Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2173: , Neither fart!

Ye Fei's whole body is as stable as Mount Tai, as solid as a rock, standing there, letting the bull's head attack frantically, he stands still!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

The sound of muffled thunder continued to explode!

After a round of stormy attacks, Niutou's breath became a little unstable, and even the forehead was covered with big beads of sweat!

However, he still didn't hurt Ye Fei at all!

Because, no matter how he attacks, Ye Fei can stop it without any difference, and it looks relaxed and calm, effortlessly!

Niutou looked at Ye Fei in astonishment, very puzzled!

The young man in front of him didn't even have real energy, but he was able to block his attack with his physical strength. This was really weird!

Not only the bull head, but the ghost kings, ghost generals and others on the steps are also surprised!

Although Bull Head is not the strongest among them, his strength is better than black and white impermanence!

But why can't Niutou's stormy attack not hurt this kid? !

At this time, seeing Niutou stopped attacking, Ye Fei mocked and said: "Why, is your strength only so small?"

"Smelly boy! Don't give me crazy!"

Seeing Ye Fei mocking himself at Niu Tau, his heart was furious!

"Ben Lei kills legs!!"

He slammed his legs to the ground, and his body jumped high. In the process of falling, he directly lifted the thick right leg, like a giant axe, from top to bottom, and struck Ye Fei's head. Go down!

Huh! !

Cut off with one leg, with fierce and violent power, as if to split the earth!

"Huh! Ant'er!"

Ye Fei snorted coldly, facing Niutou's imposing leg, without blinking his eyelids, he directly raised his arm and moved up!

boom! !

A loud noise!

Ye Fei once again blocked the attack of Bull Head!

Crazy legs drove a strong wind, and waves of air rushed in all directions!

Click! Click! !

Although Niu Tau's leg failed to injure Ye Fei, the surrounding cement slabs were all cracked!

Seeing that this leg still didn't hurt Ye Fei, Niutou quickly retracted his leg and took two steps back!

He was sweating all over his body, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly!

Somehow, there was a feeling of powerlessness in his heart!

It was as if Ye Fei in front of him was a god, making him feel like he couldn't beat it!

"It seems that your strength is only so little..."

Ye Fei flexed his muscles and said indifferently, "If this is the case, then I won't play with you..."

The voice just fell.


Ye Fei's body moved, and his body instantly disappeared from the place!

When he reappeared, he had already come to Niutou!


Niu Tau's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror.

Because he didn't see Ye Fei's moving track at all, as if it appeared out of thin air!

Not only the bull head, but even the ghost generals and ghouls on the steps were shocked!

This speed is simply non-human!

Moreover, since just now, the ghost king who has remained silent has his pupils locked, revealing a touch of complexity and surprise.

Yes, even he couldn't catch Ye Fei's figure.


Ye Fei spit out a word faintly, slowly raised his right hand, clenched a fist, stepped forward, slammed a piece of cement slab with a "click", and then slammed his fist toward the bull's head!

boom! !

At the moment when Ye Fei punched out, the muscles on his body were agitating regularly, and the muscles, bones and veins on his body were all transmitting power to Ye Fei's fist at the same time!

When the three powers converge, their power has already risen to the extreme!

"Hurry up and avoid the bull head!!"

"Quick! Dodge!!"

The ghost generals and others on the steps also saw the extraordinary effect of Ye Fei's punch, so they hurriedly reminded them loudly.

However, Niutou was stunned for a moment, did not react at all, and did not hear other people's reminders.

Suddenly, Ye Fei's fist had steadily smashed into Niutou's chest!

At the beginning, Niutou didn't feel any threat, but after a few tenths of a second, he felt a sharp surging, like a volcanic eruption, the follow-up force was continuously pouring out!

boom! !

Accompanied by a shocking sound, the huge body of the bull's head rose directly from the ground, like a sandbag, and flew backwards quickly!

I only heard a "boom"!

