Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2124: , Sitting on pins and needles!

"Feier, your influence abroad is so great, presumably, the Alliance of the Gods should draw you in?" Ji Ruyue asked lightly.


Ye Fei nodded without concealing it, and said: "I have a few friends who are also members of the Alliance of Gods, so they have also wooed me.

However, I didn't want to join the League of Gods, so I rejected them. "

Ji Ruyue let out an "um" and continued: "The battle between our Chinese Antiquity Alliance and the Alliance of All Gods has been more than two hundred years ago.

But the Alliance of the Gods is not dying, and now it has begun to take action...In the near future, there will be a battle between the Ancient Alliance and the Alliance of the Gods.

Now that the most critical period has been reached, the major families and sects of the ancient martial arts community have temporarily put aside their grievances and grievances, and are preparing to convene an ancient martial arts conference to discuss matters concerning the alliance of the gods, and are also preparing to elect one. Leader, come to lead everyone..."

"Guwu Conference?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, "I haven't heard Dragon Lord say about this."

"Convening the ancient martial arts conference is also something that the ancient martial arts community has just decided. And this time I came out to go to the capital to chat with the dragon master and the high-level officials of China." Ji Ruyue said.

"so it is."

Ye Fei nodded.

Now that the Alliance of Gods has begun to act, if those guys in the ancient martial world don't act anymore, they really can only wait to die.

Therefore, Ye Fei also felt that it was normal for the ancient martial arts world to hold the ancient martial arts conference.

Ji Ruyue stared straight at Ye Fei, and said, "Fei'er, when the war starts, which side will you choose to stand on?"

"Mom, if I said I want to remain neutral, I want to take you to leave China, go abroad with me, and not participate in this matter, I guess you won't agree?" Ye Fei said flatly.

"As the mistress of the Ji family, as one of the leaders of the five great families of the Ancient Alliance, I naturally want to advance and retreat together with the Ancient Alliance!

No matter how powerful the Alliance of Gods is, even if we are the last person in our Ji family, we will fight them to the end! "Ji Ruyue said domineeringly.

Ye Fei also expected that Ji Ruyue would say this, so he sighed softly and said, "Mom, since you have said this, then I have to stand on the side of the Ancient Alliance.

Although I hate many people in the ancient martial arts world, you are my relatives, and I also have friends in the ancient martial arts world. Therefore, the war is on, and I will fight the Alliance of Gods with everyone! "

"Feier, mom feels very relieved if you think so."

Ji Ruyue smiled, and then said: "Feier, this time the ancient martial arts conference will select a leader. At that time, the leader of the ancient alliance will lead the heroes of the world to contend with the alliance of gods!

Therefore, I hope that this time, you can also participate in this Guwu Conference, and you must become the leader of this alliance! "

"Be the leader?"

When Ye Fei heard this, he waved his hand again and again, saying: "It’s better to be the leader of the alliance. Don’t the ancient martial arts still have the five great ancestors and the heads of those big sects? They should be very rare in the position of the leader. Therefore, the leader let They just don’t have to."

"Do not."

Ji Ruyue shook her head, and said: "Our five great families and all the big sects have unanimously decided that this time the leader of the ancient alliance, we will choose from the younger generation!

The reason why we do this is also to cultivate the leadership and decision-making abilities of the younger generation... But now, looking at the entire ancient martial arts world, there are only a handful of outstanding young people!

In my eyes, you are much stronger than those so-called geniuses, and you are born with super strong leadership, and you are the most famous purgatory king in this world!

Therefore, it is more appropriate for you to be the leader! Feier, promise your mother, to be the leader of this alliance, to rule the world of heroes, must defeat the alliance of the gods! "

Ye Fei smiled helplessly, and said, "Mom, do you value your son too much, right?"

Ji Ruyue stared at Ye Fei closely, and said: "Feier, you are my son, and, at the beginning, you alone fought against all the martial arts, so that those people had no way to fight back. Everyone is invincible to contend with, this is enough to prove your ability and strength!

