Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2169: , The deadline has come!

Shi Junze took a breath and said, "Boss, since these brothers are not ordinary people, it seems that I really don't need my help."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well, you guys should go back soon. If you don't go back, the old man who is careful about the dragon master should be anxious again."

"All right, boss, let's go first, and contact us if we have any questions."

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded.

Afterwards, Shi Junze and Yan Zilong drove a military jeep and left the underground parking lot.

As soon as Shi Junze left, Zhang Hanbo asked curiously: "Brother Fei, who are those buddies? Looking at their mighty looks, should they be our special forces in China?"

The others also looked at Ye Fei curiously, wondering who Shi Junze were.

"They are not special forces."

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head, and said, "However, they are much more powerful than breeding soldiers..."

"How powerful is that?" Zhang Hanbo asked quickly again.

"For a simple analogy, they alone can be worth more than two dozen special forces kings." Ye Fei said lightly.


Zhang Hanbo exclaimed and said, "Are they the most mysterious troops in China, such as Dragon Soul, Dragon Team, Dragon Fang, etc.?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and said in a puzzled way: "Han Bo, how do you know Dragon Soul and Dragon Tooth?"

"Hey, I like to read online novels, which are all written in novels."

Zhang Hanbo smiled, and suddenly stopped his smile, "Fuck...Isn't it, are those buddies really from our China Mysterious Army?!"

"Hehe, you really guessed right this time."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "They come from the Dragon Soul..."


Except for Zhang Baokun and Lu Qinghong, the other forty-five people took a breath, and they were obviously shocked by the identities of Shi Junze and Yan Zilong.

Of course, what surprised them even more was that Fei dared to know the people of China Dragon Soul... And, just now, I saw the attitude of those dragon soul fighters to Fei. The same as the boss.

Brother Fei is indeed not an ordinary person, so he can ask the Dragon Soul people to help him get weapons.

Niubi, really awesome!

Ye Fei felt a little amused when everyone looked surprised, and said, "I said you guys, don't you need to be so surprised, it's as if you haven't seen the world before."

"Hey, Brother Fei, it's the first time that the big guy has seen a person from the legendary mysterious army, so of course he is surprised!" Zhang Hanbo said with a smile.

"Tsk tusk, it's no wonder why you think those buddies look mighty one by one, so their identities are so awesome!"

Zhao He also took the sentence.

"Okay, don't be poor, get in the car, choose the weapon you want, and get ready to do business!"

Ye Fei waved his hand.


When everyone heard that they were about to do business, they quickly jumped into the carriage.

Fortunately, the truck is big enough, otherwise it really can't hold so many people.

After getting on the car, everyone selected their own weapons from the boxes and assembled them.

Because Sean and Charles had been in the Juggernaut before, in addition to training people, they also taught everyone how to assemble guns.

After a few minutes, all of them have chosen their own weapons.

"Sean, you come to drive, I'll take the co-pilot."

Ye Fei said something to Xiao En.

"it is good!"

Shaun carried a small impact on his shoulders, and then put Colt on his waist, and then he jumped out of the carriage.

Afterwards, Ye Fei closed the door with a "clang", and then sat in the main driver and co-pilot with Sean.

"Brothers, let's go!"

Shaun yelled excitedly, then started the car, left the parking lot, and went straight to the headquarters of the Kowloon Club.


Around ten thirty at night.

Kowloon Club Headquarters Building.

Like last night, the headquarters building is still brightly lit tonight.

However, the difference from last night is that tonight, the younger brother of the Kowloon Society guarding the headquarters building has doubled and the number has reached seven or eight hundred.

These little brothers wandered around the headquarters building, looking around vigilantly, paying attention to everyone near the headquarters building.

Everyone is in a state of insolence, and their vigilance is also the highest.

After all, last night, all the rudder masters and hall masters were killed one after another, which also made everyone panicked and felt as if something big was about to happen.

At this time, in a spacious office in the headquarters building of the Kowloon Club.

"What the **** is going on?! One night, just one night, our rudder master's hall master all died. What the **** is this kidding?!"

Xue Shengtian shouted angrily at the people sitting in the office, and said, "Are you all **** trash? It's been a day and a night, haven't found the murderer yet?!"

The upper-ranking brothers sitting in the office were all smoking cigarettes and were afraid to make any rebuttals.

Their faces were full of gloom and anger, but their hearts were really aggrieved and puzzled.

So many rudder masters and hall masters were all killed overnight.

From the development of the Kowloon Club to today, I have never encountered such a thing.

What is even more irritating is that even a murderer can't be found.

This is **** it!

"All talking! Why are you dumb?!"

Xue Shengtian was even more annoyed when everyone was silent.

"Boss, please calm down your anger."

At this time, military strategist Guo Yuqiong stood up and said, "Suddenly this big thing has happened, and my brothers are not feeling well.

However, boss, please rest assured. Everyone will find the murderer in the shortest time and avenge the dead brothers. "

"The military division is right, boss, we promise to find the murderer in the shortest possible time and slash him a thousand times!" a high-ranking elder brother said furiously.

"Find? How to find? Do you have clues now?!"

Xue Shengtian felt angry and asked.

A black-faced man frowned and said, "Boss, these murderers only killed people last night. They will definitely not be able to run overnight.

Therefore, as long as we seize the time to search, we will be able to find out those murderers. "

"What I want is the result! Instead of telling me so much here, you might as well hurry up and find it for me now!

Give you two days, no matter what method you use, you must find the murderer for me! If you can't find it, you don't have to come back! "

Xue Shengtian snarled at the senior brothers.

"Yes, boss!!"

These high-ranking elder brothers responded, not daring to wait any longer, and quickly got up and left the office.

However, a few people stayed in the office and did not leave.

These people, in addition to the military master Guo Yuqiong, are the top masters of the Nine Dragons Association, the ghost king, the ghost general, the ghoul, the bull head, the horse face, and the Mei Niang.

"Trash! It's all a bunch of trash!!"

Xue Shengtian frantically slammed everything on his desk to the ground, and he felt his lungs explode.

As the boss of the Kowloon Club, it was the first time that he felt so aggrieved and angry.

The enemy came to the door, and he killed so many people, but he didn't even know who the enemy was.

This feeling of anger and nowhere to spread made him very unhappy.

"Boss, don't be angry, isn't it just that a few rudder masters and hall masters died? This will not have much impact on our Kowloon Society.

Anyway, there are so many capable people in Kowloon, and the rudder master and the hall master can re-select people at any time. As long as you are okay, there will be no trouble in the Kowloon Society. "

A rough-looking man with sturdy arms, strong muscles, and a long messy hair said aloud.

"That means, Boss, let your anger go away. If your anger hurts your body, it won't be worth it."

A woman wearing a fuchsia tight-fitting leather jacket and trousers, with long purple hair, a fiery figure and a charming face cast a wink at Xue Shengtian and took the sentence.

Xue Shengtian took a few deep breaths, calmed down a little, and said: "Niu Tau and Mei Niang, although some rudder masters and hall masters have died, they really won't hurt our bones and muscles in the Nine Dragons Club.

However, our Kowloon Club is also the overlord of the North. For so many years, no one dared to provoke us.

But just last night, our rudder master and hall master were killed for no reason. How did this make me swallow this breath? This is clearly hitting us in the face! "

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