Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2188: ,unimaginable!

Bellis turned her head and saw that her students hadn't followed her, she put her hands in her waist, and said, "Students, don't chat, please? Time is running out, we should get on the plane!

This time, the fashion show held by ESMOD and Huaxia is very important. Don't mess it up with me. At that time, I can't afford to lose this person! "

"Don't worry, teacher, we will definitely give you a long face!"

"Teacher, we are your students, you have to trust us!"

"We will definitely use everything we have learned, and let our work shine in this exhibition!"

These students responded one by one.

"Okay, don't blow the cowhide too early. If you mess up the exhibition by then, don't even think about graduating!" Bellis said seriously.

When the students heard it, they cried and wailed.

Beris didn’t pay attention to these little guys. Instead, she walked to a Chinese girl with a slender figure and a pure and lovely appearance. She put her arm around the girl’s shoulder and raised her eyebrows and said, "Ke Xin, you were the one I brought. The most talented and creative student.

Oh, the wedding dresses you have designed are simply the most perfect works of art! This time, you must win honor for the teacher! "


Xia Kexin nodded and said, "Teacher, I will work hard!"


Belis can't say anything, she kissed Xia Kexin's cute face like a porcelain doll, and then joked with her eyebrows: "Kexin, this time I'm going to Huaxia Ninghai, besides participating in the exhibition, are you still going to meet? See that Mr. Ye, make an appointment with him?"

"Teacher... people don't think so."

Xia Kexin was shy in her heart because she was said to have been on her mind, and her cheeks turned red.

This time, she was finally able to return to China. In addition to going home to visit her mother and younger brother, she was also going to see Ye Fei.

Since studying abroad, she has been thinking of Ye Fei every night.

Therefore, when she learned that the exhibition was going to be held in Ninghai, China, she was so excited that she didn't sleep well for several nights.


Bellis chuckled and said, "Ke Xin, the teacher is here, and he must know more than you... That Mr. Ye is a great man, if you want to capture his heart, it's not easy.

Once, I also admired that Mr. Ye very much, but people didn't like me at all, so I had to give up. "


Xia Kexin opened her **** eyes and said, "Teacher, do you like Brother Ye Fei too?!"

"A man like that, and how many women don't like it..."

There was a look of nostalgia and regret in Belis' eyes, and then shook her head, saying: "Well, let's not talk about me, it's all past tense.

By the way, Ke Xin, I ask you, you must answer me honestly, do you like Mr. Ye? "

Xia Kexin let out an "um" like a mosquito and nodded.

Bellis hurriedly smiled and said, "If you like it, then you must be brave. If you really want to capture the heart of that Mr. Ye, you can take the initiative to throw him down... In your China, this behavior is called'sheng' "Rice cooked rice, right?"


Xia Kexin was shocked, pinching the corners of her clothes with her hands, embarrassedly said: "This...isn't this a bit bad..."

"Oh Maiga! What's so bad about this?!"

Bellis spread her hands and said: My mother...Oh, no, Svenswen, I took off my clothes in front of him at the beginning, he didn't want me, and said that my chest was small, which he didn't like.

Kexin, you think the teacher has been so proactive, why are you still hesitating? Let me tell you, if you hesitate further, then you really have no chance..."

"Teacher, stop talking, we're going to get on the plane!"

At this time, a student reminded.

"Let's go, Kexin, talk after getting on the plane."

Bellis smiled, and then took Xia Kexin and other students into the boarding gate, and got on the plane one after another.

Before long, an international flight from Paris to China Ninghai took off.

During the trip, Bellis chatted with Xia Kexin for a long time and made many tricks.

Until she was sleepy while talking, Bellis put on her headphones, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Xia Kexin turned her head to look at the clouds and sky outside the window, in a daze.

Yes, the teacher is right. If you don't take the initiative, the fate between you and Ye Fei may really come to an end.

Xia Kexin took a deep breath and cheered herself up in her heart.

Xia Kexin, you can definitely do it!

At this time, in two seats obliquely behind Xia Kexin, sitting a white man with short blond hair, a thin face and listening to music with headphones, looked like an ordinary passenger.

Although the white man is listening to the song, his sharp eyes will pay attention to the surrounding movement from time to time, and will also look at Xia Kexin's direction from time to time.

It's just that the white man did all this very secretly, so it didn't make people discover it.

However, when the white man saw the three men in the seat on the right, his eyes narrowed and he immediately increased his vigilance.

Although these three men are dressed in ordinary, murderous aura is vaguely coming from their bodies, something is wrong.

Moreover, sitting in the middle is a strong black man with a bald head. The muscles on his body are very solid. There is a scar at the corner of his eye, which makes him look more vicious, and he is not a good person at first sight.

As for sitting on the left and right sides of the strong black man, there are two Chinese men. These two Chinese men, with strong build and eyes like eagles, are also paying attention to the surrounding movement.


The white man squinted his eyes and said softly, "It seems that these three guys are not ordinary people..."

But at this moment, the white man suddenly felt the slight vibration of the plane, so he quickly took off his earphones and turned his head and looked out the window.

What's the matter, why did the plane deviate from the course? !

The white man was dumbfounded, feeling something wrong.

Not only the white man noticed something wrong, but the two Chinese men also noticed it.

"Eagle, go and ask the staff, what is going on?"

A man with a national character face whispered to another man with dark skin.

The man nodded, unlocked the safe, and was about to get up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to board the flight to'Batali'!"

Suddenly, a rough voice came over.

Hearing the sound, all the passengers in the economy class looked up.

I saw a black man with curly black hair, a long beard, and several gold rings and jewelry rings on his hands. He came out from the first-class cabin with several black men.

What's more, what shocked everyone was that these men all carried rifles and micro punches in their hands!

Yes, you read that right, they have guns in their hands!

At an airport with such strict security checks, it is incredible to be able to carry the gun on the plane!


"You...who are you?!"

"What do you want to do?!"

Seeing these men with guns appeared, the passengers panicked.

"Old... teacher, what is going on? They... who are they? Why do they still have guns in their hands?"

Xia Kexin grabbed Bellis's hand, her voice trembled, her pretty face turned pale.

Bellis frowned and said, "Ke Xin, don't be afraid, the teacher is here. Let's see what these guys really want to do."


Xia Kexin nodded, but still couldn't stop the shaking of her body.

As for the other students who came from Bei Lisi, all of them were scared to death.


The bearded man laughed loudly and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Zakri and I come from the Batali organization. If you don’t know us Batali, then you should have heard of some famous terrorist attacks in the world...

So, ladies and gentlemen, you should know something about us now, right? "

Terrorist organization? !

Everyone was suddenly shocked, and their expressions changed drastically!

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