Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2183: , Calm down the worries!

"Brother Ye can can you do that..."

Liu Yiyi was angry and embarrassed, her face flushed like a peach.

"What did I do?"

Ye Fei pretended not to understand.

"That's it..."

Liu Yiyi was embarrassed and said: "It's so dirty..."

"Girl, your whole body smells delicious, where is it dirty?"

Ye Fei licked his lips and smiled badly.

"Brother Ye Fei, you...In short, that's not good..."

Liu Yiyi was shy and authentic.

"Well, girl, don't do this or that, such a beautiful day, you can't waste it..."

With that said, Ye Fei rushed forward directly in the voice of Liu Yiyi's tender voice...

Two hours of violent storms finally came to a halt.

After some tossing, Liu Yiyi was also tired and fell asleep directly.

Although Ye Fei's energy is still very vigorous, but seeing the woman so tired, he did not continue, but helped the woman cover the quilt, quietly got out of the bed, and opened the curtains.

Ye Fei lit a cigarette, quietly looking at the night sky outside the window, a sad expression appeared on his face.

Although I have been amusing the girl and promised that Dean Cai will be cured soon, only Ye Fei knows that if the information on cancer treatment in the "Yanhuang Database" is not decoded one day, one cannot be treated.

It has been so long and Elena hasn't given a reply to herself, which is enough to show that Elena must have encountered a problem.

However, Ye Fei still wanted to make a phone call to ask Elena if there is any progress.

Thinking of this, when Ye Fei was about to contact Elena, his phone vibrated unexpectedly.

Ye Fei picked up the phone from the table and glanced around, only to find that Elena was calling.

He was taken aback for a moment, and his heart suddenly became excited.

Could it be that Elena has already deciphered that piece of information?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei walked out of the room, closed the door gently, and went to the living room to answer the phone.

"Elena, is there anything wrong with you calling me?" Ye Fei asked quickly.

"My dear, I have deciphered the information about the treatment of cancer that you gave me not long ago."

Elena's voice came over.


When Ye Fei heard it, his mood suddenly became excited, and his voice couldn't help raising a few decibels.

However, when he thought of Liu Yiyi still sleeping in the room, Ye Fei quickly covered his mouth.


Elena said: "I asked the teacher for advice a few days ago, and she gave me a lot of guidance, so I can successfully decipher it."

"That's great!"

Ye Fei lowered his voice and said happily: "I was still worried about this just now. I didn't expect you to bring me such good news! Thank you, Elena, thank you very much!"

Knowing that the man is very happy, Elena is also very happy, and said with a smile: "My dear, it is my honor to be able to help you."

"Elena, this is more than just a help, this is a great help to me!"

Ye Fei suppressed his excitement and said, "By the way, Elena, you will send the deciphered information to my mailbox later."

"it is good."

Elena responded.

"By the way, Elena, is Minova still on the island?"

Ye Fei thought that without Minova, the information would not have been deciphered so quickly.

"The teacher stayed on the island for a few days and then left. I asked her where to go, but she didn't tell me." Elena said helplessly.

"Elena, you also know that Minova has always advocated freedom and likes to live an unfettered life. If you let her always stay in one place, she will definitely go crazy."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "However, you don't have to worry too much. Minova is not only smart, but also very capable. She won't be in any danger."

"Ok, I know."

Elena responded, and then said: "By the way, my dear, the teacher asked me to bring you a word before leaving..."

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"The teacher said... She will give birth to you and his child, and then she will show you the child's picture..."

"What?! Child?!"

Ye Fei's mouth twitched and said, "Is Minova pregnant?!"

"I don't know, but the teacher said she already has your child." Elena replied.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "This woman always likes crazy talk, don't listen to her."

"Uh... well."

Later, Ye Fei chatted with Elena a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Thinking of what Elena said to herself just now, Ye Fei was very puzzled.

How could Minova become pregnant?

Ye Fei knew very well that it would be quite difficult for women to get pregnant if their physical fitness couldn't keep up with him.

Otherwise, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan would have been pregnant long ago, okay?

Therefore, Ye Fei only thought that Minova was talking crazy, and didn't think too much. Instead, she walked to the sofa and sat down, and then turned on a laptop on the coffee table.

Ye Fei logged in to a special email address and clicked on an encrypted email sent by Elena to himself.

This email is very large, with hundreds of pages, and the records in it are all advanced medical materials.

Moreover, these materials are divided into many sections, all of which are about methods and techniques for treating various cancers. There are Chinese medicine and Western medicine...

Ye Fei could also understand it after Elena's deciphering.

Yes, this is the information!

Dean Cai is saved! !

Because of the excitement, Ye Fei's hands were shaking.

Ye Fei lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled a long puff of cigarette. After calming his mood, he began to browse page by page.

The clock hung on the wall was walking ticking, and time passed slowly.

Because this document is very long, contains a lot of content, and it is difficult to have a lot of knowledge points, Ye Fei read it very slowly in order not to miss any knowledge points.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it's dawn.

When the first ray of sunlight came in through the window, Ye Fei read all the information and kept it in mind.

"Great, Dean Cai is finally saved..."

Ye Fei said something lightly, then stretched out and closed the computer.

Now, Ye Fei has a complete set of methods for treating gastric cancer in his heart, so he is going to start treatment for Dean Cai today.

Although he stayed up all night, Ye Fei's spirit was still full, and he didn't feel tired.

Ye Fei stood up, and when he was about to wash, the door of the room opened.

"Brother Ye Fei, why do you get up so early?"

Liu Yiyi rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out of the room.

"Oh, I haven't slept at all this night." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Huh? Didn't sleep?"

Liu Yiyi was stunned, glanced at the ashtray on the coffee table full of cigarette butts, and said, "Brother Ye Fei, what are you doing without sleeping all night?"

"Dean Cai is saved."

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said something to Liu Yiyi.

"Dean Cai is saved..."

Liu Yiyi repeated a sentence. First, he was taken aback, and then a deep astonishment appeared on her face. She covered her small mouth, and she couldn't believe it and said: "Ye... Ye Fei brother... this... this is true. Is it?!"

Ye Fei stepped forward, stroked the girl's head lightly, and said with a smile: "Of course it is true. After this period of hard work, my friend finally deciphered the information on the treatment of cancer.

Moreover, she passed the information to me last night, so I have been reading this information all night.

Now that the information has been read, I already have a way to treat Dean Cai..."


Liu Yiyi immediately burst into tears of joy, tears streaming down.

The girl still couldn't believe it, feeling like she was dreaming.

"Yiyi, it's true!"

Ye Fei nodded, kissed the girl's forehead, and said: "Hurry up and get dressed, wash up, let's go outside for breakfast, and then go directly to the hospital."


Liu Yiyi nodded vigorously, and then hurried into the room to change his clothes.

After Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi finished washing, they left home and drove out of the community.

The two casually ate breakfast on the road, and then went straight to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Ye Fei called Shen Guangzhe, the dean of the First People's Hospital...

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