Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2192: , Lamb to be slaughtered!

Because the college entrance examination was over and the volunteers were filled, Gu Xiaoran, the girl was completely liberated, and ran to the company in two or three days.

"Ye Fei, why are you here, what's the matter?" Gu Qingcheng raised his head and asked.

At this time, seeing Ye Fei coming, Gu Xiaoran quickly took off the earphones and pricked up her ears, wanting to hear what Gu Qingcheng and Ye Fei were talking about.

"Qingcheng, I am going to South Africa today to tell you." Ye Fei said.

"Go to South Africa?"

Gu Qingcheng was taken aback, and said, "Why are you going to South Africa?"

"You should still know Xia Kexin?" Ye Fei asked.

"You know, what's wrong with Kexin?" Gu Qingcheng said.

Ye Fei spread his hands helplessly, saying: "Originally, Kexin, as one of the representatives of ESMOD Design Academy, was planning to come to China to participate in a clothing exhibition, but unexpectedly, she was hijacked by a terrorist organization in the middle.

So, I am going to go there and bring her back. "

"Will Kexin be in danger?!" Gu Qingcheng worried.


Ye Fei nodded and said, "The guys in that terrorist organization are all murderous guys. If you don't get there as soon as possible, Xin will definitely be in danger."

"Then what are you doing here? Why don't you go!"

Gu Qingcheng snorted loudly.

"Yes, yes, don't be so nervous, I will go now!"

Ye Fei nodded repeatedly, then turned around to leave.

"Brother Fei, I want to go too!"

Gu Xiaoran threw the computer directly on the sofa and stood up.

"Don't go!!"

Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng said in unison.

Gu Xiaoran flattened his mouth and said, "Why?"

"Ye Fei is going to save people, what are you doing with you, are you making trouble?" Gu Qingcheng frowned.

"I...I can help too!" Gu Xiaoran pouted.

"I said I was not allowed to go, but I was not allowed to go!" Gu Qingcheng couldn't refuse to speak authentically.

"Brother Fei, just take them there..."

Gu Xiaoran hugged Ye Fei's arm and said coquettishly.

"Xiao Ran, I really didn't go out to play this time. Next time, if I go out to play, will I take you again?" Ye Fei said helplessly.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng staring at him, Gu Xiaoran nodded and said, "Well, I won't go if I don't."

With that, Gu Xiaoran sat angrily on the sofa.

"Qingcheng, then I will go first."

"Be careful on the road."

"it is good!"

Ye Fei smiled slightly, then turned and left the office.

At the door of the company, Ye Fei stopped a car and went straight to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, Ye Fei took the first flight to South Africa and went straight to South Africa...


Located in northeastern Africa, there is a kingdom composed of more than two dozen large and small tribes.

This kingdom, named Morodan, is the most famous wild lord among the ten kings in the world.

Because the wild lords have too much influence throughout Africa and even the entire world, no one dares to refuse to accept the wild lords establishing their own kingdom in Morodan.

At this time, it was about five o'clock in the morning.

In the kingdom of Morodan, the largest tribe is in a vast forest of wild tribes.

A man wearing animal skins, dark skin, and a strong build rushed in the forest.

In front of this figure, there is a fat and clumsy rhinoceros desperately fleeing forward, as if it had been run over by a bulldozer.

And this man chasing in the rear is the king of Morodan, the leader of all tribes, the Lord of the Wild.

The savage lords come to hunt in the forest every day and distribute the prey to the rest of the tribe.

Because the wild lord is generous and generous, all the tribes love him very much.

"Hey, man, don't run!"

The savage lord, who was like Hong Zhong, yelled, and then did not continue to chase, but slammed his legs to the ground.

Snapped! !

A muffled thunder sounded!

I saw that the soil on the ground was sunken by two deep footprints, while the barbaric lord emptied his body into the air, shooting out like a huge cannonball!

Huh! !

Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the sky, the majestic body of the wild lord tossed in the air for a week, and then "slapped" twice, standing firmly on the ground, blocking the front of the rhinoceros.

This rhino perceives the dangerous breath from the wild lord, so its eyes are full of beast-like fierce light, and the horns on its head are held up, ready to attack the wild lord at any time.

The Wild Lord smiled and hooked his finger at the rhinoceros, and said, "Come on, buddy!"

The rhinoceros felt that he was being provoked, and he screamed and rushed directly towards the wild lord.

Klang Klang! ! ...

Every time it moves a step, the ground vibrates, and its power should not be underestimated!

However, when the rhino rushed over, the Wild Lord just smiled, his legs kicked on the ground again, and he rose into the air!

The rhino rushed into the air, and the horns on his head slammed directly into the big tree with an adult waist behind the wild lord!

However, this sturdy tree couldn't stand the violent collision of the rhinoceros, and it was knocked off with a click, and fell to the ground!

When this rhino noticed that his attack had failed, he immediately prepared to turn around and continue to attack!

But after landing, the Wild Lord rushed forward and hugged the body of the rhino with his hands, and then used his arms to lift the rhino, which weighed about four tons, directly!

Immediately, the wild lord picked up the rhino and threw it forward!

With a "swish" sound, it was like throwing a heavy iron tuo out!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by a series of blasting sounds, I saw that the five or six sturdy trees in front were all knocked to the ground by the rhinoceros!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang. After knocking down a few big trees, the rhino fell heavily to the ground!

The rhino's skin is as tough as iron, and although it has received a huge impact, it is not injured.

It's just that this violent fall still hurt it.

The rhino screamed and struggled to get up from the ground, and then ran into the wild lord again!

"Man, this is the end of the game!"

When the rhino rushed over, the wild lord shook his right fist, shook a wave of violent power, and then slammed his fist on the rhino's head!

Click! !

A clear bone crack sounded!

This rhino flew upside down, fell to the ground, wailed a few times, and died!

The Wild Lord clapped his hands, then stepped forward and carried the rhino in one hand, then turned and walked out of the forest.

On the way to the outside of the forest, the Wild Lord carried a few wolves that had been killed a long time ago, and then left the forest.

Two miles away from the forest, there are houses built of stones. Some people wearing animal skins and other costumes are busy with their own affairs, which feels like a primitive tribe.


When the men, women and children of these tribes saw the wild lord, they would bow their heads and greet them respectfully.

"Haha, hello! Today is another bumper harvest, you have divided these things!"

The savage lord laughed loudly, then threw the prey in his hand to the ground.

"Thank you king!!"

The people of the tribe thanked the savage lord gratefully.

The savage lord smiled and waved his hand, and then continued to move forward.

It didn't take long before I saw that at the end of the tribe, there was a castle-like building made of stone.

At the gate of this stone castle, burly men dressed in animal skins and holding sharp blades were guarded.

And these people are the guards of the castle.


When the guards saw the wild lord return, they all bowed respectfully.

The Wild Lord nodded, and walked into the castle.

"Aka, I'm back."

When the savage lord walked into the castle hall, a woman wearing a beast dress, a plump body, but a very outstanding temperament walked over with a child.

"Cici, why do you get up so early?" the Wild Lord asked.

"The child woke up just now, and was making noise for a while before he fell asleep." The woman named Cici said.

"Hehe, this little guy is really getting more and more disobedient now, how can he noisy mother to sleep."

A petting smile appeared on the corner of the wild lord's mouth, and he kissed the child on the face.

"You haven't shaved your beard for a few days, don't woke up the child." Cici stared at the Wild Lord.

"Hey, shave today, shave today."

The savage lord laughed.

"Report!! King, something has happened! Something has happened!!"

At this moment, an elongated voice came in from outside the castle.

I saw that a strong black man, holding a rolled up flag in his hand, rushed in from the outside...

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