Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2081: , No livelihood!

The waiting time is long.

Rex was a little boring and curious, so he smiled and asked: "Elena, tell me honestly, did the boss agree to you?"

"Promise what?"

Elena didn't react for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"What can you promise you?"

Rex rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I promised to be with you!"

Hearing Rex's words, Elena's rare pretty face blushed, her lips pursed lightly, and she had an indescribable attitude of a little woman.

Rex saw Elena's appearance, laughed loudly, and said: "Elena, I don't know if you don't tell me! You are finally able to see the moonlight, and finally you have a good relationship with the boss. !"

"Congratulations Miss Elena!"

"Haha, congratulations!"

"Miss Elena and the Purgatory King are just a match made in heaven. They are absolutely talented women!"

The residents of the island congratulated Elena one after another and cast friendly smiles.

Elena smiled embarrassingly, then turned her head and glared at Rex, and said: "Fatty, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"Haha, Elena, when you didn't expect you were also shy, it's really strange!"

Rex laughed loudly.

"I'm curious about your sister!"

Elena flushed, raised her leg and kicked Rex's **** a few times.

The residents and soldiers on the island burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

In the past few days, the temple has continued to report good news, which has also inspired everyone on the island, and everyone has gradually emerged from the shadows.

"Look! Wang and the others are back!!"

"It's really the King of Purgatory and Lord Alston who are back!"

"Back! Everyone is back safe and sound!"

At this moment, cheers rang out from the crowd.

Hearing cheers, Elena, Rex and others raised their eyes to the distant sea.

Sure enough, the silver-gray steel battleships with the banners of "Sea Demon", "Fallen Angel", and "Purgatory" drove majesticly toward the Lost Island from afar.

The deck of each battleship was full of people, and everyone was waving at everyone on the island.

And Elena, Rex, the warriors of the temple and the residents of the island were all excited and waved at the people on the battleship.

"Purgatory King!!"

I don't know who took the lead and shouted.

"The Sea King!"

"King of Killers!"

"King of mercenaries!"


For a moment, everyone was extremely excited and began to shout the code and titles of Ye Fei and his party.

The voice was loud and magnificent, and it reached the ears of Ye Fei and his party.

Ye Fei and his party on the battleship showed a smile on their faces.

This battle of revenge has finally come to an end, and everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts.

The temple once again proved its power to the world.

Moreover, after this great war, no one should dare to provoke the temple.

Twenty minutes passed.

Twenty steel battleships finally came over and docked on the coast.

Ye Fei, Auston, Barr, Algernon, Arnold, Shi Junze, and Bai Fengtu all smiled and led all the mercenaries, killers and pirates to jump off the deck.

Elena and Rex took everyone on the island and greeted them.


Elena wept with joy, and ran over and hugged Ye Fei tightly.

"Elena, you silly girl, why are you still crying, haven't we come back?"

Ye Fei smiled softly and touched Elena's head.

"Wang, you led the brothers to fight in the open sea. There has been no news for several days. I am really worried about you." Elena wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and whispered.

"It's okay, silly girl, we are all fine."

Ye Fei could also feel Elena's concern and worry, a warm current flowing in his heart, and patted the woman's back lightly.

However, when Elena's hand touched the scars on Ye Fei's back, she was shocked and said, "Wang, are you injured?!"

"Suffering a little skin trauma, nothing serious."

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head.

"Who hurt you?!"

Elena's face suddenly became cold.

"The man who wounded me was the commander-in-chief of the Delta Force, Robert."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and then said: "However, that guy has already been killed by me."

"Good kill!"

Elena bit her teeth and said: "This time the plan to encircle and suppress the temple was planned by that guy alone. It is not a pity for him to die!"

Ye Fei nodded and asked, "Elena, is your injury better?"

"It's getting better already." Elena replied with a smile.

"that's OK."

Ye Fei smiled, then looked at Rex, "Fatty, your injury should be almost healed, right?"

Rex chuckled and said, "Boss, I have a thick skin, this little injury is nothing to me at all!"

"Cut, if you don't wear five bullet-proof vests and a steel plate, see if you would say something like this."

Allston said abruptly.

Rex's face blushed, as if he had been stepped on his tail, and yelled: "Oh, hey, big monster, don't open the pot or mention the pot!

I did this entirely for personal safety, okay? If I really die, you still have to cry to death? "

"If you over, we will definitely set off firecrackers to celebrate that we are missing a fuel bottle!" Alston replied.

"Damn! Big monster, do you **** want to single out!"

As soon as Rex heard it, he rolled his sleeves and started to dry.

Seeing these two treasures, Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, and said: "Okay, stop arguing, we still have business to do!"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Rex and Alston immediately calmed down.

Later, Ye Fei looked at Elena and asked: "Elena, the brothers and sisters who sacrificed are all cremated, right?"

"Wang, according to your instructions, the funeral of the brothers and sisters has been dealt with."

Elena nodded.

"it is good."

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, "Today is the day we return in triumph. Our temple has also won this battle. It's also time for the brothers and sisters to enter the soil for peace."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, thinking of those brothers and sisters who died in battle, sadness appeared on the faces of everyone present.

After all, if it were not for those **** brothers and sisters, I am afraid that the entire lost island and temple would have been destroyed long ago.

Therefore, everyone present expressed deep respect for the brothers and sisters who sacrificed.

After that, Ye Fei led everyone away from the coast, half of them holding an ashes in their hands, and came to the temple cemetery built on the back mountain of the island.

The shrine cemetery covers a large area, surrounded by red and willows. Because people often come to sweep the tombs, the environment is also very good.

In the cemetery, there are stone tablets erected, and each stone tablet is engraved with inscriptions and a photo.

Each tombstone corresponds to a sacrificed temple warrior.

After arriving at the cemetery, everyone put the urns one by one into the new tombstone.

Ye Fei and his party stopped in front of the two tombstones at the front. The two photos on the tombstones were one of a handsome white man with a thin face and golden curly hair, and the other a rough man with a rough face and dark skin.

These two tombstones are exactly the two demon kings who died in the holy war, "Dark Duke" Terrence, and "Sin King" Nelson.

Maybe it was too long, and the photos of the two demon kings were slightly yellowed.

Everyone kept absolutely quiet, looking at these tombstones quietly, remembering and mourning all the sacrificed soldiers in their hearts.

Every soldier here deserves to be respected.

Because without them, there would be no temple today.

"Terrence, Nelson, my brother, long time no see, we are coming to visit you again...

When you left, the temple had just started... You went too early, it was too late to enjoy the glory that the temple brought to you...

Do you remember the vow we made? We swear that we must make the temple the largest organization in the world... Now, after the efforts of the brothers, the temple has finally become one of the top ten S-level organizations in the world... You should be very happy too, right? "

Ye Fei said softly, his face was full of pain...

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