Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2201: , Just do it!

"You still ask me why?!"

The Wild Lord's face became cold, and he said, "Isn't this what you left behind after the people under your hands robbed my materials and killed my men?!"

Aston met the wild lord's gaze and shook his voice: "Wild lord, although you are the king and a friend of my boss, I should respect you! But you can't slander my sea lord at will!

Yes, that's right, our Sea Demon is a pirate organization that has robbed a lot of ships and killed many people... However, our Sea Demon people are principled, and we never try to beat our friends! "

The savage lord clenched his fist and said coldly: "Then why does your sea lord's banner stay on our ship?

Also, why do my people say that he saw it with his own eyes, robbed them of their supplies, and killed them the people of the Sea Demon King? How can you explain all this? ! "

"Then you can call out your subordinates and confront me!" Allston said angrily.

"My people have been killed by yours, how can I confront them?!"

The Wild Lord couldn't control his emotions a bit.

All the evidence points to the Sea Lord, but Auston is still quibbling, which makes him very unhappy.

"I repeat, we didn't kill you!"

Alston stood up directly and said angrily: "Wild Lord, you say that we did it both inside and outside, so what else do you want me to talk about? I see, there is no way to chat at all, goodbye! "

Having said that, Allston waved his hand, turned around, and was about to leave.

"Oston, stop for me!"

The savage lord directly slapped the table and said angrily: "You sea demon king has done a bad thing, just want to leave? How can it be so easy!"

With that, the wild lord directly stretched out his hand and was about to catch Alston.

Alston turned abruptly, raised a sturdy arm to block it, widened his eyes, and said, "Wild Lord, do you still want to do it?!"

"Today, if you don't give me an explanation, you and your people will never want to leave here!"

The savage lord shouted angrily, and then commanded: "Take these pirates down for me!"

Give an order.

The guards guarding the castle immediately came forward and surrounded Auston and the others.

"Kill me out!!"

Auston was also completely irritated, and he didn't care about friends or not, so he gave the order directly.

For a while, the guards of the Wild Lord directly fought against the pirates brought by Alston.

On the other hand, Alston waved his fists and feet, and flew several guards.


Seeing that Alston had wounded his own person, the Wild Lord suddenly flew into a rage.

He rushed towards Alston and blasted towards Alston with a fist.

The savage lord possesses savage power, is incomparably powerful in nature, and has fierce fighting power.

His fist blasted out like a cannonball out of the chamber, causing the air to tremble.

Facing the king's attack, Alston naturally did not dare to be big, and quickly raised his strength, punching to meet him.

boom! !

The two huge fists immediately collided together, and there was a muffled thunder explosion!

Ding Ding Ding! !

However, compared to strength, Auston is really not an opponent of the Wild Lord, so he was directly shocked by this punch and backed back again and again!

He kept backing five or six meters until he reached a table and stabilized his body!

"Auston, if your boss Purgatory King comes over, he might still be able to fight me! However, it is impossible to defeat me if you want to!" The Wild Lord said proudly.

"Wild Lord, don't look down on people!!"

Alston was also stimulated by the words of the Wild Lord.

Although that was the case, it made Auston feel very shameless to say it directly.

So, without saying anything, Alston moved his two thick legs, rushed up, and at the moment of approaching, he directly twisted his punch, and once again blasted towards the wild lord!

"Aptune Kaishan Fist!!"

boom! !

This punch, driving the fierce wind, swept like the majestic force of the sea!

The power is much stronger than before!

"Hehe, this punch is a bit interesting, but it's a pity that this strength is not enough!"

The wild lord swelled his right arm, and greeted him with another punch!

With a "bang" bang, Alston was once again shaken out!

"I said, Alston, your strength is not enough to shake the king!!"

The savage lord screamed coldly, and rushed towards Alston on his own initiative, preparing to defeat Alston and subdue him.

At the moment of approaching Alston, the Wild Lord raised a giant fist carrying the power of the Wild, and blasted towards Alston's chest.

Alston shrank his pupils and realized the extraordinary punch of the Wild Lord, so he immediately set up his arms to block it!

boom! !

The fist of the Wild Lord reached ten tons, hitting Alston's arm, as if being hit by a mountain-breaking hammer!


Alston snorted and flew out directly obliquely. With a few "boom booms", several stone tables and chairs placed in the hall were smashed!

The rocks fluttered, making a lot of noise!

boom! !

With another bang, Auston's huge body slammed into the wall, directly smashing out the cracks in the thick stone wall!

"Cough cough cough..."

Allston coughed a few times, and felt that his body was about to fall apart.

Especially the arms that were hit by the wild lord, now it hurts and numbs even more.

At the moment when Auston was shot flying, the pirates were also controlled by the guards of the wild lord.

After all, Aston brought not many people this time, and these guards were carefully selected by the wild lord, so the strength is not weak, these pirates are naturally not their opponents.


"Head, are you okay?!"

When these pirates saw that Orston was beaten to the ground, they shouted anxiously one by one, very worried in their hearts.

"What to shout! I'm not dead!"

Allston responded, and then got up from the ground.

"Oston, did your people do this in the end?!"

The savage lord stared at Auston tightly, and said loudly: "As long as you admit it, then I can see the face of the purgatory king, not killing you, just abandoning your legs and arms!"

"I said, this was not done by the people of the Sea Demon! The people of the Sea Demon have always been upright and can afford to let go. If this thing is really done by my people, I will do whatever you want. Row!!"

Alston was very upset in his heart, and greeted the wild lord's words and replied loudly.

"Oston, if you are so stubborn, then I'm sorry!!"

The savage lord shouted angrily, and then rushed towards Alston again.

In his whole life, he is bold and upright, and he hates the kind of people who dare not be.

At this moment, Auston is undoubtedly such a person in his heart.

"Barbarian King Divine Fist!!"

Accompanied by a shocking shout, the wild lord directly condensed the wild power on his body, did not keep his hands, and directly blasted the killing fist toward Alston!

In the first few moves, he only used 30 to 40% of his power. This time, he directly used 50 to 60% of his power!

Fifty to sixty percent of the power may not be a big deal to the king, but it is more than enough to destroy Allston!

boom! !

With a punch, a fierce and brutal force swept out, like a primitive volcanic eruption, with a killing intent of destruction, it seemed to be a punch to Aston!

Moreover, the fist-style brought out even overturned the surrounding stone tables and chairs to the ground!

Allston also noticed the power of the fist of the wild lord, as well as the overwhelming coercion and murder from the wild lord!

As expected to be a figure alongside his boss, really amazing!

Aston swallowed his throat, didn't dare to underestimate him, and also lifted the power of his whole body!

Facing this punch from the Wild Lord, he was not sure to fight, but even so, he still had to contend!

This is a kind of glory for him as the sea emperor!

Even if you fail, even if you are killed, you must have your own pride. Even if you stand to die, you will never live on your knees!

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