Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2091: Letter from Laura!

The delicate and graceful neck line of the woman, the white skin like snow, the pale blue eyes and the "angel tears" complement each other, and they are truly as beautiful as an angel falling into the mortal world.

"Elena, you are so beautiful."

Ye Fei said sincerely.

He knew what the necklace Laura gave to Elena represented.

Because Elena has two forms: angel and devil, but in the eyes of Laura and everyone, Elena is an angel.

Allston and others also nodded again and again, and looked at Elena with an expression of appreciation.

Hearing Ye Fei's straightforward praise, Elena blushed, pursed her red lips, and whispered softly: "Thank you, Laura, I received your gift. My sister likes it very much..."

"Thank you, Laura, everyone has received your gift!"

"Laura, please come back and see everyone if you have time!"

"We miss you!"

Allston and others looked out of the castle and shouted a few times.

Although they also knew that Laura couldn't hear it, they hoped to pass this thought to Laura.

"By the way, boss, Laura likes you the most, what gift did the girl give you?" Rex turned his head to look at Ye Fei, and asked curiously.


Ye Fei gave a dry smile and said, "Don't read my gift, it's nothing pretty."

"Boss, don't be so stingy, show it to everyone."

"That's right, isn't that girl eccentric, the best gift to the boss, right?"

"It must be, it can't be wrong!"

Rex and others yelled.

Ye Fei shook his head dumbfoundedly, and handed the box in his hand to Elena.

Elena took the box and opened it, and Alston and others gathered around.

I saw that there was nothing in the box, so a white card was placed.


Elena took out the card, glanced at it, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Allston and others were taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the content on the card, each of them burst into laughter.

On the card is a very simple line of words: Dear Wang, you have everything anyway, I don’t know what to give you, so let’s give you one!

There is a red lip print on the back.

In fact, when Ye Fei saw this gift, he was also a little funny.

I have to say that this is indeed something that Laura can do.

This girl is weird and weird, and likes to make fun of people.

"Boss, Laura is really partial to you, why doesn't she send us a kiss!" Alston grinned.

"Boss, I'm thinking about it too, if I don't know what to give in the future, then I will give you one too, how about it?" Rex quipped.

"Well, this gift is very good, the boss should like it very much."

Barr also nodded solemnly.

Ye Fei curled his lips and rolled his eyes at these guys.

"By the way, boss, where did you say Laura got these priceless treasures?" Alston asked curiously.

"Actually, I am also very confused."

Ye Fei thought for a moment, and then said: "However, it is normal to think about it. After all, Laura used to like to run around the world, so it is not unusual for her to collect these things."

Aston and others thought about it, so, they didn't ask any more.

"Boss, where is that girl, why don't you even have time to come back to see us?" Barr asked.

"I don't know this either."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "However, Laura must have her own business, so there is no way to come back.

Since she can get in touch with us again, it means that Laura has never forgotten us, nor has she forgotten that she was a member of the temple. "

"I thought this girl had no conscience before and had forgotten us. But now, I misunderstood her. See you next time, I should apologize to her." Alston said.

"Okay, it's too early, let's go to dinner. After dinner, I will also leave to find Minova.

If you want to rest on the island for a few days, then rest for a few days. If you are in a hurry, you can also go to your own business. "Ye Fei put away the card and said.

"Forget it, it's okay now anyway, I'll just relax on the island, and when the boss comes back, I will leave." Auston said.

"Well, I think so too, everyone finally got together and can stay a few more days."

Barr also took the sentence.

Rex, Algernon and others nodded, they were willing to stay for a few more days.

"Okay, now is the time for the island to be rebuilt. You are here, and you can also help."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Let's go, eat."

With that, Ye Fei and his party left the hall and came to the restaurant.

After the meal, Ye Fei asked someone to arrange a transport helicopter and prepared enough fuel to facilitate a round trip.

After the people in the temple arranged, Ye Fei and his team came to a huge airport built on the island.

"Boss, are you sure you want to go alone? Or should I arrange for someone else to go with you?" Alston said.

"Yeah, boss, should you arrange two drivers for you?" Rex suggested.

"No need, I can go alone."

Ye Fei smiled and rejected everyone's kindness.

"Wang... be careful all the way, I'll wait for you to come back."

Elena looked at Ye Fei affectionately.

Allston and others turned their heads to look elsewhere, pretending to see nothing.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and gently stroked Elena's cheek, and said faintly: "Silly girl, haven't you told you about it, don't call me king again, just call me Ye Fei."


Elena smiled softly and nodded.

Ye Fei hugged Elena, then let go of his hand, and said, "Okay, brothers, then I will leave first and wait for me to come back!"

"Boss, take care all the way!!"

"it is good!"

Ye Fei smiled, then turned and got on the transport helicopter.

After a while, the transport helicopter flew slowly into the sky.

Ye Fei rushed to the bottom of Alston and the others waved their hands, then drove the transport helicopter and left the Lost Island.

After watching Ye Fei leave, Alston looked at Elena and asked: "Elena, does the boss really know where Minova is?"

"It should be known."

Elena nodded and said, "Before leaving, the teacher told the king where she was going."

"Could it be that the location of'void' is where Minova is?" Barr asked.


Elena responded, and then said: "So, everyone should not disclose the whereabouts of the king to anyone else. If you let others know the location of'void', it may cause turmoil and unrest in the world, understand. ?"


Allston and others nodded.

Afterwards, Elena, Alston and others left the airport...


At this time, Ye Fei was driving a transport helicopter, flying all the way to the south.

A few years ago, when Minova left, she told Ye Fei that she was going to the Antarctic continent. There was an independent space under the Antarctic continent, and all her inventions were placed in it.

And the name of this space, called "void", is also a place that many organizations and forces in the world are looking for.

Minova also gave Ye Fei a super radar. As long as she had this radar, she could lead to that space.

Ye Fei glanced at the palm-sized super radar on the passenger seat, smiled softly, and said softly: "Minova, I hope I can see you this time..."

Time passed slowly, and day turned into night.

Ye Fei departed from the center of the Pacific Ocean at about 12 noon until it reached the sky over the Antarctic continent. It was already around 2 o'clock in the morning the next day.

Antarctica is the last continent that mankind arrived at, also known as the "seventh continent".

The total area is about 14 million square kilometers, accounting for about 9.4% of the world's total land area, and it is the fifth largest in the area of ​​the seven continents.

The Antarctic continent is also one of the most mysterious places in the eyes of countless explorers and scientific researchers, and has never stopped exploring and researching.

Ye Fei drove the transport helicopter and hovered over the Antarctic continent for a while, then found a flat place to land...

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