Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2139: , He is none other than him!

This kind of strength is already outstanding and super strong among people of the same age!

After Zhao Mang was defeated, there were fewer young children who originally wanted to challenge Xuanyuan Chengfeng!

No way, Xuanyuan Chengfeng's strength is really too strong, defeating Li Tiangang of Hunyuan Sect and Zhao Mang of Domineering Sword Sect only took three moves, and it took less than two minutes!

"Hahaha, Feng'er's strength has progressed very fast, yes, really good! Yulong, Feng'er has the current strength, but it's all your credit!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan smiled and said with a smile of relief on his face.

"Thank you ancestors for complimenting. Feng'er was able to have the current strength because of his own diligent practice. I just gave some pointers." Xuanyuan Yulong said with a red face.

The strength of his own son is stronger than his own, and it makes him feel more long-faced.

With that said, Xuanyuan Yulong looked at Ji Ruyue and Qin Wangtian who were aside, and said with a smile: "Miss Ji, Brother Qin, don't you two send young people to fight for the position of the leader?"

Ji Ruyue and Qin Wangtian both frowned slightly, and did not answer Xuanyuan Yulong's words.

They originally planned to let Ye Fei participate in the election on behalf of the Ji family and the Qin family.

However, at this time, Ye Fei hasn't come yet, which inevitably makes them very anxious.

When Xuanyuan Yulong saw Ji Ruyue and Qin Wangtian not speaking, he was even more proud, "Miss Ji, Brother Qin, since you don't send anyone, then our Xuanyuan family will take over the position of the leader of the Ancient Alliance!"

After speaking, Xuanyuan Yulong laughed loudly, smiling very proudly.

"My family, this guy is really deceiving people too much, he is deliberately taunting our family!"

Qin Wangtian looked at Ji Ruyue and said bitterly: "If Ye Fei's child doesn't come, shall we re-select the two to fight for the position of the leader?"

Ji Ruyue and Dai frowned, and said, "Mr. Qin, do you think there is any young disciple in our Ji family and Qin family who can compete with Xuanyuan Chengfeng?"

Qin Wangtian opened his mouth, then clenched his fist, and said, "Even if it doesn't, we have to give it a try, but we must not let the Xuanyuan family overwhelm us at this time!"

Ji Ruyue sighed lightly and said, "Forget it, Mr. Qin, now, in our two younger generations, there are no particularly talented children.

If they were asked to challenge Xuanyuan Chengfeng, there would be no chance of winning.

So, let's wait, since Feier promised me, he will definitely come. "


Qin Wangtian sighed heavily, looked into the distance eagerly, and said to his heart, "My dear son-in-law, why aren't you here yet!"

The Dragon Lord and Shi Junze in the audience were also very anxious.

Dragon Lord hopes that Ye Fei will be able to win the position of the leader.

Because Ye Fei's relationship with the country is pretty good, and he speaks better.

On the other hand, the Xuanyuan family has become more and more defiant over the years, ignoring the country's majesty, making them feel uncontrollable.

Therefore, even if Xuanyuan Chengfeng is really strong, the Dragon Lord does not want him to be the leader of the league.

However, just as Xuanyuan Yulong, Ji Ruyue and Qin Wangtian were talking, the Xuanyuan Yulong on the stage was like the sun and the moon in the sky, radiant and domineering, and defeated more than a dozen outstanding young people in the middle and small schools. disciple.

Defeating these young disciples of the middle and small sects, Xuanyuan Chengfeng didn't play hard at all. Every time he defeated one person, he only used no moves at most.

Not only that, at this time, Xuanyuan Chengfeng also defeated four of the eight sects, Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan and Taijimen four outstanding disciples.

Xuanyuan Chengfeng was a bit serious about defeating the four of Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan and Taijimen, but the four disciples of these four sects were still defeated by Xuanyuan Chengfeng after more than a dozen moves.

For a time, the small and medium sects in the audience did not dare to challenge anyone anymore.

Even the outstanding disciples of the Four Martial Arts were defeated by Xuanyuan Chengfeng. If they went up, wouldn't they be hanged?

At this time, Xuanyuan Chengfeng on the stage stood proudly in the middle of the ring, his self-confidence swelled to the extreme.

He glanced at everyone in the audience, and said loudly: "Who else wants to challenge? Just go!"

