Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2119: ,go home with me!

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the bar, a few of the Juggernaut brothers who were watching the scene recognized Ye Fei.

"Brother Fei!!"

The little brothers greeted them with surprise on their faces.

They glanced at Gu Xiaoran, who was next to Ye Fei. Although they thought this little beauty was very beautiful, what made them wonder was how did this little beauty cry like this?

However, this little beauty was brought by Fei Ge, so they naturally did not dare to ask more.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Open a deck for me, and be quieter."

"Okay, Brother Fei, I'll make arrangements now!"

The younger brothers nodded repeatedly, and then led Ye Fei and Gu Xiaoran into the bar, and found a relatively quiet place near the corner of the bar.

After Ye Fei and Gu Xiaoran were seated, a little brother smiled and asked, "Brother Fei, what would you like to drink?"

"Let's have two draughts of ice beer." Ye Fei said.

"Okay, Brother Fei, please wait a moment!"

The little brother nodded, and then left quickly.


Ye Fei lit a cigarette and looked at the men and women who indulged themselves on the dance floor. He was in a daze without saying a word.

Gu Xiaoran also sat aside, picked up the cigarette and lighter that Ye Fei had thrown on the table, took out one of them, and lit them.

"Cough cough cough..."

However, as soon as she took a breath, she choked and coughed violently.

"What kind of cigarette does the kid smoke."

Ye Fei took the cigarette out of Gu Xiaoran's hand, then pinched it out in the ashtray.

Gu Xiaoran sniffed, looked at Ye Fei, and said aggrieved: "Ye Fei, do you think I know nothing, it's useless, so you always treat me like a child?"

"You were still a child." Ye Fei vomited a smoke ring and said lightly.

"I have said it, I am not a child anymore!"

Gu Xiaoran retorted loudly: "I am already eighteen years old. According to the legal age, I am an adult, okay? Where am I still a child?!"

Ye Fei was really afraid that the little girl would continue to mess around, so he nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you are not a child, you are already an adult."

"You don't need to answer so hypocritically. In your eyes, I have always been a child!"

Gu Xiaoran stared at Ye Fei angrily.


Ye Fei was speechless, as if he was wrong how he answered.

Therefore, Ye Fei didn't speak at all, just smoking a cigarette silently.

After waiting for a while, several younger brothers from the Jagged Alliance came over with Jiang Chao with two draughts of ice beer.

"Brother Fei, you are coming, why don't you tell me, I can help you arrange a better position!" Jiang Chao said with a smile.

"Jiang Chao, don't have to be so troublesome."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "I'll come over for a few drinks and leave. Go ahead and do your job!"

Jiang Chao glanced at Gu Xiaoran next to Ye Fei, and felt something was wrong with the atmosphere, so he drank a glass of wine with Ye Fei, then greeted him and left.

Moreover, Jiang Chao also ordered the people under his hand not to allow anyone to disturb Ye Fei.

After Jiang Chao and the others left, Ye Fei drank glass by glass without saying a word.

Gu Xiaoran on the side saw Ye Fei drinking vigorously, and he also drank cup by cup, as if he could drink better than anyone else.

Gu Xiaoran had only sobered up a little bit, but now he drank half a stick of beer continuously, his entire face turned red, and he was drunk again.

After drinking more than a dozen cups in a row, Gu Xiaoran stretched out his hand to grab the wine glass and continue to pour the wine, but his hand didn't use his strength, the wine glass caught in the air and fell directly to the ground!

Pong 哴.

There was a crack of glass.

Gu Xiaoran stared at the liquor spilling on the ground for a while, leaned on the table, shrugged his shoulders, and cried loudly again.

Ye Fei put down the wine glass, just quietly watching Gu Xiaoran pounce on the table and cry. In the hustle and bustle of the bar, such a picture is not surprising.

Men and women in the city, whether it is the pressure of life, work or study, is overwhelmed by countless people, and they always need a channel of catharsis.

"Have you had enough?"

Ye Fei said lightly: "Don't drink so much in the future. Drinking too much can hurt your body."


Gu Xiaoran slowly raised his head and looked at Ye Fei directly, with tears in his eyes.

"what why?"

Ye Fei was a little baffled by the girl's "why".

"Why do you treat me so well..."

Gu Xiaoran choked, her face full of sorrow, "Since you don't like me, why should you be so good to me?!"

The girl was indeed drunk, with a big tongue, and repeated another sentence.

"Xiao Ran, I didn't say that I didn't like you."

Ye Fei sighed and said, "If I don't like you, how can I care about you? Not only me, your sister, your parents, and your friends like you very much.

Since there are so many people who like you, you should live a good life. Why don't you have to live with yourself?

Well, even if you want to find a boyfriend, you should find a better person, not a scum like that..."

"Ye Fei..."

Gu Xiaoran stared at Ye Fei tightly, tearing down his face and said, "Since you don't love me, don't provoke me from the beginning...

Since you don't love me, don't treat me so well... Since you don't love me, don't give me so much love and care...

You provoke me, care for me, protect me, care for me, love me...I remember all the bits and pieces of the past...I take it seriously, you know?

I grew up, from elementary school to junior high school to high school. I have been the school flower, and I am the dream lover in the hearts of all boys...

How confident I was at that time... But since I met you, my confidence has been directly driven into the dust by you...

If you have a little bit, even a little bit, considered my feelings, then you won’t refuse me again and again...

do you know? How cruel you are, every time you refuse, it's like a knife in my heart, but I still smile and tell myself, don't cry, be strong...

However, you don’t know at all, you just want to hurt me so much..."

Ye Fei sat in the position, his body a little stiff, Gu Xiaoran's words were like nails, piercing his heart.

He originally thought that Gu Xiaoran wouldn't take it to heart for his refusal several times, and would forget this over time.

However, I still ignored the girl's feelings and how delicate her emotions were.

Ye Fei exhaled deeply and said, "Xiao Ran, you should also know that I am not a good person, and I am not as good as you think.

I have a lot of women, your sister, Lan, Yu, Luoyan... They are all my women... Your life has just begun, why should you fall into my quagmire?

Moreover, following me, you will encounter many unimaginable dangers. You have encountered them before, haven't you? "

Gu Xiaoran laughed at herself and said, "Ye Fei, do you think I don't know? Do you think I don't know how many women you have? Do you think I don't know that my sister is already with you?

But, even so, so what? The person I like is you. What does it have to do with how many women you have?

You can promise them, then why can't you promise me? Am I really worse than them?

As for the danger you mentioned, I can also face it with you. I am no longer the me who I used to be.

Now my cultivation base and strength have been rapidly improved. I can protect myself and face the dangers behind with you...

So, Ye Fei, stop rejecting me, okay? I like you, I want to be your woman..."

Ye Fei fell silent when he heard Gu Xiaoran's words from the bottom of his heart.

Should I accept or reject it?

Ask yourself, do you really like this girl?

If the girl really stays with other people behind and is hurt, can you really leave it alone?

The answer is naturally no.

Seeing Ye Fei's silence, Gu Xiaoran continued: "Ye Fei, I know what you are worried about, and I also know that the reason you hesitate to reject me is because of my sister.

Don't worry, these are not things, I will talk to my sister...I have grown up now, my feelings are up to me, even my sister can't interfere..."

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