Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2167: , Kick to death!

"No, boss, do you really believe that what happened tonight was done by the Jagged Alliance?"

"Boss, you look down on the Jagged Alliance too much, right?"

"That is, in my opinion, even if the Jagged Alliance is given a hundred courage, they will not dare to fight with our Kowloon Association!"

Everyone present yelled, and they didn't believe that the Jagged Alliance did it.

After all, they had never cared about the Juggernaut, and felt that the Juggernaut was just the overlord of Ninghai City, which was completely incomparable with their Nine Dragons Club.

Do the eggs dare to face the rocks?

Of course not.

Xue Shengtian knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "Regardless of whether this matter was done by the Jagged Alliance or not, we must guard against the Jagged Alliance."

"Huh? Boss, do you really take the Jagged Alliance seriously?" Hengrou Fatty asked in surprise.

"No, Jagged, I have never looked into it."

Xue Shengtian shook his head and continued: "However, Ye Fei, who is behind the Jagged Alliance, is indeed a human being.

As far as we know, the reason why the Jagged Alliance can rise quickly is entirely because of Ye Fei's help.

And, don’t forget, our four heavenly kings and the impermanence of black and white all died in the hands of Ye Fei.

This is enough to show that the person named Ye Fei not only has outstanding leadership, but also his personal strength is quite terrifying.

Therefore, we cannot underestimate this person..."

"Cut, even if the one named Ye Fei is more powerful, then he is just a person. What can be changed by him alone?"

A lean man waved his hand and mocked: "Besides, there are quite a few masters in the Nine Dragons Club. There are only a hundred masters who practice ancient martial arts!

Moreover, we still have several super masters, such as ghost king, ghost general, ghoul, tautomamian, and Mei Niang. If Ye Fei dares to come, we will surely send him to hell! "

The others also nodded proudly.

The reason why the Kowloon Club has been able to stand for decades is entirely because they will have a large number of masters in Kowloon, and this is their confidence.

"Everyone, that being said, what we should guard against is still guarded."

Xue Shengtian said something, and then he said in a deep voice: "I will give you a few tasks now. These days, let all the rudder and hall mouths pay attention and be vigilant, and everyone must quickly find out who is killing us. people.

Secondly, let the ghost generals and the ghouls hurry back to the headquarters...I think this premeditated massacre will not end so soon..."

"Yes, boss!!"

Everyone responded, and then left the office one after another.

However, the demon master Guo Yuqiong and the ghost king did not leave.

After the door was closed, Xue Shengtian looked at Guo Yuqiong and said, "Yuqiong, do you really think the Jagged Alliance did this tonight?"

"Boss, they did everything tonight in all likelihood."

Guo Yuqiong nodded and said, "So, boss, before the crisis is resolved, it is better not to leave the headquarters these days.

Even if you want to leave, you must bring the Ghost King and other brothers...In my opinion, if it is really the Jagged Alliance, then their main target must be you. "

"Yuqiong, I will pay attention, thank you for your reminder."

Xue Shengtian frowned and nodded.

"Okay, boss, it's late, you rest earlier, I won't bother you."

After Guo Yuqiong finished speaking, he left the office.

When Guo Yuqiong left, Xue Shengtian looked at the ghost king leaning against the corner and said: "Ghost king, if you fight against that kid named Ye Fei, who will win in the end?"


The ghost king smiled sadly and said: "Boss Xue, I have never lost to anyone in the past few decades.

Even if that kid named Ye Fei is strong enough to kill the Four Heavenly Kings and Black and White Impermanence, but as long as he meets me, he will only have a dead end..."

Hearing the domineering words of the King of Ghosts, Xue Shengtian was startled at first, and then smiled and said: "Okay, very good. King of Ghosts, since you are so confident, then I can rest assured..."

Moreover, Xue Shengtian recognized the strength of the ghost king. After all, he had never seen anyone defeated the ghost king in the past few decades.

