Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2111: , Gathering and parting!

Seeing that Ye Fei didn't speak, the dragon master continued to sigh, "So, this is also the reason why the ancient martial world is weak now.

It is precisely because of this that even though some schools in the ancient martial arts have done some bad deeds over the years, we will not care too much...After all, they did give a lot..."

Ye Fei finally understood what the Dragon Lord said.

No wonder that I could easily defeat those martial arts at the beginning. It turned out that the real masters of those martial arts had already been killed in the war that year.

If the top masters of those sects are still there, today, maybe the strength is the same as those old monsters, right?

If this is the case, it would be hard to say whether he challenged the various martial arts by himself before.

Ye Fei pondered for a while, and said: "But, Dragon Lord, even if many masters died in that battle, more than two hundred years have passed.

Logically speaking, there should be new masters who will grow up after more than two hundred years of hard work?

But why is there still so few masters in the ancient martial arts world? And is getting weaker and weaker?

If the people of the Alliance of Gods are really as strong as you said, then if the Alliance of Gods makes a comeback in the future, will the Ancient Alliance really have the strength to contend? "

The dragon lord sighed heavily, hated iron and put the tea cup on the table, and said: "Ye Fei, this is also the reason why No.1 and I are heartbroken and anxious!

Since that battle, the Ancient Alliance has also collapsed, completely becoming a mess...Those sects don't have to train masters well.

The key is that these schools are still fighting openly and intriguely, and for some petty gains, they always beat their own people and kill each other.

For these matters, our country does not know how many times it has come forward to mediate... Tell me, in such an environment, can the ancient martial world not decline? "

Before, Ye Fei felt that some of the sects in the ancient martial arts were very hypocritical, but now that he saw it, he was right.

It's really the style of those guys to beat their own people and kill each other.

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Dragon Lord, what's the use of you being in a hurry here? Those guys don't work **** their own, and no one can save them.

In my opinion, the Alliance of the Gods is planning to make a comeback this time, and it must be fully prepared.

With the current situation in the ancient martial world, it is impossible to defeat the Alliance of the Gods again..."

"Even if we can't beat it, we must fight it!"

The dragon lord stood up from the table and shook his voice: "Are you going to let me watch the people of the Alliance of Gods invade us and kill our people?

Ye Fei, you are also a Chinese. Your mother and your relatives are both from the ancient martial arts world. Can you just watch your relatives die in the hands of the Alliance of Gods? ! "

Ye Fei clenched the teacup in his hand, frowning, did not respond to the Dragon Lord's words, but remained silent.

Therefore, just as the dragon master said, if the war really started, he really couldn't stand idly by.

However, Ye Fei felt very upset when he asked himself to help those hypocritical guys.

"Ye Fei, I know you can't understand the faces of those people in the ancient martial arts world, and I also know that you and many of them have had conflicts and festivals.

However, when faced with the intrusion of outsiders, we should let go of some festivals and contradictions, and we should work together to externalize each other, right? "The Dragon Lord said bitterly.

Seeing that Ye Fei didn't speak, the dragon master just stood up, walked to the bed, looked out the window with his hands on his back, and said nothing more.

Ye Fei turned his head to look at the dragon master, and he sighed slightly in his heart when he looked at the thin body covered with silver threads on his head and not very tall.

In the final analysis, what Dragon Lord did was not for himself, but for the ancient Chinese martial arts world, for the stability of the entire Chinese nation and the nation.

I have to say that this old man is indeed great.

But he hesitated, but he seemed a little bit petty.

Time passed by every minute.

The whole office has been quiet for ten minutes.


Ye Fei finished his last sip of tea, put the teacup on the table, and then said indifferently: "Lord Dragon, I know what your purpose is for telling me so much today.

Don't worry, Dragon Lord, if the Alliance of Gods really goes to war against the Ancient Alliance, I will stand on the side of the Ancient Alliance and contribute my own strength..."


When the dragon master heard this, he immediately turned around, with an expression of excitement on his face.

He quite recognized Ye Fei's strength.

If Ye Fei can help, perhaps it can play a vital role.

Ye Fei stretched out his hands helplessly and said, "Old man, you have said so, can I not agree?

However, let me state in advance that the reason why I chose to stand on the side of the Ancient Alliance is not to help those hypocritical guys, but to protect my relatives and friends! "

"Well, I can fully understand."

The dragon lord nodded and thought, no matter who this kid is for, as long as he promises to help, that is a good thing. For other things, he dare not ask too much.

"Well, if it's okay, then I'll leave first."

Ye Fei said something, then stood up and walked towards the door.

However, when he walked to the door, Ye Fei suddenly thought of something, "Dragon Lord, I have a question for you."

"If you have anything, just ask." Long Master said.

"Mosuo Giant, Dark King, Holy Dragon Knight, and Dark Adjudicator, among the gods of the Alliance of All Gods, what rank do they rank in strength?" Ye Fei asked.

"There are twenty **** disciples, the king of darkness ranks fourteenth, the holy dragon knight ranks fifteenth, the Mosuo giant ranks sixteenth, and the dark adjudicator ranks seventeenth..." the dragon lord said slowly.

"What?! So far behind?!"

Ye Fei lifted his spirits and turned his head and said: "In addition to the 20 gods in the Alliance of Gods, there are also twelve major gods. Then their overall rankings are not 26, 27, 28 and Twenty-nine?!"


The dragon master nodded.


Ye Fei took a deep breath, and the storm surged in his heart.

He didn't expect that the Mosuo giants, who are also kings with him, would rank so low in the League of Gods.

This is really incredible.

Thinking about it this way, how strong should the twelve major gods be? !

It is simply unimaginable.

Ye Fei thought that his strength was already strong enough, but now it seemed that he was not enough!

Even if he can defeat the Mosuo giant four now, can he beat other gods?

Okay, even if you can beat other **** disciples, can the twelve major gods be able to beat them again?

Can't beat it at all.

Although Ye Fei was arrogant, he was not so arrogant yet.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly at the Dragon Lord, and said: "Dragon Lord, you dragged me into this battle because you want me to die in vain!"

The Dragon Lord stared at Ye Fei closely, and said: "Boy, when we first met, didn't you tell me something like'My life is up to me'?

Could it be that you are afraid of facing the alliance of the gods? "

Ye Fei wanted to say "I'm afraid", but he didn't want to be laughed at by this old guy, so he dismissed it and said, "I'm afraid of wool, there is no such word in Ye Fei's dictionary yet!"

"Well, have the backbone!"

The dragon lord nodded, admiringly said: "I believe you, kid, you are different by nature, and you will definitely become stronger and stronger!"

"Let you auspicious words."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, then turned and left the office.

Until Ye Fei left, the dragon master turned his head and looked out the window again.

His face was full of sadness, and he whispered softly: "I hope this battle can be won..."

At this time, after Ye Fei left the office, he came to the outside of the Dragon Soul base.

Ye Fei was holding a cigarette, his face was full of helplessness.

Why did he agree to this old man?

The Alliance of the Gods is so strong, how do you fight?

Pit, huge pit!

Ye Fei shook his head and thought to himself, there is no way, since they have agreed, then they have to fight if they don't fight.

Big deal, I won't be able to fight when the time comes, so I can take a family and leave Huaxia.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei felt a little more relaxed.

"Boss, have you finished talking with the dragon master?"

At this moment, Shi Junze walked out of the Dragon Soul base, just in time to see Ye Fei who was smoking a stuffy cigarette.

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