Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2117: , Embarrassing allure!

"Xiao Ran, wait a minute, you will be at the hotel soon."

He Jialiang rubbed his hands, looked at the beauty next to him, his excited heart jumped out.

This lady is so beautiful, the woman I have played with before, compared with this lady, is simply a black chicken than a phoenix.

"Go... to the hotel... why..."

Gu Xiaoran responded vaguely.

"What do you say?"

He Jialiang smiled evilly and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Ran, I will let you spend a pleasant evening..."

"Send me... Send me home... I won't go to the hotel... Hiccup..."

Gu Xiaoran talked intermittently and hiccuped.

"Hehe, this is not for you, since you have promised my confession, then you are my person!"

He Jialiang squinted his eyes, then reached out and touched Gu Xiaoran's thigh.

There was a tremor in his heart. The horse riding was so smooth and tender, and also very flexible.

"Do not touch me……"

Although Gu Xiaoran was drunk, but still a little conscious, he reached out and pushed He Jialiang's hand away.

The driver in front pretended not to see anything and continued to drive seriously.

After driving for nearly ten minutes, when He Jialiang was about to reach out to touch Gu Xiaoran's chest, the driver in front suddenly said: "He Shao, there seems to be a Maserati president chasing us behind!"

He Jialiang was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his hand, turned his head and looked behind, and said disdainfully, "Maserati is nothing, don't be a bird, keep driving you!"


The driver nodded and said nothing more.

Boom! !

At this moment, there was a deep, restless engine sound from the side!

A Maserati president overtakes the three black Maybach head-on in the surprised eyes of pedestrians on both sides of the street!

"To die, driving a Maserati is great!"

"Drive so fast, hurry to reincarnate!"

Pedestrians and car owners on the side of the road yelled at them.

But Ye Fei, who drove the Maserati to catch up, ignored these people at all.

He now has only one purpose, and that is to stop these three cars and take Gu Xiaoran home.

Ba Ba Ba! !

At this moment, He Jialiang's driver honked his horn desperately, trying to make way for the car in front of him, but Ye Fei drove the car and blocked the front steadily, just not giving way.

"What's the matter?" He Jialiang asked.

"He Shao, I don't know what's going on. The Maserati in front stopped leaving after passing our car, always blocking us!" The driver looked ahead and said.

"I'm paralyzed, I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to be nosy, so I hurried to walk around the broken car!" He Jialiang waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, Shao He!"

The driver nodded, just about to give an order.

Unexpectedly, only a harsh rubbing sound of "chicks" was heard, and the Maybach in front stopped suddenly.

The driver was also taken aback, and quickly stepped on the brakes.

"Horse, what are you doing, what car suddenly stopped?!"

He Jialiang banged his head and immediately became angry.

Even Gu Xiaoran, who was drunk, was a little awake at this time because of the shaking of the car.

She looked around suspiciously, not knowing what had happened.

"He Shao, the Maserati in front is in the middle of the road!" The driver hurriedly replied.

"Grass! What the hell?!"

He Jialiang immediately became angry, "Don't hurry down to show me, which dog with no eyes dared to stop Lao Tzu's car!!"

"Yes, Shao He!"

The driver nodded, and then said to the people in the other two cars through his headset: "Everyone get out of the car and see what's going on!"

Later, the driver opened the door and got out of the car, and the eight bodyguards on the other two cars got out of the car one after another.

Just as the nine bodyguards were about to walk towards the Maserati, Ye Fei had already opened the door and got out of the car, with a gloomy face on his face, and walked straight towards the Maybach in the middle.

The car owners on both sides of the road saw Ye Fei blocking the road, and one after another honked their horns and yelled.

But Ye Fei ignored these people at all, instead staring coldly at the nine bodyguards who had already stood in front of him.

The nine bodyguards looked at Ye Fei with enthusiasm like a wall.

"who are you?"

The leading bodyguard looked at Ye Fei and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Fei did not answer the bodyguard's words, but continued to move forward.

"Don't get closer! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!!"

The leading bodyguard issued a warning.

Moreover, seeing that Ye Fei ignored him at all, he immediately stretched out his hand, wanting to push Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's face was as deep as ink, and somehow he reached out and grabbed the left arm that the lead bodyguard pushed over, then pulled him in the opposite direction, and then flicked it to the side!

Huh! !

This man is tall and majestic, and the majestic bodyguard flew directly out!

With a loud "poof", the bodyguard directly slammed into the lamppost on the side of the road, and the whole lamppost began to shake!

Seeing this, the pedestrians next to him were taken aback by surprise, their feet were oiled, and they fled in panic!

As for those car owners who were still swearing, seeing this scene, they were so scared that they didn't dare to fart any more, but were directly frightened.

At this time, He Jialiang also got out of the car, and when he saw one of his bodyguards being thrown away, he was also shocked.

"Who the **** are you?!"

He Jialiang hid behind the eight bodyguards and yelled at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei stared at He Jialiang coldly, and said, "I am in a bad mood now, and I just want to take Xiao Ran away. It's best not to provoke me..."

"Fuck! You **** in a bad mood, I'm in a bad mood!"

Seeing Ye Fei's pretense, He Jialiang suddenly exploded in anger. He waved his hand and said, "What are you guys doing in a daze? Don't give it to me!!"

Although the eight bodyguards were shocked by the evil spirit on Ye Fei's body, when they thought of their responsibilities, they could only bite the bullet and rush towards Ye Fei.

Bang bang bang! !

There was a muffled sound!

The fists and feet of these eight bodyguards hit Ye Fei, but they couldn't cause any harm to Ye Fei at all. Instead, they shook them away!

The eight bodyguards were shocked, looking at Ye Fei, who was like a rock and stood still, they were shocked and shuddered all over!

This... who the **** is this, is it too scary?

However, without waiting for them to think about it, Ye Fei's body had already moved.

Whoosh! !

I saw a figure passing by in front of the eight bodyguards!

Next second.


Accompanied by screams, these eight bodyguards flew directly in all directions like sandbags!

Puff puff! !

Bang bang bang! !

Of the eight bodyguards, some hit the lamppost, while others hit the car body!

The violent impact caused them to die and fell to the ground, and they couldn't get up anymore!


Seeing this scene, He Jialiang was so frightened that he swallowed, and went silly.

These own bodyguards are all masters who have spent a lot of money, but how come they are so easily knocked down? !

Who the **** is this guy, too fierce, right? !

He Jialiang was trembling all over, standing by the side of the car, his legs were soft.

After Ye Fei hit the bodyguards, he clapped his hands and walked towards the Maybach in the middle.

"You... don't come over... do you know who I am, but I..."

Before He Jialiang could finish speaking, Ye Fei directly reached out and grabbed his collar, threw it to the side of the road with a "swish", so that the guy screamed "Ouch" in pain.

After throwing Fei He Jialiang, Ye Fei reached out and opened the door of the car.

When the car door opened, Ye Fei and Gu Xiaoran looked at each other.

What Ye Fei saw from the girl's eyes was anger, hatred and a trace of stubbornness.

It was the first time that he revealed such a look from a girl's eyes.

Smelling the full body of alcohol on the girl, Ye Fei frowned slightly, reached out and grabbed Gu Xiaoran's little hand, and said loudly, "Go, come home with me!"

"You let go! I won't go back!"

Gu Xiaoran tried hard to shake off Ye Fei's hand, but Ye Fei held her tightly, and she couldn't shake it off at all.

"Xiao Ran, stop making trouble and come home with me!"

Ye Fei's voice became a little hoarse, and some couldn't be refused.

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