Niutou's body directly hit the wall of the building, as if the whole building was shaking!

Click! Click! ! ...

There was a burst of cracking sound, and the body of the bull's head directly smashed the wall, the whole person was embedded in it, and it failed to fall to the ground!

Dust was everywhere, and stone chips rolled off.

"Bull head!!!"

The ghost general, the ghoul and the others screamed in horror, and ran over quickly.

However, when they ran over, Bull Head was already vomiting blood, and his entire chest collapsed. The broken bones directly pierced his internal organs.

"Niutou, how are you doing?!"

Ma Mian looked at the bull's head tightly and shouted.

However, Niutou moved his mouth and couldn't say a word.

"Niutou, you..."

The ghoul's face changed, and he noticed that the aura of the bull's head had become weaker and weaker.

Only a few seconds later, when the last bit of thick blood came out of the cow's mouth, the cow's head immediately died.

"Bull head!!!"

The horse yelled angrily, then turned his head abruptly and stared at Ye Fei.

"Smelly boy! Do you dare to kill my brother, I want you to kill you!!"

The horse roared, leaped down from the high platform, and rushed up towards Ye Fei.

"Tiangang Shadowless Hand!!"

At the moment when he approached Ye Fei, Ma Mian's hands formed into palms, palm after palm, and he patted Ye Fei!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Every time he took a palm, the air burst into bursts of sound, like a muffled thunder!

But Ye Fei was spinning in place, turning sideways and dodge, but perfectly avoided the sharp attacks of the horse's face again and again!

"Smelly boy, don't hide if you have the ability!!"

When Ma Mian saw Ye Fei dodge all the time, his heart was extremely annoyed.

"Mamian, I'll help you!!"

At this moment, Mei Niang, who was wearing a red and purple tight leather jacket, saw that she was not Ye Fei's opponent. She immediately jumped down from the steps and launched an attack towards Ye Fei!

"Youlan Ecstasy Palm!!"

Mei Niangjiao yelled, her hands condensed the purple innocence, with a strange fragrance, palm after palm, and patted Ye Fei continuously!

Ma Mian and Mei Niang, two great congenital masters, attacked Ye Fei at the same time.

However, this is not the case in fact.

Although the attacks of Ma Mian and Mei Niang were magnificent, to Ye Fei now, it was like a child playing a house.

"How... how is it possible? Why don't you have my ecstasy incense!"

Astonishment flashed across Mei Niang's face, she felt incredible.

Generally speaking, whether it is an ordinary person or a warrior, as long as they smell the ecstasy scent they are playing, they will be paralyzed, unable to move, and can only wait to be killed by themselves.

However, Ye Fei was not affected by the slightest amount of influence, on the contrary, he fought more and more fiercely.

"Hehe, what the **** is Ecstasy?"

Ye Fei sneered and said, "Tell you, when I was playing with poison, I'm afraid you were still playing with mud!"

With that said, Ye Fei lifted a palm and shook Mei Niang away with a "bang", and then his right hand turned into a claw, like a golden dragon's claw, and with a "swish", he grabbed the horse's face!

Seeing Ye Fei's attack, the horse's face lifted up, and he wanted to pull back!

However, Ye Fei's speed was so fast that he couldn't retreat at all!

Therefore, the horse face had to carry it frontally, and suddenly raised a palm to meet Ye Fei's dragon claw!

boom! !

However, at the moment of contact.


The horse's face screamed heartbreakingly, he staggered back two steps, his palm was already **** and bloody, and his fingers broke every inch!


A black-red flame throbbed in Ye Fei's eyes, and his dragon claws continued to move forward, directly buckling Ma Mian's neck!

Immediately, he gently raised his hand and picked up the horse face!

"Uh uh uh!!"

Ma Mian screamed desperately, struggling, clasping Ye Fei's wrist with his other hand, trying hard to break free.

However, Ye Fei's claws were like steel bars, no matter how he broke free, he couldn't break free.

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