Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2162: , Only success!

Ye Fei took the menu, then threw it to Zhang Baokun and the others, saying, "Order whatever you want."

"Haha, I want to eat!"

Zhang Baokun laughed, and then ordered seven or eight kinds of meat dishes, all of which were meat.

Later, Lu Qinghong ordered some dishes and two cases of beer.

The barbecue boss glanced at the dishes Ye Fei ordered, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and said, "Several people, do you order a bit too much? Can you finish the meal?"

"Don't worry, boss, these brothers of mine are very good at eating, you just press this, we can add more if it is not enough." Ye Fei said.

The barbecue owner's face trembled, and his heart said, it's not enough to add more. This Nima is worth more than a dozen people.

However, he didn't say much. This group of people ordered more, and then they made more. Who would have trouble with the money?

So, the barbecue boss said "wait a while" and then left.

When the barbecue boss left, Lu Qinghong asked, "Brother Fei, where shall we go after we finish eating?"

"After eating, we will go to the headquarters of the Kowloon Club to take a look around and learn about the route. When the Jiuwenlong and the masters of the Kowloon Club are killed, we will quickly evacuate." Ye Fei said.

"it is good!"

Lu Qinghong responded.

Because there are a few people grilling in this barbecue booth, it is very efficient. After a while, the barbecue and beer are on the table.

"Come, come, eat first, and then have the strength to do things after eating." Ye Fei said.

Zhang Baokun and others didn't eat in the afternoon, and they were already hungry, so they all started to eat.

However, halfway through the meal, I saw a seven-seater bullet parked on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and seven stalwart, sturdy men with pictures of dragons and tigers walked out of the car.

Walking in the forefront was a fat man wearing a floral shirt, a thick gold necklace around his neck, and a big gold ring on his hand. He looked like the eldest brother of these people.

The people who were struggling saw this group of people walking swayingly, all of them were shocked, did not dare to look at them, and quickly turned their heads.

"Who are these guys who are dragging two to eighty thousand dollars?" Tang Yu glanced at these people and asked curiously.

"No matter who he is, let's eat ours, don't care about it." Ye Fei said.

Tang Yu and the others nodded, and ignored these guys.

"Boss, do you still have a position?"

At this time, the fat man who took the lead asked in a rough voice.

"Oh, it turned out to be Lord Ma!"

The barbecue boss was full of smiles on his face and pleased: "Ma Ye, it's really unfortunate that you came here. Now the guests are full and there is no place. Would you like to wait for a while?"

"What did you say?!"

Fatty's face became cold, and he pulled the boss's collar directly, and said, "Since you the **** know who I am, you dare to let me wait? Do you want Lao Tzu to smash your barbecue stall?"

"Master Ma, calm down your anger! Wait a few minutes, and a place will be freed soon!" The barbecue boss shivered.

"I'm Tennyma next door!"

The fat man directly pushed the barbecue boss to the ground, and then pointed his hand in the direction of Ye Fei and others, and said, "Isn't that a position?"


The barbecue owner was taken aback, and said with a crying voice: "Master Ma, the guests at this table are just here, do you always have to say one comes first, right?"

"I say you are paralyzed!"

The fat man cursed very arrogantly, and he couldn't refuse to say: "Now you can talk to a few guys at that table, you tell them, if you don't want to die, just get out of here!"

Those who ate barbecues also knew who this group was, so they didn't dare to talk too much, and could only pretend not to know.

The barbecue boss wiped off his sweat, then got up from the ground, walked to the table of Ye Fei and his party, and said apologetically: "Sirs, I'm really sorry tonight. I can't afford this group of people. So some of you should leave now. In order to express my apologies, I will count this barbecue tonight, and no money will be charged."

Snapped! !

Zhang Baokun had eaten the chicken legs well, but when he heard this, he immediately exploded. He directly slapped the table with a slap, causing the bowls and chopsticks on the table to rattle.

He said like a muffled thunder: "We are here first, why should we go! If they want to leave, they are going, I have not eaten enough, we will not go!"

This voice immediately attracted all the eyes of the audience.

And the men who painted dragons and tigers on their bodies also looked over here, their faces full of viciousness.

"This gentleman, you, keep your voice down!"

The barbecue owner trembled with fright, lowered his voice and said, "Sirs, it seems that you guys should come from a different place, right?"


Ye Fei nodded.

"No wonder you don't know that group of people."

The barbecue boss took a deep breath, and said, "I’m not telling you, this group is from the Kowloon Club. The fat man is named Ma Sanli. He is the head of the Jiulong Club Fuzheng Hall. He is nicknamed "Ma San Pao". He Ma Ye.

The Kowloon Club is the underground overlord of our Liao, Hei and Ji provinces. We really can't afford it! So, gentlemen, you should leave now! "

"and many more."

Ye Fei took a sip of wine and said, "Boss, did you just say these guys belong to the Kowloon Club?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

The barbecue boss looked confused.

"Haha, it's really a narrow road to Yuanjia."

Ye Fei looked at Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong and others, and said with a smile: "Brothers, since these guys let us hit him so quickly, should we do something?"

"Brother Fei, let's do what you say."

Tang Yu smiled and replied, then took a sip of wine.

The eyes of Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Charles and Sean showed excitement.

They were all hurt by people from the Kowloon Society before, so don't let this nasty breath in everyone's heart.

Hearing the inexplicable conversation between Ye Fei and several people, the barbecue boss was confused.

Ordinary people should be scared to flee when they hear the name of the Kowloon Club. Why are these guys from other places so calm?

"Palsy! What are you rubbing against!"

At this time, the fat man named Ma Sanli walked over with a few strong men and directly pushed the barbecue boss aside.

He glanced at Ye Fei and his group, with an arrogant expression on his face: "You fools, don't leave yet, do you want to sit here and wait for death?"

However, Ye Fei and his party didn't seem to hear, they were still eating and drinking.

"I'm **** your mother, I'm talking to you, don't you hear me?!"

Ma Sanli was immediately angry when he saw that these people ignored him.

"Come and come, eat quickly, and do everything after you finish it."

Ye Fei still ignored Ma Sanli, but greeted everyone to continue eating.

"I will let you eat!!"

Ma Sanli was furious, roared, directly raised his foot and kicked towards the table.

Only a "bang" was heard, but the table was not kicked over as he had imagined, but remained motionless.


Ma Sanli was taken aback for a moment, a little unresponsive.

"Hey... smashing a string won't let anyone live in peace."

Ye Fei took a sip of wine, shook his head, looked at Zhang Baokun, and said, "Baokun, are you full?"

"Brother Fei, I only ate half full." Zhang Baokun replied.

"Half full is enough."

Ye Fei curled his lips, and then said faintly: "Knock these guys out and throw them into the car."


Zhang Baokun reluctantly glanced at the meat on the plate, then stood up, glanced at Ma Sanli and the others like a beast, and said: "You disturb me eating, I am very upset..."

"You're **** upset, it's about Laozi's problem?"

Ma Sanli smiled coldly and said, "Don't think that you are great when you grow tall and strong... Brothers, give them some color to see!"

"Yes, Lord Ma!!"

The six brawny men nodded, and then rushed towards Zhang Baokun.

However, Zhang Baokun, like a tiger at the start, rushed directly towards the six brawny men, and his fists began to dance.

Bang bang bang! ! ...

When the muffled thunders ended, all six strong men were knocked out and fell to the ground.

It only took less than a minute to end all this.


Ma Sanli was shocked when he saw this scene.

Moreover, the others present were also shocked.

This big guy is too fierce, right?

In less than a minute, you brought down Ma Sanli's six thugs? !

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