Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2100: , Space jump!

"The base self-destructing device has been activated... the base will automatically be destroyed in ten minutes..."

Hearing this icy voice, the faces of the Dark King, the Holy Dragon Knight and others suddenly changed.

"What do you mean? What self-destruct device has been activated?"

The holy dragon knight was shocked, a little unresponsive.

Others also looked confused and did not react.


The Dark Lord suddenly thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

The Holy Dragon Knight asked in surprise.

"Run! Run quickly!"

The Dark Lord waved his hand and said: "Our whereabouts have been discovered by that woman! That crazy woman actually activated the self-destructing device! She wants to destroy all here!!

Everyone, stop searching, leave here quickly! Hurry up! ! "

After finishing speaking, the Dark Lord turned around and ran away in the same direction as he was going.

The sacred dragon knight saw the terrified look on the dark king's face, and realized that something was wrong, so he quickly turned around and rushed towards the outside.

As for the twenty or so subordinates they brought, they were also taken aback, stopped searching and ran for their lives frantically.

The Dark King and the Sacred Dragon Knight are also the top ten kings at any rate. They are very powerful. They escaped very fast, and in just a few seconds, they ran a kilometer away.

However, this space is too big, no matter how fast they run, they can't get to the exit right away.

As for the two dozen subordinates behind him, they have also been thrown far away.

Time passed slowly, ten minutes was short and fleeting.

"The self-destruct device is activated... countdown..."





When the electronic tone sounded again in the base, the faces of the Dark Lord and the Holy Dragon Knight turned pale.

"Quick! Keep on speeding up!!"

Shouted the Dark Lord.

The holy dragon knight kept his face calm and didn't speak much, just rushed toward the outside desperately.


"The self-destructing device...started up!!"

When the electronic sound fell.

boom! !

Boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

The entire base began to explode crazy!

Fire and smoke are raging everywhere in the entire base!

The entire base began to vibrate, as if it caused a strong earthquake!

Because the self-destructing device exploded from the very end, the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight were not immediately affected.

However, the explosion and destructive force spread very fast, and in just a few seconds, almost half of the base was destroyed!

The Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight, who had run far away, ran wildly while looking towards the rear.

When they saw the thick flames behind and the instruments that had been blown to pieces, their faces turned pale.

This destructive power is really terrifying!

They clearly understand that no matter how strong their strength and defense are, they can't compete with this degree of explosion!


After a while, screams screamed.

I saw that those guys who were slower and running behind had been completely swallowed by the fire, their bodies were broken and there was no bones left.

"Damn! The destructive power of this self-destructing device is too terrifying, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we have to confess here!" The Dark King shouted.


The holy dragon knight also nodded, and then continued to follow the Dark Lord and rushed for his life.

However, when the two of them ran up the steps, the explosion was already close, and they were only a hundred meters away.

"FUCK!!! Run! Run quickly!!!"

The Dark Lord roared and used all his best to rush towards the top of the stairs.

The Sacred Dragon Knight also exploded with the strongest power, and almost rushed to the top of the steps at the same time as the Dark King, and rushed into the cave where he came.

Rumble! !

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the entire ladder collapsed!

When the dark king and the holy dragon knight rushed out of the cave, the entire snow-capped mountain shook!

Wow! !

The snow fell, the rocks rolled down, as if the end had arrived!

The Dark Lord and the Holy Dragon Knight did not stop after rushing out of the cave, but continued to rush towards the distance!

boom! !

In just a few seconds, the small snow mountain with a height of several tens of meters collapsed!

Taking the place where the snow mountain collapsed as the center point, cracks spread in all directions, and even the ground collapsed!

The Dark Lord and the Holy Dragon Knight just kept running forward, running for thousands of meters before stopping!

When they stopped and panted and looked back, the two stood dumbfounded, completely shocked by the scene in front of them!

They turned pale, and their bodies trembled slightly!

I saw a huge oval-shaped sinkhole with a radius of several hundred meters appeared in front of them ten meters away!

The raging fire is burning, the smoke is filled, the rocks are flying, just like the special effects in the disaster movie!

But they know that this is not a movie special effect, all of this is real!

Gudong Gudong!

The Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight swallowed their throats, walked slowly to the sinkhole, and looked down.

The whole tiankeng was so dark that you couldn't see to the bottom at a glance.

The rocks rolled down and there was no sound at all.

There is no doubt that under this level of destruction, nothing can survive.

"Mad, that woman is just a crazy..."

The Dark Lord muttered to himself, his eyes full of fear.

With so many inventions and collections, the woman was ruined when she said it was ruined. Doesn't she feel distressed?

"It's terrifying. If we take a half step slower, I'm afraid we will have to say goodbye to this world." The Holy Dragon Knight said with lingering fear.

"It's a pity..."

The King of Darkness looked at this huge sky hole that couldn't be seen at a glance, and said: "I thought I had completed the task assigned by the King of Gods, but he didn't expect that this place would be destroyed in an instant..."

"Darkness, this is beyond our control. Who would have thought that this woman would directly destroy this place..."

The sacred dragon knight said something, and then said: "Let's go, we just need to tell the king of the gods truthfully what happened here, and the king of gods will definitely forgive us..."

"we can only do this."

The Dark Lord glanced at the sinkhole for the last time, and then said: "Let's go, go back to life."


The holy dragon knight nodded, then turned and left with the Dark King...


The central waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The lost island.

The sun is shining, there are no clouds, and the sky is blue.

Seagulls soared over the sea, and the water splashed against the beach.

There are more than a dozen deck chairs on a beautiful seaside.

Elena, Alston, Rex, Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze, Arnold, and Bai Fengtu are each wearing a pair of sunglasses and enjoying the sun.

"Elena, why are you still working? Can you relax? It would be really boring if there is only work in life."

Wearing a pair of panties, Rex, who was fat, took a sip of juice and looked at Elena, who was busy holding a tablet computer.

Elena turned her head and glared at Rex, and said: "You fat man really doesn't have a backache when standing up and talking. The temple has just finished a battle and there are so many follow-up tasks. If I don't deal with it, you can help me deal with it. NS?"


Rex laughed dryly and said: "It's better to leave the work of the temple to you. I don't know anything about this. If it is handed over to me and I mess up, the boss must kill me..."

"Since you know, just shut up!"

Elena snorted, ignored the fat man, and continued to get busy.

"Barr, did you say that the boss saw the crazy woman Minova?"

Seeing that Elena ignored him, Rex turned to look at Barr who was aside.

"There has been no news from the boss in the past two days. How do I know if the boss has seen Professor Minova." Barr pouted.

At this moment, Rex suddenly thought of something, he hehe smiled: "Brothers, do you think that if the mad woman Minova sees the boss, will he directly kill the boss?"


Barr nodded.

"What is it possible? One hundred percent of the old meeting was thrown down by that crazy woman! Don't you know, the way Minova looked at the boss in the past is like a wolf seeing a sheep..."

Allston yelled and took the sentence.

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