Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2102: , A giant sinkhole!

"Teacher, void is your life's painstaking effort. If you destroy all void, don't you feel distressed?" Elena asked puzzledly.

Allston, Rex and others also looked at Minova speechlessly.

The "void" that countless people in the underground world were looking for was ruined by this woman.

If this is to let the guys who are looking for "void" know, will they be heartbroken to death?

I have to say that this woman is really a lunatic.

Hearing Elena's words, Minova just smiled and said calmly: "If you ruin it, it will be ruined. Anyway, those things were invented when I was bored, so there is nothing to distress.

Moreover, the inventions in ‘void’ are far beyond this world. To make the world stable, those inventions and technologies must be destroyed..."

"Well, teacher, maybe your approach is right, I think it's too simple."

Elena thought for a while, and she could understand what Minova did.

After all, as a mad scientist beyond this era, Minova really cannot spread some of her inventions and technologies.

"Okay, it's big noon now, everyone, let's have a meal first, after the meal, we have to help Elena solve the problem in her body."

Ye Fei said, he looked at Minova and said with a smile: "Minova, will you help?"

Minova spread her hands and said, "You have brought me to the temple, can I not help?"

"Teacher, can my body really return to normal and can freely use the power in my body?" Elena hurriedly asked.


Minova nodded and said, "It's just that it will take a while."

"It doesn't matter how long it takes!" Elena said excitedly.

Ye Fei just smiled and said, "Okay, let's go and eat!"

With that, Ye Fei and his party came to the restaurant of the old castle and had lunch together.

During the meal, everyone chatted together, laughter from time to time, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

After eating, Minova took Ye Fei and her group to the back mountain of the castle.

There is an open space with a large area. The ground is covered with thick special stone slabs and surrounded by a metal net made of special metal.

This place is a training ground specially created by Ye Fei to ask Minova to help. The soldiers of the temple are usually fine. They can come here to train and compete with fighting skills.

Because these days, the soldiers of the temple are dealing with the aftermath of the war, so there is no one on the training ground.

"Minova, why are you taking us to the training ground?" Ye Fei asked strangely.

Allston and others also looked at Minova, not understanding what a woman meant.

"Ye Fei, didn't you say that you want Elena to return to normal and to be able to use her body's strength normally?"

Minova asked rhetorically.

"Yes, but does this have anything to do with coming to the training ground?"

Ye Fei still didn't understand.

Minova squinted her eyes and said, "Because Elena's bloodline is special, so if you want Elena to return to normal, you can't suppress her bloodline, nor can you suppress her fighting form.

In other words, she must adapt herself to the fighting form and the strength in her body.

As long as she can adapt, she can have her own sanity even in the fighting form. "

"Then how can I make Elena adapt to her fighting form?" Ye Fei asked.

"That's not simple. Of course, it is necessary for her to continuously change the fighting form until she can freely change the form, freely use the power in the body, and can also have reason, then it will succeed." Minova said.


When Ye Fei heard this, he was speechless, "Minova, you also know that once Elena changes her fighting form, she will become different from usual. She will become irrational and her parents will not recognize her!"

Alston, Rex and others couldn't help trembling all over.

They all know that once Elena changes combat form, it is quite terrifying.

It's not just that the six relatives don't recognize it, it's just a bloodthirsty demon, can you kill it when you see it?

If you can't control it by then, it will be over, okay?

Minova smiled, looked at Ye Fei, and said, "So, you need to help Elena! Later we will exit the training ground and leave you two inside.

You find a way to make Elena angry, and make her change the fighting form, and then fight with her until her power is exhausted. In the next few days, it will continue to be repeated until Elena can adapt.

Don't worry, during the treatment, I will block all the training grounds and I will not let Elena run out. As for you, then ask for more blessings..."


Ye Fei was speechless when he heard it.

Yes, the original method of treatment is to turn yourself into Elena's human sandbags?

After all, when fighting, Ye Fei couldn't really put a heavy hand on Elena, so he could only choose defense.

"Minova, did you come up with this method to deliberately cheat me?"

Ye Fei looked at Minova, always feeling that this woman was deliberately digging a hole for herself.


Minova smiled and said: "Ye Fei, if you don't believe it, then count it. Anyway, I think Elena is also good now, at best, she can't change her fighting form."

"No! I must adapt to my other form, adapt to my own strength!"

Elena stood up, looked at Ye Fei, and said softly: "Wang... Ye Fei, help me, okay?"

Seeing Elena's pleading eyes, Ye Fei couldn't refuse, so he nodded and said: "Okay, I'll help you!"


Elena blinked her beautiful eyes and showed a bright smile.

"Elena, go, let's enter the training ground!"

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and walked into the training ground strode as if he was willing to go.

He was also mentally prepared, the big deal was being beaten by Elena, anyway, it was okay to be beaten by himself.

Elena followed closely, and followed Ye Fei to the center of the training ground.

"Well, if you are ready, then I will close the door."

Minova shouted.


Ye Fei made a gesture to Minova.

Afterwards, Minova pressed several times on an electronic instrument next to the door.

I saw that the doors of the entire training ground were completely closed, and the iron nets around were strengthened again.

"My god, the boss can't fight back. Guess, the old meeting will not be beaten to death by Elena?" Rex pouted and said.

"Uh...probably not, the boss's body is so strong, it should be quite heavy." Alston replied.

"Woo... the boss sacrificed too much to help Elena, it's really touching..." Rex rubbed his eyes, pretending to be sad.

"Hey, fat man, don't be pretentious, you haven't shed tears, okay?"

Barr blanked Rex.

"Hey, I just feel sorry for the boss."

Rex smiled, without any sad expression on his face.

At this time, the center of the training ground.

Ye Fei looked at Elena and said solemnly: "Elena, make yourself angry. Only with anger can you transform into a fighting form!"


Elena nodded vigorously, and then began to think about things that made her angry.

However, after ten minutes, there was no effect at all, and Elena did not change at all.

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Elena, your level of anger is not enough, you must make yourself even more angry!"

"Okay, I will try again!"

Elena nodded and continued to try to make herself angry.

After a few more minutes, Elena remained unchanged.

Ye Fei also knew that this would definitely not work.

If you want to make Elena angry, you can only stimulate her.

So Ye Fei took a deep breath, his face sank, and said loudly: "Elena, think about Terrence and Nelson who died in the previous wars!

Think of the brothers and sisters who died in the jihad before! Think about the brothers and sisters who sacrificed to guard the temple not long ago!

Why would they die? Because you are too weak, they can't help you with anything. They all died in battle in order to protect you! "

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