Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2104: ,You are too weak!

Feeling the constant strengthening of Elena's attack, Ye Fei did not blindly defend, but launched a counterattack.

The two of you come and go, like two electric currents, running rampant on the ground, colliding back and forth!

Moreover, in the confrontation with Elena, Ye Fei made the offensive and defensive transition while calling Elena's name, trying to awaken Elena's sanity.

"Elena, do you still know me?!"

After Ye Fei blocked Elena's attack, he asked again.


However, Elena ignored Ye Fei at all, spit out a word, and launched a crazy attack towards Ye Fei.

"Damn it!"

Ye Fei frowned. After blocking Elena's attacks again, he asked again: "Elena, do you know who you are? Do you still know them?"

However, the response to Ye Fei was still an endless attack!


Boom! !

The sound of intensive explosions resounded through the sky, shook the entire back mountain, and spread to a radius of one thousand meters away!

In just a few minutes, there have been many more pits on the stone slab of the entire training ground!

The two of you come and go, the trajectory of the attack, the moves and the movements are completely invisible to the people of Auston and others!

Because Ye Fei hadn't exerted his full strength and had kept his hands all the time, he was still hit by Elena many times in the frenzied battle.

There were many blood stains on Ye Fei's body, and the skin was broken in some places, leaving blood.

But these injuries were nothing to Ye Fei, so Ye Fei continued to fight with Elena.

Ye Fei and Elena lasted from noon to evening until the sun set, and the battle was still not over.

Alston and others standing outside the training ground can no longer describe this battle in words.

A few hours of fighting had exhausted Elena.

Elena stood in the center of the training ground, looked at Ye Fei on the opposite side, and panted.

Not only Elena, but also Ye Fei's forehead was sweating.

Ye Fei had never experienced such a battle.

Because the opponent is Elena, he can't let go of his hands and feet to fight, and he has to constantly wake Elena during the battle.

This kind of battle is a test for Ye Fei's physical stamina and psychology.

However, although the battle was very hard, as long as I thought that Elena would return to normal soon, Ye Fei suddenly felt that all the hard work was worthwhile.


After stopping for a few minutes, Elena lifted up the last energy, and then rushed towards Ye Fei.

Huh! !

All the black energies are condensed together, with Elena as the eye of the wind, like a black tornado!

Wherever he went, the boulders flew up and the dust surged!

Moreover, where Elena passed, a gully appeared on the stone slab, as if pushed by a bulldozer!

Seeing Elena attacked and killed herself again, Ye Fei did not counterattack again this time, but gathered the strength of true energy to defend.

Because, at this moment, Elena is about to lose her strength, if she attacks again, it is very likely to hurt the woman.

Therefore, when Elena's attack came this time, only a "bang" was heard, and the two energies rushed out in all directions like blades, and the iron nets in all directions were clearly visible!

Ding Ding Ding! !

Under the impact of this terrifying force, Ye Fei was directly shaken out!

And Elena was blown away by this infuriating explosion.

Elena's body flew into the air, and without any strength to stabilize her body, she was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Fei's body flashed and rushed directly, and when Elena fell, he hugged her.

When Ye Fei hugged Elena, Elena still wanted to raise her hand to fight back, but because it was really out of strength, she loosened her hand, lifted her eyelids slightly, and fell asleep.

After falling asleep, Elena's hair and face also returned to their previous appearance.


Ye Fei sighed softly, glanced at the messy training ground, secretly frightened.

The broken stone slab, the traces of being beaten out, and even the curved iron net... are all Elena's masterpieces.

One can imagine how terrifying Elena's destructive power is.

If it weren't for the end of Elena's physical strength, Ye Fei really didn't know when this battle was going to be fought.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, holding Elena and walked towards the door of the training ground.

Minova pressed the button on the door, and the iron door of the training ground opened automatically.

"Ye Fei, how is Elena?" Minova asked quickly.

Alston and others also came over.

"Elena is okay, it's just a physical exhaustion, and she passed out. As long as she rests for a night, she can recover." Ye Fei said.

When everyone heard it, they let go of their hearts.

"Boss, did Elena regain her sanity during the battle?" Alston asked.


Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It seems that it will take a while to wake up Elena's sanity in the battle. Just today is not enough."

Minova saw the tattered clothes and scars on Ye Fei's body, and couldn't bear to say: "Ye Fei, or forget it, you don't know how long to play with Elena.

If you continue to fight, what if you get injured? "

"Yes, boss, forget it." Alston also persuaded.

Others also persuaded Ye Fei.

After all, in the battle just now, they all saw that Ye Fei had been defending and being beaten.

Such a scene really makes it difficult for them to accept.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Since I chose to help Elena for treatment, of course I can't give up halfway. Moreover, my body is very strong. Elena wants to hurt me, but it's not that easy."

Seeing Ye Fei's words, Allston and others knew that they couldn't persuade them, so they sighed and had to remain silent.

"Forget it, just continue if you want, I can't control it!"

Minova waved her hand unhappily.

"Huh? Minova, how do I feel that you care about the boss?"

Rex smiled and said: "Could it be that you have a situation with the boss?"

"There is a situation, what's the matter?"

Minova said very generously: "Now Ye Fei is my man. I can't bear to watch him get hurt. Is it wrong?"


Rex gave a dry laugh and said, "Yes, that's right..."

"Well, Minova, I'm fine, so don't worry about it."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I'm almost starving to death after fighting all afternoon, so I'll go for a walk and eat!"

Later, Ye Fei and his party returned to the castle.

After Ye Fei sent Elena to the room to sleep, he took another shower, changed her clothes, and ate a meal with Minova and the others.

After eating, Ye Fei greeted everyone, and then left the castle and came to the back mountain.

Ye Fei lay on a large stone slab in the back mountain, looking at the sky, frowning slightly.

Ye Fei felt uneasy and heartache when thinking of the appearance that Elena's six relatives did not recognize and lost her senses today.

So, no matter what, I have to heal Elena.

Leaning on the stone slab, Ye Fei thought of the women in China, so he called one by one and told the women that they would return to Ninghai in a few days.

It took more than an hour for the phone call to end.

Ye Fei put away the phone, and was about to squint for a while, when suddenly he heard a faint sound of footsteps coming.

"who is it?"

Ye Fei straightened up, turned his head and looked around, and saw Elena walking by in a light blue dress.

Under the shining of the moonlight, the woman seemed to be coated with a layer of light, and the beauty was suffocating.

"Elena, why are you here?"

Ye Fei smiled softly and asked curiously.

"I asked everyone, and they said you came to Houshan, so I came to have a look."

Elena said something, and then sat beside Ye Fei.

"Elena, you are tired today, you should take a good rest, and you won't be able to continue treatment until tomorrow." Ye Fei said.

"Ye Fei, don't forget it, I don't want to treat it anymore..."

Elena's mood was a little low, and she said lightly.

"never mind?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, "Why?"

"I heard everyone say that after I changed into a combat form today, I have been attacking you like crazy...

Sorry, dear... that was not my intention... I really don't want to be like this... I really don't want to hurt you..."

Elena lowered her head slightly, her eyes were red, and her voice was a little choked.

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