If you want to be the leader, who would dare to refuse? ! "

Hearing what Ji Ruyue said, Ye Fei suddenly felt a little blood boiled.

My mother is really domineering, she is indeed the head of the Ji family.

Seeing that Ye Fei did not speak, Ji Ruyue continued: "Fei'er, what are you still hesitating? Are you unwilling to agree to this request?"

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and said: "Mom, you have said everything for this purpose, then I promise you. However, if I don't become the leader by then, don't blame me."

"Don't worry, Feier, I believe you have this ability."

Seeing Ye Fei's agreement, Ji Ruyue finally smiled.


Ye Fei was speechless, and said to his heart, it is not a good thing to have a mother who is too domineering and strong.

"Well, Feier, I'm going to the capital first. When the Guwu Conference is about to be held, I will contact you again."

With that said, Ji Ruyue stood up.


Ye Fei nodded, and then left the restaurant with Ji Ruyue and went outside.

Ji Ruyue looked at Ye Fei, smiled softly, and said: "Feier, you have found so many women, and my mother won't say much.

However, I hope you remember one thing, in the future, no matter what, don't let them down.

Each of them is very good. Since they are willing to follow you, it means that they really love you, so you must treat them well, you know? "

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Mom, I know this naturally. I wouldn't be like my dad to leave you behind and leave by myself, and it's been so many years since I left."

"Feier, although your father has disappeared for so many years, I believe that he will definitely come back. This is also an agreement between her and me!" Ji Ruyue said with a flash of light in her eyes.

"I hope so."

Ye Fei sighed, feeling a little bitter about this woman, waiting for a man for so many years.

"Okay, Feier, then I will leave first, and we will see you at the next Guwu Conference."

"Mom, take care of yourself and take care."

Ye Fei said, he hesitated for a moment, but still stepped forward and gently hugged Ji Ruyue.

Ji Ruyue's heart trembled, her nose was sour, and her eyes were a little red.

She knew that her child had forgiven herself.

This hug made her feel warm and moved.

Ji Ruyue took a deep breath, patted Ye Fei's back lightly, and said: "Feier, you also have to take care of yourself. If you have anything, remember to tell mom."

"it is good."

Ye Fei also had red eye circles and nodded.

"Feier, take care."

After speaking, Ji Ruyue turned around and got in the car, and then left.

Ye Fei kept watching the car leave before letting out a long sigh.

"Mom, I won't let anyone hurt you, no one!"

A ray of determination flashed in Ye Fei's eyes, then turned around and left the restaurant...


Time passed slowly, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

In this week, Ye Fei still ran between the company and Meiye Tiantang as usual.

After a week of guidance, those brothers who practiced ancient martial arts had more than 20 people whose cultivation bases broke through to the later days of the day after tomorrow, and another 20 people whose cultivation bases broke through to the middle of the day after tomorrow, and even two or three people had it before. Gu Wu is the foundation, so their cultivation base broke directly to the peak of the late acquired day.

Ye Fei was still very satisfied with this situation.

As long as you continue to practice at this speed, in a week, at least fifty people will be able to break through to the later stage of the day after tomorrow.

For Ye Fei, fifty or so warriors were enough.

That afternoon, when it was time for get off work, Ye Fei drove Gu Qingcheng home, and the two had a warm dinner together.

Because Gu Xiaoran was not at home these days, Ye Fei naturally seized this good opportunity and indulged himself with Gu Qingcheng during this week.

Of course, wanting to have **** with women is one aspect. On the other hand, Ye Fei is also trying to double cultivation with Gu Qingcheng and improve each other's strength.

After eating, Gu Qingcheng leaned on Ye Fei's shoulder and watched TV together.

After watching it for a while, Ye Fei turned his head slightly, just to meet Gu Qingcheng who was looking at him, as if two electric currents collided together...

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