As soon as Xuanyuan Chengfeng's words fell, the young children of the middle and small sects who were present suddenly fell silent and did not dare to take the stage at all.

Now Xuanyuan Chengfeng's momentum is soaring and sharp, in their opinion, among the younger generation, Xuanyuan Chengfeng is simply invincible.

When Xuanyuan Chengfeng saw that everyone was silent, he couldn't help but laughed, and said, "Since you dare not try again, then I will accept the position of leader!"

As soon as these words came out, when the children of the other four sects were preparing to take the stage, they saw a young man, Gongsun Yumo, wearing a dark gray gown with a basalt totem painted on his back. He first stepped directly onto the high platform.

"Look! Gongsun Gongzi wants to make a move!"

"It is said that the strength of Gongsun Gongzi and Xuanyuan Gongzi are almost the same. One is a child of the Azure Dragon family and the other is a child of the Xuanwu family... In this competition, I don't know who will win..."

"After this period of retreat cultivation, Master Xuanyuan is no longer stronger than before. I am afraid it will be difficult for Master Xuanyuan to defeat Master Xuanyuan..."

While everyone was discussing, Gongsun Yumo had already arrived at the center of the ring. He quietly looked at Xuanyuan Chengfeng and said, "Chengfeng, it is said that you have improved a lot during your retreat this time. I want to see you. What level of strength has his strength increased!"

"Haha, Yumo, although we are friends, this competition is related to the position of the leader, I won't let you..." Xuanyuan Chengfeng said with a smile.

"I don't need you to let me, just use my best!"

Gongsun Yumo said, and then slammed his right foot on the ground, directly releasing the cold Xuanwu true energy in his body.


Suddenly, a strong wind blows, blowing Gongsun Yumo's clothes and hunting!

A gust of strong Xuanwu vitality condensed on Gongsun Yumo, and the air in the entire ring seemed to drop suddenly!

Next second.


Gongsun Yumo's body suddenly disappeared from the place!

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Xuanyuan Chengfeng!

"Bei Ming Xuan Tian Palm!"


Gongsun Yumo didn't keep a trace of his hands, he burst out of his strongest strength as soon as he came up, slammed his hand and slapped Xuanyuan Chengfeng!

It was shot with a palm, the cold air was pressing, and the cold wind was raging, I wish I could freeze Xuanyuan Chengfeng's whole person!


"Promise Dragon Elephant Fist!"

Xuanyuan Chengfeng also screamed, lifting 70% to 80% of the Guiyuan Qi in his body, and directly hit it with a punch!

With a punch, it seemed to bring out the shadow of the dragon elephant, and the sound of the dragon elephant faintly sounded!

Because his cultivation level has been promoted to the Guiyuan realm, the Xuanyuan family's master of the Xuanyuan family that he displayed has also undergone a qualitative change!


In an instant, the palms of the fists collided, as if two huge rocks collided together!

The sound of muffled thunder exploded, and the violent aura rushed away like a shock wave in all directions!

Those younger disciples with lower strength in the audience simply couldn't bear the pressure of the two, and they backed off one after another!

This time, the two played a five-to-five match, and no one took a step back!

"The Promise Dragon Elephant Boxing! The Buddhas and Dragon Elephants!"

Seeing a move that Xuanyuan Yulong didn't defeat Gongsun Yumo, he immediately increased his strength by 10%, twisted his punch, and slammed into Gongsun Yumo!

And Gongsun Yumo did not stop, still burst out with the strongest strength, raised his palm to meet!

When the second muffled thunder sounded, Xuanyuan Chengfeng's body was still standing in place, and Gongsun Yumo was shocked to step back several steps!

However, Gongsun Yumo quickly stabilized his body and kicked his legs to the ground, rushing up quickly, and once again attacked and killed Xuanyuan Chengfeng!

In a blink of an eye, the two were at war together!

Bang bang bang! …

For a time, at least half of the people could only hear the sound of muffled thunder from above the ring, but they couldn't see the two of them clearly!

In just a few minutes, the two battled hundreds of moves!

The shadows of fists and feet flashed on the ring, dazzling and dizzying!

After fighting for more than a hundred moves, Xuanyuan Chengfeng and Gongsun Yumo's bodies were bounced away!

After more than a hundred moves of confrontation, Gongsun Yumo's breathing has been disordered, and he gasped for breath.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Chengfeng only took a deep breath and calmed his breath...

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