Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2121: , Body without perfect skin!

On the way to the company, the car was very quiet, Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng both remained silent and did not say a word.

Moreover, Gu Qingcheng changed his usual routine, instead of watching the morning financial news, but quietly looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Fei secretly glanced at Gu Qingcheng several times, feeling very depressed.

How did the two sisters talk last night?

It has been quiet for more than ten minutes.

"Ye Fei..."

Just when Ye Fei was about to speak, Gu Qingcheng yelled Ye Fei softly.

"Well, Qingcheng, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei glanced at Gu Qingcheng through the rearview mirror.

Gu Qingcheng frowned and said, "Last night, Xiao Ran told me everything..."

Hearing this, Ye Fei couldn't help but "cocked" in his heart.

Somehow, Ye Fei felt a guilty conscience.

No way, the rabbit didn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest, but he not only accepted Gu Qingcheng, but also her sister.

Gu Qingcheng flicked her hair and said faintly: "Actually, I've seen it a long time ago that Xiao Ran likes you... I thought at first that Xiao Ran just admires you, it's the kind of love her sister has to her brother.

But then, I realized that I was wrong... The child's mind is much more delicate than I thought.

She likes you, not because her sister likes her brother, but because a woman likes a man.

However, when I really found out, it was already too late..."

"Qingcheng, actually I..."

Ye Fei felt helpless, wanted to explain something, but didn't know how to say it.

"I know, you have been avoiding and rejecting."

Gu Qingcheng interrupted Ye Fei, "I saw Xiao Ran confessed to you in the yard that day.

Moreover, I also know that you rejected her... I thought Xiao Ran would give up completely, but I still underestimated her determination.

Last night, Xiao Ran told me a lot... She told me in tears, in this life, it's up to you not to marry.

At that time, I was really angry, and even persuaded her repeatedly and got angry.

Because I have fallen into your quagmire, so I don't want this kid to be like me.

I hope she can have a better life and pursue her own true happiness.

However, Xiao Ran, like a demon, just refuses to listen...

Moreover, the child threatened me, saying that if I disagree, she will run away from home and go to a place where no one can find her..."


Ye Fei's heart was shocked, obviously he didn't expect that girl would have made such a big determination.

This girl doesn't want to negotiate, she just wants to cut first and then play, she doesn't plan to give Gu Qingcheng a bit of retreat.

However, Ye Fei also knew that this was Gu Xiaoran's character.

Very strong, once a decision is made, no one can change it.

"I only have a younger sister, Xiao Ran. Apart from my parents, she is my dearest person. How can I be willing to make her sad..."

Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath, tears gleaming in her eyes, she turned to look at Ye Fei, and said, "Ye Fei, let me tell you!

You can ignore me in the future, or even dislike me... But if you dare to hurt Xiao Ran, I will never end with you! ! "

Ye Fei's heart trembled as he felt Gu Qingcheng's deep love for Xiao Ran.

It was this love that made her change her mind and even compromise.

Ye Fei let out a deep breath and solemnly said: "Qingcheng, don't worry, in this life, I will love each of you well... This is my promise, a lifetime promise!"

Gu Qingcheng glanced at Ye Fei deeply, and said, "I hope you can do what you say."

After a while, the car arrived at Allure International.

Gu Qingcheng went to work, Ye Fei also called the security guards for a meeting, explained some matters, stayed in the office for a while, and then left the company and went to Meiye Paradise.

After all, soon, the Jagged Alliance will declare war on the Kowloon Society.

During this time, I have to give guidance to the brothers who practice ancient martial arts so that they can grow up as soon as possible.

Although Ye Fei could call a group of people from overseas to come in with him to the Kowloon Club.

However, Ye Fei did not choose to do so.

If you do everything yourself, then the Jagged Alliance will not grow at all.

Therefore, in order to be able to let go in the future, I must let the Jagged Alliance grow up...


Just an hour after Ye Fei left.

The gate of Allure International.

A royal blue Bentley Mulsanne drove slowly from a distance, and then stopped at the door.

When the car stopped, a man in black got out of the main driver's seat.

After getting off the car, the man walked to the back door of the car, opened the door, bent over, and respectfully said: "Patriarch, Allure International is here."

The voice fell.

A figure walked out of the car.

This is a beautiful woman who seems to be in her thirties.

The woman has exquisite features, with black hair tied behind her head, wearing a light gray silk dress, and a pair of silver-gray high heels on her feet. She looks dignified and noble, fashionable and elegant.

When the woman got off the car, all the employees of Allure International were attracted by her and looked at her frequently.

The corners of a woman’s mouth smile, making people feel like spring breeze.

However, everyone felt a touch of majesty and the aura of superiors from the woman's body, which made people only dare to look far, not to approach.

"Who is this woman? Isn't she too temperamental? Besides, I feel an oppressive force at such a distance..."

"Isn't he the boss of a big company? It seems that he should be either a friend of Mr. Gu or a partner..."

"This woman is so beautiful, I don't know what kind of man can conquer her..."

All the employees of Allure International started talking in a low voice.

The woman did not pay attention to everyone's gaze, but said to the black man on the side: "Shaoyang, you are waiting here."

"Yes, Patriarch."

The black man nodded respectfully.

After that, the woman did not stay much, but walked straight towards Allure International.

However, when the woman walked to the door of the company, Zhang Baokun, who was leading people on patrol outside the company, was suddenly shocked. His whole body was tight, and the hairs on his body stood up.

This is his reaction to the dangerous instinct.

Zhang Baokun turned his head and looked at the woman, shocked in his heart.

Although he could not see the cultivation level of this woman, he could vaguely feel that this woman was a master, a real master!

Moreover, he had only felt this kind of dangerous feeling on Fei's body.

The woman also noticed Zhang Baokun's gaze, she turned her head and looked over, the corners of her mouth raised, and a soft smile appeared at Zhang Baokun.

Zhang Baokun scratched his head and said to his heart, this woman looks very kind, shouldn't she be a bad person?

However, Zhang Baokun still did not relax his vigilance, but stared at the woman closely.

The woman did not pay attention to Zhang Baokun anymore, but walked into the company lobby.

Everyone in the hall looked over, and instantly no matter whether it was a man or a woman, they were instantly attracted.

Some were shocked by the woman's aura, while others were impressed by the woman's beauty.

The woman just smiled calmly, and then went straight to the front desk.

"Hello, lady, what can I do for you?" The lady at the front desk asked with a smile.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Gu in the company?" the woman asked with a smile.

"Madam, our head Gu is in the company."

The lady at the front desk nodded and said, "Do you have an appointment with Mr. Gu?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't make an appointment with you Mr. Gu."

The woman shook her head and said, "However, I and you are always friends."

"Madam, may I have your last name? I'll contact Mr. Gu now." The lady at the front desk said.

The woman was just about to speak, but Qin Menglan, wearing a black professional suit, walked in from outside with a folder.

Originally, Qin Menglan was going to go directly to the elevator, but when she saw the woman at the front desk, she was stunned for a moment, then she covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Ji...Ji's mistress?!!! "

Therefore, Qin Menglan recognized this woman with aloof temperament and outstanding appearance at a glance!

This woman is the head of the Ji family, the five great ancient martial arts family in the ancient martial world, Ji Ruyue!

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