Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2152: , You are weaker than me!

Ye Fei's face was flushed, and the golden flame in his eyes burned more and more vigorously!

The attack methods of the ghost face demon monk were endless, which made Ye Fei feel tremendous pressure!

To put it bluntly, this old bald donkey is by far the most powerful master he has ever encountered, except for the poison king and the old beggar!

Even in the face of the Lord of Darkness who is a godly disciple, he has never felt this way!

"Prince of Purgatory, at this time, you still dare to be distracted, do you really want to die?"

The ghost-faced demon monk said indifferently, and then said: "It seems that you can't escape my ‘dark lotus’. Then I will send you one last time..."

After speaking, the ghost face demon monk folded his hands and began to recite the six-character mantra.

"Om! Well! Yeah! Ba! Mi! Hum!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the dark energy emitted by the ghost face demon monk quickly condensed into six characters, and then flew over to Ye Fei and surrounded it!

Seeing the six characters surrounding his body, Ye Fei was startled!

Without the oppression of the Dark Lotus, I might be able to easily deal with the six-character mantra of the ghost face and demon monk!

But now, Ye Fei has no time to take care of it!

It seems that you can only use your own physical body to carry it hard!


Accompanied by the scream of the ghost face and monster monk, I saw that one by one, the big words smashed towards Ye Fei's chest and back!

boom! !

The first word hit Ye Fei's back, and the arrogant impact was like a heavy hammer!

Ye Fei frowned, but still endured it!

However, after the first word hit, immediately, the other five words also hit Ye Fei continuously!

Bang bang! !

Bang bang bang! !

Ye Fei was able to withstand the blast in front.

However, when the last word hit Ye Fei, the superimposed power hit Ye Fei's chest like a train!


Ye Fei snorted, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.


"Ye Fei!!"

Seeing Ye Fei's bleeding scene, Ji Ruyue, Qin Menglan and Jing Hui couldn't help exclaiming.

Ji Ruyue and Qin Menglan exclaimed, everyone understood, but Master Jinghui exclaimed too much, but everyone did not understand, so they all looked at Master Jinghui.

Master Jinghui's face was too hot, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, after all, Ye Fei is our leader, and that is also a member of our ancient alliance. I am naturally worried when I see him injured."

After hearing Master Jinghui's explanation, everyone didn't think much about it.

However, Ji Ruyue and Qin Menglan glanced at Master Jinghui, and they understood in their hearts.

"Ancestor, we have to help Feier!!" Ji Ruyue said anxiously to the Ji family ancestor.

"Ru Yue, don't worry, I will help this child now!"

The ancestor of the Ji family nodded and was about to leave.

"The sword dominates the world!!"

But at this moment, there was a loud roar from the valley, like thunder!

Everyone hurriedly raised their eyes and saw that the place where Ye Fei was, suddenly the light soared!

Moreover, everyone clearly saw that Ye Fei raised the great sword of light in his right hand and directly penetrated this dark lotus from the middle!

Within a few seconds.

Only heard a "boom", this dark lotus exploded directly and became fragmented!

However, the power from the explosion went like a violent wind, and it blows the surrounding mountains to pieces and collapses!

"Oh my God! It's too strong! It's too strong!!"

"This kid actually smashed the ghost face monster monk's ultimate move!!"

"This swordsmanship is really terrifying..."

Everyone present was amazed.

There were also not a few swordsmen present. When they saw Ye Fei's swordsmanship, they were all fascinated and admired!

"It seems that this kid doesn't need our help anymore."

Ji Kaiyuan, the ancestor of the Ji family, said lightly, and then stopped.

For a while, everyone looked at the battlefield closely, wanting to see how Ye Fei killed the ghost face demon monk.

At this time, between the valleys.

After Ye Fei smashed the dark lotus flower, he took a breath, then lifted his leg and walked out of the sinking pit.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at the ghost face and demon monk, and slammed his chest with a fist, and said in a shock: "Come on! What else can you do? Just use it!!"

The ghost face demon monk's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't expect Ye Fei to defeat his big killer move.

It's too scary and incredible.

I can't stay here anymore, I must tell the king of the gods what I have seen and heard here.

Thinking of this, the ghost face demon monk rolled his eyes, then suddenly turned around and fled into the distance!

"That guy wants to run!!"

"Hurry up!!"

"Hurry up!!"

Those in the martial arts not far away yelled when they saw this.

"There is no need to chase, he will definitely die!"

Ye Fei raised his hand and said domineeringly.

Everyone was stunned, and said to their hearts that the ghost face and demon monk are going to run far, so how can you kill him? !

When everyone was puzzled, Ye Fei pointed the sword of infuriating energy condensed with the tips of his fingers to the sky, and a thunderous voice resounded!

"Ancient swordsmanship!!"

"Ancient Sword Dragon!!"

The voice fell.


The sound of a dragon chant penetrated the sky and reached everyone's ears!

"That... what is that?!"

A sect leader pointed to the sky.

Suddenly, everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw a huge golden stegosaurus composed of countless swords and shadows flying down from the sky, towards the ghost-faced demon monk who was desperately running in the distance!

This golden stegosaurus looks huge, but in fact it is very agile. Its speed is as fast as thunder and lightning, and it can go out hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye!

Whoosh! !

The strong wind was swept up, and the top of the mountain exploded below where the golden stegosaurus passed!

"Then...what the **** is that? Is it a dragon?!!!"

"No... that's not a real dragon, but a stegosaurus made up of sword shadows!!"

Shocks of exclamation sounded in the crowd.

Everyone present was completely dumbfounded, and didn't believe what they were seeing before them.

Jianyi can still be used like this? !

Swordsmanship can still be used like this? !

At this moment, in addition to the five great ancestors, the poison king, and the people of various martial sects, the ghost face demon monk who was running wildly was so scared that his face became pale!

"This...what the **** is this?!!!"

The ghost face demon monk yelled in horror, unable to understand what he saw before him.

At this moment, this huge golden sword dragon had already caught up with the ghost face demon monk, rushing towards him below!

Faced with this immense pressure, the ghost face demon monk knew that he could not escape at all, so he could only continuously release the dark energy in his body, and blast out all the ultimate moves!


"The dead are super!"

"Dark lotus!!"

However, the three ultimate moves played by the ghost face demon monk were unable to withstand the swooping golden stegosaurus!

Such an attack hits the stegosaurus like a stone sinking into the sea, with less than the slightest effect!

"no, do not want!!--"

The ghost-faced demon monk yelled in horror, but was soon obliterated by the "rumbling" explosion!

The golden light spread everywhere, and the bursting sound resounded like a thunder!

The rocks were broken, the mountains collapsed, and countless plants and rocks on the ground were razed to the ground!

A full minute passed.

Until the light and dust dissipated, everyone looked up again, but no one saw the ghost-faced demon monk anymore, only a huge pit with a radius of tens of meters left!


Ye Fei spit out a deep breath, after all, the true energy and physical strength consumed every time he casts the "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon" is still very large.

However, he was still a little worried that the ghost-faced demon monk was not dead, so he ran towards the huge pit.

When he came to the huge hole, Ye Fei looked down and saw a large pool of blood, as well as the torn clothes and broken bones that had been blown up.

"This old bald donkey is finally dead."

Ye Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead, then he was relieved.

It seems that I still continue to cultivate quickly.

Only three people came, it was so difficult to deal with, and then all the people from the Alliance of Gods would be killed, and it would be difficult to win anymore.

However, because of this battle, Ye Fei had a little understanding of the strength of the people of the Alliance of Gods.

At least, the people of this alliance of gods are not unkillable, as long as they are strong enough, they can be beheaded.

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