Xue Shengtian turned his head and looked out the window, squinted his eyes, and muttered: "The Jagged Alliance... Ye Fei... Ha ha, you will all be stepped on by my Xue Shengtian..."


at the same time.

Jin Jiang International Hotel.

Ye Fei was standing in front of the French window with a cigarette in his mouth, looking into the distance.

Tonight, he took Zhang Baokun and the others after killing the seven of Ma Sanli, and then went to the headquarters of the Kowloon Club.

On the way, Ye Fei also received many calls and messages.

These calls and messages were made and sent by the brothers who went out to perform the task.

This also shows that things are going well.

Perhaps, after tonight, all the brothers who went out to perform the task will come back to meet.

As long as the brothers come back, he will lead people to launch a general attack on the Kowloon Society.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the Kowloon Club, he will be able to catch the Kowloon Club by surprise.

However, after going to the Kowloon Club Headquarters tonight, Ye Fei discovered that there were many people guarding the Kowloon Club Headquarters, and many of them had guns hidden in their bodies, and the firepower was quite fierce.

If you rush to the headquarters of the Kowloon Club in this way, you will definitely be suppressed by firepower.

Therefore, in order to avoid casualties, one must find a way to get a batch of weapons.

If you get weapons from overseas, it will take at least a few days.

If the weapon is transferred from Ninghai, it will take at least two days.

It seems that we must find a way to get weapons from other channels.

Ye Fei thought for a while, his eyes lit up.

The capital is the nearest here. If Shi Junze is asked to find a way to get a batch of weapons, he should be able to do it very quickly.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei called Shi Junze directly.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hey, boss, it's so late, what can you do with me?" Shi Junze asked curiously.

"Junze, help me get a batch of guns and ammunition for fifty people." Ye Fei said indifferently.


Shi Junze was taken aback, and said, "Boss, what do you want a weapon for?"

Ye Fei did not hide it, and told Shi Junze his purpose.

After listening, Shi Junze twitched his mouth and said, "Boss, I think Xue Shengtian of the Kowloon Club is really impatient with his life. He actually ran to provoke you and stay alive, isn't it okay..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, can the weapon be obtained?" Ye Fei said in a bad mood.

"Yes, of course! Anyway, I am also the Dragon Soul instructor, I can still do this!"

Shi Junze replied with a smile, and then said: "Boss, call the headquarters of the Kowloon Club, do you want me to help?"

"Need not."

Ye Fei replied, "You are the instructor of the Dragon Soul, so don't participate in the underground society."

"Well, boss, when do you want these weapons?" Shi Junze asked.

"Do not exceed tomorrow night at the latest." Ye Fei said.

"All right, I will prepare now, and it must be delivered tomorrow." Shi Junze promised.

"Okay, you do things, I can rest assured."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Okay, that's it, contact me after getting the weapon."

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei looked into the distance, squinted his eyes, and said indifferently: "The Nine Dragons Club...Xue Shengtian...Your death date is here..."


The next morning, Ye Fei took Zhang Baokun and Lu Qinghong around the Heping District.

At noon, Ye Fei and his party went around the headquarters of the Kowloon Club.

At this time, in a coffee shop not far from the headquarters of the Kowloon Club.

Lu Qinghong took a sip of coffee and said, "Brother Fei, it seems that the Nine Dragons Club is indeed messed up...Looking at the people coming in and out, everyone looked panicked, making it as if the sky was falling. It's ridiculous..."

"The Nine Dragons Club has been at ease for so long, and it's strange that they didn't panic when such a big event suddenly happened last night." Tang Yu pouted.

"Brother Fei, when shall we start?" Charles looked at Ye Fei and asked.


Ye Fei replied faintly.

tonight? !

Zhang Baokun and Lu Qinghong became excited when they heard this.

They thought that Brother Fei would have to wait a few days, but they didn't expect to do it so soon.

"Hahaha, well, I can finally have a good time again!" Zhang Baokun said cheerfully, waving his huge fist.

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