Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2083: , Mourning the dead!


Bai Fengtu on the side couldn't help exclaiming, "More than 50 billion... or US dollars?!!!"

As for Yan Zilong and others, they were also completely frightened.

More than 50 billion U.S. dollars, converted into Chinese coins, that is hundreds of billions.

Oh dear, this is too scary!

If anyone has hundreds of billions, it will take a few lifetimes to spend nothing at all!

"How much is more than fifty billion dollars?"

Rex pouted his lips and asked.

"It's not so much, this is simply a huge amount!" Bai Fengtu said exaggeratedly.

"well enough."

Rex said disapprovingly: "In the past few years, the gifts and money that those guys have given to the boss are dozens of times more than the gifts this time..."


When Bai Fengtu and others heard it, they were completely speechless.

They originally thought that Rex was already rich, but now, when I look at it, Brother Fei is truly inhuman!

However, Ye Fei's face did not change at all when he heard this number, he was obviously accustomed to it.

"Wang, do you accept the gifts and money from these guys?" Elena asked.

"Accept all."

Ye Fei replied: "It just happens to be able to use this money to rebuild the lost island and subsidize all the brothers who died in this war. If there is any remaining, then let you take care of it."


Elena nodded.

"Well, if nothing happens, let's eat." Ye Fei waved his hand and said.

In the following time, Ye Fei and his party drank, ate, talked about the mountains, and enjoyed themselves well.

By the time the meal was over, it was already evening.

When Ye Fei and his party were chatting in the castle hall, a warrior from the temple hurried in from outside.

"King, report something!"

This temple warrior is respectful and authentic.

"What's up?"

Ye Fei looked at this temple warrior.

"Wang, the giant Mosuo said to see you!"

"Mosuo giant?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, "This pirate boss, why are you running here so late?"

Elena, Auston and others also looked confused, and did not understand the purpose of the Mosuo giant's coming this time.

"Finally, the Mosuo clan is also friends with us anyway. The Mosuo giant ran over all the way, and we should see each other too."

Ye Fei said lightly, and then said to the temple warrior: "Please come in!"


The temple warrior nodded, then turned and left the castle.

"Haha, Lord Purgatory, long time no see!"

After a while, a hearty voice came in from outside.

Klang Klang! ! ...

I saw that, tall, with a thick beard, and wearing a dark gray waistcoat, the aggressive giant Mosuo walked in from the outside.

"You guy, why haven't we seen it for a long time, haven't we just seen it not long ago?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Why, is it possible that you lost the last time and you were not convinced, and you still want to fight with me?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Elena, Alston and others were taken aback.

When did the king fight with the Mosuo giant, and the Mosuo giant still lost?

Why don't they know this?

"Purgatory King, this time I came to you, not to fight with you, but something important, to talk to you." The Mosuo giant replied with a smile.

"What's important?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Let's listen."

The Mosuo giant glanced at Elena and others present, and said with a smile: "Purgatory King, it is not very convenient here. How about we find a place to chat alone?"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, he naturally knew that if the pirate leader had nothing important, he would definitely not come all the way to find him.

So Ye Fei stood up and said, "Okay, I want to see if you, the pirate leader, have something important to talk to me."

With that, Ye Fei and Mosuo giant left the castle together.

When Ye Fei and the Mosuo giant left, Alston looked at Elena and asked: "Elena, you are the smartest among all of us. What do you think the Mosuo giant will talk to the boss?"

"The sudden visit of the Mosuo giant must have something important to talk to Wang. As for what it is, I don't know."

Elena shook her head.

At this moment, Elena's gaze suddenly turned to Shi Junze, who was silent and frowned, and said: "Jain, do you know what the Mosuo giant has to do with the king?"

Shi Junze's thoughts were pulled back, and he shook his head repeatedly, saying: "Elena, I don't know why the Mosuo giant is looking for the boss."

"You really don't know?"

Elena stared at Shi Junze closely, and asked again.

Shi Junze was startled, and said with a dry smile: "Elena, don't look at me like this, I really don't know."


Elena didn't ask any more, but said: "Everyone is tired these days, go to rest early."

After speaking, Elena went upstairs.

Allston and others stretched their waists and followed upstairs.

"Brothers, go and rest first, I'll go for a walk."

At this time, Shi Junze waved his hand with a smile, and then left the castle.

"What the **** is going on with Jayne? Why is something wrong with him after coming from the Mosuo giant?" Rex scratched his head.

"Hey, whatever you do, if there is anything, Wang will definitely tell us."

Barr waved his hand and went upstairs.

at this time.

Ye Fei and the giant Mosuo had already arrived outside the castle.

"Mosuo giant, how about we go to talk on that mountain?"

Ye Fei pointed to a mountain in the east, far away from the old castle.

"Yes, I have no objection."

The Mosuo giant nodded, and then said with a smile: "Purgatory King, I lost to you in the last fight, this time, or let's Bibi Speed, see who arrives at that mountain first?"

"Do you still want to lose once?" Ye Fei said with great interest.

"Haha, Lord Purgatory, if you compare speed and strength, I won't necessarily lose to you." The Mosuo giant said with a smile.


The corner of Ye Fei's mouth picked up, "Let's compare it and treat it as an after-dinner exercise."

After speaking, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and he rushed out in an instant, disappearing into the night.

"I'm going... is this kid still a human?"

The Mosuo giant was stunned, and then yelled: "Purgatory King, you kid is cheating!"

With that said, the Mosuo giant also rushed out and disappeared in front of the castle in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Fei galloped in front of him. As he ran, the power from his body was continuously transmitted to his legs, bursting out a terrifying explosive force.

His body rises high and falls, and every time he lands, he will stamp a deep footprint on the ground. As for the rocks on the ground, they are directly crushed by the stepping.

Ye Fei's body was like a ghost, crossing market towns, jungles, and rivers along the way. His speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't even catch it with the naked eye.

As for the giant Mosuo, he chased him all the way behind.

The speed of the Mosuo giant is also quite fast, and it is like a gust of wind blowing without passing through a place.

For a time, only two shadows can be seen flying and jumping between the mountains of the island, like a cheetah at night.

After only ten minutes, Ye Fei's figure appeared on the top of the mountain.

Flying along the way did not make Ye Fei's breathing disordered, his heartbeat was steady, and even his complexion was normal.


Ye Fei lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked up at the distant sky with stars and the blue sea.

After waiting for about half a minute, a violent wind hit, and the giant Mosuo appeared behind Ye Fei.

"You kid, how did you cultivate? It doesn't matter if you lose to a fight, but I didn't expect to lose to you in terms of speed..."

The Mosuo giant shook his head helplessly, walked over, stood side by side with Ye Fei, and looked at the sea.

"Are you coming?"

Ye Fei asked.

"This can be."

The Mosuo giant smiled, took a cigarette from Ye Fei's hand, and lit it.

The two of them stood quietly on this upper head, looking into the distance, smoking cigarettes bit by bit, and no one said a word.

Until the end of a cigarette, Ye Fei stepped on the cigarette butt, glanced at the giant Mosuo, and said: "Big squid, let's talk, you ran all the way to find me, what is the matter?"

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