Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2078: , A quick fight!

At this moment.

Ye Fei's whole body was bleeding, as if he was salvaged from a pool of blood, really like a devil crawling out of a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain!

Seeing that this failed to kill Ye Fei, Robert who was flying in the air was completely shocked!

He simply can't understand that a person can withstand such a devastating attack, but he is still alive? !

No, this is simply not something human can do!

This guy is not a human, a demon, a monster!

At this moment, at the moment when Robert was stunned, Ye Fei gritted his teeth and roared: "Break it for me!!"

boom! !

A loud noise! !

The last punch that Ye Fei waved finally hit the cracked glass on that side!

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest!

Just when Ye Fei hit the glass with his last punch, he only heard a "pop", and the glass broke directly!

Moreover, because of the horror of Ye Fei's fist power, Yi Ye Fei's feet are the center, and the cracks on the ground are like spider webs, spreading in all directions!

The cracks stretched out for more than ten meters before stopping.


Ye Fei let out a sigh of foul breath, walked out step by step, and then raised his eyes to look at Robert in the air.

Robert was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

He swallowed his throat and said, " are simply not human!"

After that, Robert didn't dare to stay here any longer, but quickly turned around, activated the powerful jet device, and prepared to escape!

In the face of such a demon, he had no intention of fighting at all!

However, at the moment Robert turned around, two groups of golden flames throbbed in Ye Fei's eyes!

A vigorous Vientiane True Qi was released from Ye Fei's body!

Wow! !

The air suddenly speeds up its flow, like a violent wind!

Then, Ye Fei quickly condensed Vientiane's true energy between his fingers, forming a golden giant sword!

"Ancient swordsmanship!!"

"Desolate Ancient Dragon!!!"

Ye Fei roared wildly, and then pointed this golden giant sword to the sky!

cough! !

A sword pierced out, the light soared, as if to tear the sky apart!


When Ye Fei's sword pierced out, only a sound of dragon chants resounded, as if it had come from ancient times!

Robert also felt the movement in the sky, but he didn't think much, but continued to flee towards the distance!

In his opinion, he has run so far, it is impossible for Ye Fei to kill himself!

However, the next second.

As soon as Robert looked up, he saw a scene of fear that he had never seen in his life!

I saw that a golden stegosaurus made up of dense golden sword shadows seemed to break through the clouds, soaring down from the sky, and rushing towards Robert below!

"Go away! Go away!!"

Robert raised his arms and kept firing high-temperature rays and electromagnetic cannons at the golden stegosaurus.

However, this level of attack hit the indestructible stegosaurus like a stone sinking into the sea, without any effect at all!

Facing this golden stegosaurus with a simple and vicissitudes of life, Robert suddenly felt that he was so humble and insignificant!

Just like a courtier facing the king, he can't think of any resistance!

"This...what the **** is this?!!!"

Robert screamed, shaking all over.

Seeing that the attack had no effect, he didn't dare to stay here anymore, he wanted to escape quickly!

However, it was too late to wait until he wanted to escape again!

"no no!!--"

Accompanied by a scream of horror to the extreme, this golden stegosaurus with its teeth and claws swooped down directly, and slammed into Robert fiercely!

Boom! !

A violent explosion sounded in the air, like a sky thunder descending from above the nine heavens!

The golden light spread everywhere, and an ancient and surging force rushed out in all directions, shocking the entire headquarters building, as if it caused a strong earthquake!


"Boss, here we come!!"

At this moment, Alston and Barr, who had eliminated the steel warriors, ran to the top of the building.

Therefore, they also witnessed this incredible scene with their own eyes.

"This...what the **** is this?!"

With a few more wounds on his body, Bai Fengtu wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked in surprise.

Allston, Barr, Arnold, Shi Junze and others also watched this scene suspiciously, and they couldn't understand it.

They felt a terrifying destructive power, and a coercion and breath that made people kneel and surrender.

Only Algernon was the only one who saw this scene and said in a daze: "Here... Here again... The king used this trick again..."

Because he clearly remembered that Ye Fei used this trick to kill Ares not long ago.

Therefore, he was very impressed.

It only took half a minute.

When the light in the air dissipated, the force rushing out violently in all directions also gradually dissipated.

Immediately, everyone saw some metal fragments scattered in the air, as well as some broken flesh and blood, falling towards the building.

Therefore, the move just now "the ancient sword dragon" directly destroyed Robert completely, even without a single body intact.

After killing Robert, Ye Fei didn't take another look, but turned and walked towards Auston and others.

"Boss, where's Robert? Could it be that he ran away?"

Barr asked suspiciously.

"Robert is dead... the pile of metal and flesh and blood fragments just now is Robert."

Ye Fei responded indifferently.

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Alston, Barr and others were immediately stunned!

What they never expected was that the fragments they saw just now were Robert!

They looked at Ye Fei in a daze, their eyes full of crazy worship!

How terrifying and destructive a person must be to destroy a person with no bones left? !

Bai Fengtu swallowed his throat and tremblingly said: "Fei...Brother Fei, you are so awesome...I will be your idol in this life...Oh, no, you are my idol..."

"Okay, look scared you, can't even speak clearly?"

Yan Zilong snapped at Bai Fengtu.

"Damn, is it normal for Lao Tzu to be afraid?"

Bai Fengtu cast a blank look at Yan Zilong, and said, "Don't you think Fei is so powerful?"


Yan Zilong nodded, he couldn't refute this at all.

"Boss, why do you have so many wounds on your body, how did you get them?"

Barr asked suspiciously.

Allston and others also looked at Ye Fei strangely.

"Just now I was accidentally trapped in a cage by that fellow Robert, and then he was successfully attacked by that fellow."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "It's just a little skin injury, it's nothing serious. Let's get out of here as soon as possible. Just now the fellow Robert has contacted the rescue.

If we don't leave now, it will be difficult to want to leave later. "

"it is good!!"

Everyone responded, and did not stay at the top of the building much, and followed Ye Fei hurriedly towards the downstairs.

In the process of going downstairs, Alston, Barr and Algernon also made contact with the fifty killers, mercenaries and pirates.

When Ye Fei and his party arrived downstairs, only two dozen killers, mercenaries and pirates gathered below.

Moreover, everyone is carrying a corpse.

A total of fifty people, nearly half of them died.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, then waved his big hand, "Everyone, get in the car with the sacrificed brother!"


These two dozen people rushed towards the direction of the car, carrying the sacrifices on their backs.

But at this moment, I saw a group of people rushing from the direction of three o'clock.

No, those guys are not humans at all, but a group of orc warriors with neither humans nor beasts.

"Boss, the rescue of the Delta Force is here!"

Baal stared at the orc warriors and said something.

"Hurry up and get in the car, I'll break it!!"

Ye Fei's face sank, and he hurriedly issued the order.

"Boss, let us stay too!"

Barr said loudly.

"Yes, let's go together!"

Allston also took the sentence.

"Did you not listen to Lao Tzu's orders? Get all Lao Tzu into the car!!"

Ye Fei yelled at Auston and the others.


Auston didn't dare to disobey the order, waved his big hand, and rushed towards the direction of the car with Barr and others.

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