Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2062: , Fatty is dead?

After Alston and others had left, Ye Fei looked at the unconscious, scarred Elena on the sofa, with grief in his heart, like a knife cut, as if dripping blood.

In order to support herself and others, the woman forced herself to change form, from a kind angel to a murderous demon.

Women are kind-hearted and don't like killing or blood.

However, for the sake of the temple, for the lost island, she is willing to sacrifice herself to become a demon.

All this is caused by those who have committed the crime.

The hatred in Ye Fei's heart was not calmed by killing Ares and Hell Tyrant.

I will surely make the large and small organizations involved in this matter today pay the price of destruction.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, slowly picked up the unconscious Elena, and walked towards the upstairs of the old castle step by step.

Coming to a room on the third floor of the castle, the decoration inside reveals low-key luxury.

The overall decoration of the room is warmer, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Ye Fei gently put Elena on the bed, and then stretched out his hand to take off the long black dress that had been cut torn from the woman's body.

However, reaching halfway through his hand, Ye Fei stopped again.

Although Ye Fei has always known what Elena thinks of him.

However, Ye Fei always regarded Elena as his sister and family in his heart.

Ye Fei still feels a little weird now that she is going to take off Elena's clothes.

However, Ye Fei shook his head soon.

When is this, what are you thinking about, of course it is important to treat Elena.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei gave up all his cranky thoughts and gently took off the woman's black dress.

When the long skirt was taken off, the woman's perfect and graceful figure was immediately revealed, like a soft wave.

Her skin is like mutton jade, shining with a crystal clear soft light under the sunlight outside the window.

The woman's long amber hair spreads out naturally, whether it is the delicately crafted face or the glamorous and coquettish faintly revealed, it is enough to make any man indulge and fall.

Even with the oriental aesthetics, Elena's beauty is so impeccable.

There is no doubt that among his confidantes, Elena's face and body are enough to rank in the top three.

However, at this moment, there are many more wounds on the woman's body, which is shocking and destroys the overall beauty.

These **** beasts!

How could they put such a heavy hand on Elena? !

Ye Fei clenched his fist tightly, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, his breathing was heavy, and his heart was filled with endless anger.

If I knew it, I shouldn't have killed those guys so easily.

Instead, the beasts should be tortured to death.

Ye Fei suppressed the anger in his heart forcibly, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the woman's pulse.

A few minutes later.

Ye Fei released his hand, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Elena not only suffered a skin trauma, but also suffered a very serious internal injury.

Had it not been for the protection of Elena's physique and blood, I am afraid that Elena would have been killed by those beasts long ago.

However, Ye Fei has been very curious about Elena's physique and bloodline since a long time ago.

Ye Fei thought she was well-informed, but she didn't know what Elena was, what bloodline she was, and why she had two forms.

It is really strange that two completely different forms of angels and demons appear in one person.

Long ago, he asked Minova about Elena.

However, Minova only gave Ye Fei an ambiguous answer.

Minova said that Elena’s physique and bloodline are very special and are not owned by people in this world. She also said that Elena or Elena’s parents may come from other dimensions, other dimensions, or different. The world or something.

For what Minova said, Ye Fei completely regarded it as crazy.

However, now that I think about it, it is possible that what Minova said may be right.

Ye Fei pondered for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, so he didn't think much about it.

After that, Ye Fei took out the Bianstone Needle and looked at Elena's body, secretly luck, and transferred the strong Vientiane True Qi into the Bianstone Needle.

Now, his cultivation base has broken through to Vientiane, and his true energy is even more dense. It should be no problem to treat internal injuries.

Ye Fei shook his wrist when the true energy entered the Bianstone needle.

call out!

A dazzling black light flashed past and steadily pierced an acupuncture point on Elena's body.

But after the Bianstone needle began to hum and tremble, Ye Fei did not hesitate to continue applying the needle.

Shoo! !

One after another Bianstone needles fell and pierced the major acupuncture points on Elena's body!

More than twenty minutes passed.

After applying six needles in a row, Ye Fei stopped.

Since Elena's injury was too severe, Ye Fei expended a lot of qi.

As soon as the six needles fell, Ye Fei's forehead burst into beads of sweat.

Ye Fei exhaled, wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at Elena quietly.

Ten more minutes passed.

Until the six Bianstone needles stopped shaking, Ye Fei waved his hand and retracted the six Bianstone needles.

When the Bianstone needle retracted, I saw a strong qi flowing around every vein of Elena, seeming to be repairing the woman's body.

Moreover, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the **** wound on Elena's body was already shrinking, and the flesh and blood seemed to have been reborn, and she was alive again!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, after the cultivation base broke through to Vientiane, not only the strength was improved, but also the healing function was so strong.

Ye Fei was very happy.

No wonder people in the ancient martial arts world have been pursuing martial arts and practicing ancient martial arts all their lives.

It seems that the reason why everyone wants to pursue the ultimate in martial arts is not only to make themselves stronger, but also to get other benefits.

For example, the life expectancy increases, the appearance is not old or something.

Time passed slowly. After a while, I saw that the lighter wounds on Elena's body had been completely repaired. As for the wounds with larger wound areas, they were all scarred, and the woman's body was getting better.

Ye Fei quickly reached out and grabbed the woman's pulse and checked the woman's internal injuries.

After the inspection, Ye Fei was slightly relieved.

The woman's internal injuries are almost healed. Although she has not fully recovered, she should be able to heal as long as she recuperates for a period of time.

Ye Fei shook the woman's hand and watched Elena gradually regaining his **** beautiful face. His eyes were reddened, and he murmured, "Dear're okay... so good..."

Just sitting on the side of the bed quietly, accompanied Elena for half an hour, until the sun was about to set and the sky was dyed dazzling orange-red by the sunset, Ye Fei let go of Elena’s hand and got ready to get up. Leave.

He has more important things to do!

That is, revenge!

Ye Fei has never been the one who is willing to make himself and the people around him suffer.

Now, the enemy has come to the door and killed so many of his own brothers. If he doesn't take revenge, it would not be Ye Fei.

However, as soon as Ye Fei released her hand, Elena lying on the bed, her thick eyelashes trembled suddenly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

The moment the woman opened her eyes, Ye Fei felt everything recover, and her mood suddenly became brighter.

The setting sun shone in through the window and shone on the woman, seeming to be shining.

Elena turned her head to look at Ye Fei, and said softly: "Wang, you are back..."

"Yeah, I'm back..."

Ye Fei smiled softly and nodded.

"Wang, I'm sorry..."

Elena's blue eyes flushed, and two lines of tears shed, "I didn't protect everyone... Cameron is dead... Jonathan is dead... Kevin is dead... They are all dead. died……"

Ye Fei held Elena's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and said, "Elena, it's not your fault, you don't need to say have done a good job..."

Elena pressed her red lips tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Wang... are those guys... dead?"


Ye Fei nodded and said, "If you don't leave one, kill all."

"that's OK."

Elena nodded, her eyes flashed with cold light, "Those guys are all damned!"

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