Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2185: ,She is pregnant?

Not long after, a Porsche Panamera drove from a distance and stopped at the door smoothly.

The door opened, and Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi walked out of the car.

Seeing Ye Fei arrived, Shen Guangzhe hurriedly greeted him with a group of doctors and nurses.

However, the eyes of these doctors looking at Ye Fei were full of contempt.

They wanted to see what the **** this kid wanted to do.

It also treats cancer. If there is a real technology to treat cancer, then the medical community of the whole world will take a big step forward.

"Doctor Ye, you can be regarded as arriving."

Shen Guangzhe smiled and introduced: "Doctor Ye, these are the top surgeons in our hospital.

This is Dr. Zhang. He has ten years of surgical experience and has published several well-known medical papers internationally.

This is Dr. Chen. He graduated from Stanford University and received a master's and doctoral degree in clinical medicine five years ago..."

Hearing Shen Guangzhe's introduction, the doctors and experts standing next to each other raised their heads upright, their nostrils facing the sky, and their faces full of pride.

After all, they are all top talents in the medical field, and they are the targets of countless hospitals vying to hire, and these glorious resumes are their proud capital.

However, Ye Fei didn't listen to Shen Guangzhe's further introduction, but directly interrupted, saying: "Dean Shen, you don't need to introduce anything.

I'm not here to hear how awesome they are and what awesome awards they have won.

Rather than wasting time here, it is better to hurry up and start the operation. After all, I came to save people. "

Hearing what Ye Fei said, the experts and doctors present were suddenly angry.

"Boy, what do you look like?"

The bald middle-aged doctor said uncomfortably: "You just know a little bit of Chinese medicine. Even if you defeat a few great Chinese medicine practitioners, what about it?

Do you have our rich qualifications? Have you published any papers? Have you received any awards in the medical field?

With your current medical skills, you still want to treat patients with advanced cancer. It's nonsense! "

Ye Fei stared at this guy coldly, and said in a solemn voice: "I repeat, since I am preparing for treatment, it means I have a way!

Saving someone has nothing to do with the qualifications you have, how many papers you have published, and how many awards you have won!

Moreover, this patient is my relative, and I will not make fun of my relative's life! If you want to cooperate with my treatment, I welcome it!

If you don't want to, then get out of here! There are so many good doctors and medical teams in the world, and I don’t lack you! "

" are too presumptuous!"

"Boy, you really disrespect people!"

"That is, since we are invited to cooperate with the treatment, at least the attitude should be more correct!"

Ye Fei's words made the doctors present blushing, and they all yelled.

"Brother Ye Fei, don't be angry. If you have anything, can't you say it?" Liu Yiyi pulled Ye Fei's hand and said gently.

"Yiyi, it's not a question of speaking well. If these guys have been suspicious of me and don't cooperate well on the operating table, then I can only hire someone else."

Ye Fei said something to Liu Yiyi, then turned his head to look at Shen Guangzhe, and said, "Dean Shen, if these people you hire don't really want to help, then I can only go to other people.

I think that in the medical world, there should be no doctor who is not interested in the technology to treat cancer..."

"Ah? Genius Doctor Ye, don't be angry!"

Shen Guangzhe touched the sweat on his forehead, then turned his head and said to the group of doctors: "Everyone, I don't care whether you look down on God Doctor Ye or have doubts about God Doctor Ye.

I hope that in the coming time, please cooperate with God Doctor Ye for treatment! Just like God Doctor Ye said, the technology of treating cancer, but many experts and doctors want to know!

And, again, if the treatment really fails, I will bear the responsibility! "

"Okay, since Dean Shen you have said so, then we can cooperate." The doctor wearing gold-rimmed glasses pushed the glasses and said.

Shen Guangzhe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone had finally stopped making mischief.

Ye Fei didn't quarrel with these guys anymore, but said to Shen Guangzhe: "Dean Shen, time is waiting for no one, let's prepare for surgery as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Shen Guangzhe nodded.

Subsequently, Ye Fei and his party quickly walked into the hospital.

Shen Guangzhe took someone to arrange the operation, while Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi came to a VIP intensive care unit.

After all, surgery is a major event, and they have to seek the approval of Dean Cai.

"Xiaoye, Yiyi, why are you here?"

Dean Cai was drinking tea, and when he saw Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi coming in, he was pleasantly surprised and puzzled.

Ye Fei stepped forward, gently shook Dean Cai's hand, and smiled softly: "Dean Cai, I have found a way to treat you. So, Dean Cai, let's have an operation."

Dean Cai froze for a moment, and said, "Can the cancer be cured at the advanced stage?"


Ye Fei nodded, and then truthfully said: "However, the success rate is only 70%."

"Dean Cai, I really hope that you can recover soon, so you can let Ye Fei perform the operation for you. I believe Ye Fei will be able to cure you!" Liu Yiyi grasped Dean Cai’s hand. Said.

Dean Cai smiled gently and said, "Well, anyway, old lady, I am also a person with half of her body buried in the soil. I'm not even afraid of death, would I still be afraid of surgery?

Haha, Xiaoye, please feel free to operate boldly, even if the operation fails, I won't blame you..."

"Dean Cai..."

Ye Fei's hands trembled lightly, his heart tingling, and his voice hoarse: "Don't worry, I swear, no matter what, I will heal you!"


Dean Cai smiled kindly and nodded.

Seeing Dean Cai agree to the operation, Liu Yiyi's face was smiling, and tears couldn't stop streaming down.

In the following time, Ye Fei signed the letter of intention for surgery, and then Shen Guangzhe sent Dean Cai into the operating room.

Ye Fei put on sterile surgical gowns and entered the operating room with Shen Guangzhe and other doctors.

Originally, other people were not allowed to enter during the operation, but for Ye Fei's face, Shen Guangzhe also agreed that Liu Yiyi changed into sterile surgical gowns and went in and watched.

After a series of procedures such as anesthesia, the operation also began.

Originally, those doctors and experts thought that Ye Fei could only learn Chinese medicine, not western medicine.

In addition, they can only act as assistants this time, obviously not very convinced, but because Shen Guangzhe tried their best to ask them to cooperate, they could only save face.

Everyone was watching a good show, ready to watch this young arrogant boy make a fool of himself.

"Blood pressure 120, 73, heart rate 82, everything is normal." An anesthesiologist said lightly.

Ye Fei nodded and took the scalpel. Without much communication, he opened his abdomen neatly and started the operation directly.

Until they saw Ye Fei cut the knife, these doctors were taken aback for a moment, and their expressions finally became more serious.

They found that Ye Fei's surgical skills were very skillful and smooth, without the slightest extra movement, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

Just this hand surprised them very much. Didn't expect this kid not only to know Chinese medicine, but also Western medicine? !

Shen Guangzhe was also shocked. After all, he had never seen Ye Fei perform an operation using Western medicine.

As expected, he is someone who even the teacher admires, really awesome.

The operation was carried out step by step under the guidance of Ye Fei.

Although Liu Yiyi standing on the side could not understand, she still thought Ye Fei was great, especially when she saw Ye Fei's serious eyes, she vaguely felt that Dean Cai was really saved, so she kept thinking about it. Cheer up Ye Fei.

At this moment, Ye Fei had no distracting thoughts, and focused to the extreme, recalling the method recorded in that document, not allowing himself to make a slight mistake.

It is precisely because the method recorded in that document requires a combination of Chinese and Western surgery to complete it.

Although I can come from foreign contacts, the world's top doctors are located all over the world, and it is impossible to gather them all without a week.

Therefore, in order to save time, Ye Fei thought of letting Shen Guangzhe convener.

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