Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2058: , Ten thousand pieces of broken corpses!

The moment Rex fell to the ground, the place where his body was hit by the high temperature rays suddenly shed blood.

"Fat black!!"


Seeing this scene, Ye Fei and Algernon screamed in horror, feeling that their souls were about to burst.

Ye Fei stared at this scene blankly, feeling that a mountain in his heart had collapsed.

He never expected that Rex would jump forward to block the blow of Ares for himself.

Isn't this guy most afraid of death on weekdays, how can he be so stupid that he uses his body to block himself from harm? !


what is this? !

Ye Fei's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, turning red.


Rex raised his head with difficulty, looked at Ye Fei, tugged at the corner of his mouth, yelled softly, and then with a "boom", his head fell on the ground and his eyes slowly closed.


Seeing Rex lying motionless on the ground, Ye Fei shouted heartbreakingly, his voice mixed with incomparable grief and anger.

"Rex, don't you **** pretend to die for Lao Tzu! Get up for Lao Tzu! Stand up!!"

Algernon, who had always been cold as ice, roared at Rex, his eyes flushed, tears couldn't stop, and his eyes came out.

However, no matter how Ye Fei and Algernon shouted, Rex still lay on the ground, motionless.

Ye Fei directly shook the Ronin away, rushed to Rex's face, squatted down, and quickly stretched out his hand to probe Rek's breath.

No breath.

Ye Fei's hands trembled slightly, his eyes were hollow, and his whole person seemed to be stiff.

But the tears of forbearance in Ye Fei's eyes finally shed.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness.

Rex is his own brother, a dead brother.

Once, Rex followed himself and other brothers in the north and south wars, smashing the situation, and lay the foundation today.

Once, on the battlefield, two brothers were already dead.

Therefore, from that time on, Ye Fei swore in his heart that he would never let any brother die again.

But today, he actually watched Rex fall in front of him...

This grief is unimaginable and unbearable.

Even if Ye Fei had a strong temperament, he was struck by lightning and received a huge blow.

Algernon originally expected a miracle to happen, but when he saw Ye Fei's expression and the tears he shed, he was also stunned, feeling that his brain became blank.


Is Rex really dead?

Is this fat man who loves beautiful women the most, loves money, is greedy for life and fears death, but is very righteous, really dead?

how can that be possible?

He cherished his life so much, how could he die so easily?

Algernon felt that the sky was falling, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

He gasped violently, his chest undulating.

The anger and grief in my heart seemed to burst.

At this moment, a trace of discomfort flashed across the face of Ares flying in the air, and said: "Purgatory Lord, if this fat black guy hadn't blocked this blow for you, I'm afraid, you would be the one who died now...

I have to say, your luck is really good...Oh, no, it should be said that your subordinates are really loyal, and they would rather die for you..."

Ares was chattering in the air, but Ye Fei did not respond. He just stood beside Rex in a daze, with his head slightly lowered, his soul seemed to be drawn away...

the other side.

Algernon also stared at Rex on the ground in a daze, his whole body also dull.

"Algernon, look at what you are now, is this what a killer should be?

Since you are the king of killers, you should be ruthless and not be disturbed by anyone or anything!

If you can't do it, then you don't deserve to be the king of killers at all! "

Thunder Dragon mocked and said: "You are a weak person now! A trash! Fortunately, I have been fighting with a trash for so long...

Nope, now I will take your life and send you to **** to see this fat man! "

With that said, Thunder Dragon raised the dagger in his hand and rushed directly towards Algernon.

However, at this moment, a voice that was so indifferent that there was no trace of emotion resounded.

"Thousand Shadows Instant Kill..."

The sound hasn't fallen.

Algernon's figure suddenly reached its extreme, because of Rex's death, he burst into strength that he had never had before!

His figure is like a swift lightning flashing continuously around Thunder Dragon's body!

Immediately afterwards, I only heard a burst of cracking sounds of "pupupupu"!

A few seconds later.

Algernon returned to his place and took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the blood-stained silver dagger in his hand.

The Thunder Dragon stopped three meters away from Algernon, holding a dagger in his hand, stiffened in place, and could no longer move forward.

Next second.


A loud noise!

Thunder Dragon fell straight to the ground.

Ares and Ronin turned their heads and looked around, and they saw that the Thunder Dragon on the ground was covered with cut blood mouths, and the whole person had become a blood man.

Moreover, what was even more frightening was that when Thunder Dragon fell to the ground, his arms, feet and head were directly separated from the body.

The eyes of Ares and Ronin were full of horror. Obviously, they didn't expect Thunder Dragon to die so tragically.


This is the real spike.

Ares's heart sank, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

He obviously didn't expect that because he killed Rex, he would hide all the demons in Algernon.

"Ronin, kill this guy!!"

Ares felt that Algernon was a threat, and immediately yelled from Ronin.

Ronin nodded, and when he was about to kill Algernon, Ye Fei slowly raised his head and looked at Ronin.

When touching Ye Fei's eyes, Ronin's body couldn't help but tremble, and every pore on his body felt fear.

What kind of eyes did he see?

Is this the look in human eyes?

At this time, Ye Fei's whole person's aura had changed, and his pupils were burning with golden flames, and they burned more and more vigorously, as if to burn everything in front of him.

Moreover, he even felt that it was not a person staring at him in front of him, but an ancient dragon from nine heavens.

Although this feeling is absurd, he has such a feeling.

At this moment, Ye Fei's body was full of lifeless killing intent.

Desolation, vicissitudes, violence, killing...

Moreover, what shocked Ronin was that the coercion and aura on Ye Fei's body seemed to have increased countless times!

how is this possible?

Could it be that... this guy's cultivation base has broken through again? !

Therefore, Ronin really guessed right.

In just a short minute, Ye Fei realized the parting of life and death, and felt the grief of the ups and downs.

What Ye Fei didn't expect was that this turned out to be an opportunity.

Therefore, he broke through, from returning to Yuan, stepping into the Vientiane Realm in one fell swoop.

However, Ye Fei did not have any surprises brought about by a breakthrough.

My brothers are all dead, what's the point of breaking through the cultivation base?

Is it possible that his brother will be able to survive if he breaks through?

Can't... Can't!

Ronin knew that Ye Fei was very dangerous now, and he couldn't wait any longer, he must be killed as soon as possible!

"God Slash!!!"

Ronin roared and gave up to kill Algernon, but raised the samurai sword in his hands with both hands, preparing to split at Ye Fei.

However, Ye Fei slowly raised his right hand and waved towards the Ronin.

"Go to the funeral for Rex..."

"Ancient swordsmanship..."

"Wan Jian is coming!!"

Accompanied by a loud roar.

A huge golden sword shadow slashed directly at the Ronin!

Huh! !

Moreover, at the moment when the giant sword struck past, dense golden sword shadows, like a tumbling flood, whizzed towards the Ronin!

Puff puff puff! !

Accompanied by a muffled sound, I saw that the ronin raised the samurai sword above his head before it fell, and his body had been beaten into a hornet's nest by countless golden sword shadows!

A series of blood blossoms shot out from his body, and blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth!

boom! !

The huge sword finally fell, like a mountain falling, causing a dull sound from the entire ground!

Ronin, with a look of despair on his face, his body was split in half, and he fell to both sides...

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