sword intent of using ancient swordsmanship, switching offense and defense again and again, resisting the attack of Amaterasu!

Not only did the two of them attack very fast, but they also moved very fast, so fast that everyone present could only see the afterimages!

After several rounds of mad attack.

Amaterasu and Ye Fei drew a distance.

Then, the sun totem on the forehead of Amaterasu flashed a dazzling black light. Holding the red giant sword in both hands, she lifted it up to bring out a red blade of light, and then pressed it down, straight towards it. Ye Fei swung a sword!

Huh! !

A sword swung out, like a cloud in the wind, and the evil sword aura rushed out like a flood of beasts, punching the walls of the castle and the majestic stone sculptures around it!

Ye Fei frowned, his face sank, and at the same time he stabbed a sword towards the **** Amaterasu!

"The sword dominates the world!!"

call out! !

A sword stabbed out, carrying the sword intent of the king, full of murderous intentions, and swept out!


Moreover, when Ye Fei's sword pierced, the trembling sound of the air erupted like a dragon roar!

The people not far away vaguely saw a golden dragon figure at the moment when Ye Fei's sword pierced out, rushing out with madness!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of crazy explosions, I saw a deep gully appeared on the ground!

Under the crazy sword intent, the gully kept advancing, pointing directly at the Amaterasu God!

boom! !

In just a few seconds, the sword that Ye Fei pierced and collided with the sword of Amaterasu Great God!

"Boy, do you think Amaterasu, like the Destruction God, can't stand your sword?"

The **** tyrant not far away laughed loudly and said, "Amaterasu is a stronger existence than the Destruction God, brat, you will lose...what?!!!"

However, the **** tyrant's words were not finished yet, as if someone suddenly caught his neck, and the following words were abruptly blocked back.

I saw that after Ye Fei's move "Sword Dominates the World", after smashing the red giant sword in the hands of Amaterasu, the sword intent and sword pressure did not show any signs of weakening, but continued to crush the Amaterasu. Past!

In an instant.

laugh! !

Ye Fei's sword directly penetrated the body of Amaterasu, as if it had been bombed by a cannonball, a hole appeared in his body!


Great God Amaterasu's face was savage, accompanied by a stern wailing, he was instantly defeated, the condensed true energy dissipated, and Great God Amaterasu quickly disappeared in front of his eyes.


At the moment when Amaterasu Great God disappeared, the **** tyrant clutched his chest and vomited a mouthful of blood, his face instantly pale.

After killing Amaterasu Great God, Ye Fei did not stop because of this, but came to the **** tyrant at a speed like a teleport.

"How can you..."

The **** tyrant looked at Ye Fei in horror, wondering why, in such a short period of time, this kid's strength had increased again?

Ye Fei just looked at the **** tyrant quietly, and said indifferently: "Last time you were defeated in my hands, I thought you would hide and dare not come out again.

However, I didn't expect that you not only came out, but also boldly wanted to encircle and suppress my temple, and wanted to kill me...

Haha, your idea is indeed very good... But you are wrong, you have chosen the wrong enemy! ! "

The voice fell off.

The sword of infuriating energy condensed by the fingers of Ye Fei's right hand slammed it at an arm of the **** tyrant!

He only heard a "chirp", and one of the arms of the **** tyrant was directly cut off!


The **** tyrant wailed in pain, cold sweat broke out, and the blood from his broken arm kept pouring out.

Because the Great God Amaterasu was summoned to use all the power of true energy, he didn't have any resistance at this time, just like an ordinary person.

But Ye Fei looked at the **** tyrant indifferently, without any kindness, "Sometimes, people must be in awe... Otherwise, it will lead to killing..."

When the voice fell, Ye Fei raised his right hand and swung another sword.

In an instant, the other arm of the **** tyrant was also cut off.


The **** tyrant screamed sternly, backing constantly, trying to escape, but he couldn't escape Ye Fei's palm at all.

Not far away, Rex and Algernon saw this scene, they were very relieved and excited!

Worthy of being their king, this is the crushing of strength!

Dominate the world, powerful!

"Help! Help!!"

The **** tyrant sent a cry for help to Ronin and Ares not far away. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him.

"Hell Tyrant! I'll help you!"

Ronin replied, immediately carrying the katana, kicking his legs to the ground, swept straight up, and was ready to come up to help.


However, before Ronin approached, Ye Fei spit out a word and waved his right hand again.

The sword light flashed!

So fast!

Before the last scream of the **** tyrant fell, his head was separated from his body.

Then, only a "boom" was heard, the headless **** tyrant fell heavily to the ground, and his head rolled aside, his eyes and face were full of despair and horror.

Seeing this scene, even if the three people, Ares, Ronin, and Thunder Dragon, who have been smashed in the underground world all year round, are immediately frightened.


It's horrible.

This is simply a unilateral slaughter.

The three of Ares looked at Ye Fei in a daze, with fear in their hearts and horror in their eyes. They regretted it for a while, why did they come here...

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