Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2208: , The king is dispatched!

Zog frowned slightly, and then smiled and said, "Brother Carol, I'm really sorry. I still have something to rush back to the headquarters to deal with it. I'm afraid there shouldn't be time for you to talk to him today. "

"Hi, Zog, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we can't delay you from talking for a while."

Carol waved his hand and said with a smile: "Come on, brother Zog, come on my boat, let's have a drink together!"


Zog's face changed slightly, and he hesitated.


Carol picked up the pipe and took a sip, and said, "Brother Zog, I have all invited you, so you don't give me face to him?"

Zog glanced around and saw that there were no other ships around, he smiled and said: "Brother Carol, how can I not give you face!

How about it, brother, I recently got some good wine, you come on my boat, let's have a drink together, how about? "

Carol whispered "Old Fox" in his heart, but he smiled and said: "Okay, brother, this is what you said, if the wine is not good, I can't stop with you!"

"Don't worry, it must be delicious!"

Zog responded with a smile.

Afterwards, Carol winked at a pirate next to him, then kicked his legs and jumped onto the opposite deck.

Moreover, there were several tall and burly pirates who came with Carol.

"Brother, don't you, do you want to bring someone to drink with me?" Zog laughed.

"Hey, brother, you also know that people are now sinister. If you don't bring a few loyal brothers to follow, you will feel very insecure. Are you right?" Carol replied.

"Brother, do you think I am a sinister person?"

Zog's face became ugly.

"Oh, no, of course not!"

Carol waved his hand again and again, saying: "I have been in friendship with you for so many years, I know how you are, you are righteous and bold, how could you be such a sinister person!"

"Haha, brother, I am embarrassed for you to praise me so much."

Zog smiled and shook his head, put a hand on Carol's shoulder, and said: "Brother, go, let's go in for a drink, if you have anything to say, go in and talk again."

"it is good."

Carol nodded, and then said to some of his men: "You guys are guarding outside."

"Yes, head!"

Several pirates nodded.

After entering the cabin, Zog and Carol sat down.

"Brother, come here, long time no see, have a drink first!"

Zog picked up a bottle of pure wine and poured a glass for Carol.

Carol picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Zog, then drank it in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of wine, Carol slurped and said with a smile: "Brother, this wine is really good, where did you get it?"

"Oh, it was obtained on a merchant ship of Faguo two days ago. You also know that the wine-making technology of Faguo people is the world's top." Zog replied with a smile.

"Hehe, that's right."

Carol smiled, then took a cigarette, and asked casually, "Brother, where did you get rich recently?"

"Hey, what kind of fortune? It's just a little trouble, and I can barely support a large group of brothers."

Zog waved his hand, then poured Carol a glass of wine, and said mysteriously: "Brother, since you're talking about getting rich, brother, I can show you a better way out... "


Carol picked up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, chewing and saying, "Brother, let's hear, what better way out."

"Hehe, brother, this will be kept secret for the time being."

Zog chuckled and said, "In short, as long as you follow me, my brother will definitely be better than chasing with the Sea Demon in the future."


Carol pretended to be very interested, and said: "Could it be that you have taken refuge in the'Mosuo Clan'?!"

"Cut, what is the'Mosuo Clan"? The force I have taken refuge in is much stronger than the'Mosuo Clan'!" Zog said proudly.

Carol's eyes lit up and said: "Brother, don't hide and tuck, and tell your brother quickly, what is the power you are talking about?"

"Brother, I've said everything, keep it secret for the time being."

Zog grinned and said, "When will you leave the Sea Demon King and want to follow me, I will tell you again, it's not too late."

"You guy, you are really an old fox, a ghost."

Carol scolded with a smile, and then said: "However, to be honest, the leader of the Sea Demon's Orston is really good to the brothers. If nothing happens, I should not be separated from the Sea Demon."

"Brother, your thinking is too pedantic. What age is it now? As long as there is a better way out, then naturally you have to pursue it!

Moreover, this Sea Demon is not the strongest. I feel that there is no way out for me to follow the Sea Demon. "Zog said with a curled lips.

Carol spit out a cigarette, felt the phone in his pocket vibrate, and understood.

He stared at Zog closely, and said indifferently: "Brother, now we are the two of us, I will tell you a heart-wrenching remark, like ours, a small pirate organization, you should figure out your own weight. .

There are some things we can pursue, and some things we cannot touch. It's like, there are some forces that we can go to wrestle, but some forces, we can only stay away, and we must not do anything out of the ordinary..."

Zog squinted his eyes, secretly startled, took a sip from his glass, and said, "Brother, how come I always feel that you have something to say.

Brother, we have been in friendship for so many years. If you have anything, just tell me. "

"Okay, since you have said that, then I'll just say anything."

Carol nodded, and then his face sank, and said: "Brother, you can honestly say that you were the one who robbed and killed the wild tribe ships yesterday?"

Zog was shocked when he heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, and then smiled and said, "Hahaha, brother, are you drinking too much? What are you talking about?

The wild tribe is an S-level organization, and the leader of the wild tribe is even the most famous wild lord in the world... such a huge power, how dare I provoke it? "

Carol sighed heavily, put down the wine glass, and said, "Brother, if you really did this thing, brother, let me persuade you to confess your guilt.

If the savage lord sees you sincerely confessing your sins, maybe he will let you go... If you still want to go your own way, I am afraid that you will be murdered..."

Zog trembled in his hand holding the cup, raised his head, and said coldly: "You... all already know?"

"Oh, I see."

Carol nodded and said, "Although your strategy of'borrowing a knife to kill people' is very good, but this strategy still can't hide my king...

So, you should confess your guilt, lest your entire ghost organization suffers from following..."

"Plead guilty? Why should I confess?! Even if you know it, so what!"

Zog said with a grim look: "I tell you Carol, my backer is not so huge! Whether it is your sea demon king, temple, or wild tribe, in the eyes of my backer, it is like an ant!"

"Zog, can your patron come to rescue you now?"

Carol sighed: "Tell you the truth, at most ten minutes later, my king, the leader of Alston, and the savage lord are about to arrive. You have already pierced your wings and can't escape..."

"Carol, you..."

When Zog heard this, he woke up this time, and he sternly said: " are holding me on purpose, right?!"

"Holding you, is only one reason, but the other reason is that I want to persuade you, so that you don't go all the way to the dark..." Carol said.

"Enough! Carol, we have known each other for so long, and the friendship is not shallow, but you want to harm me like this!"

Zog went into a madness, yelling at Carol.

"I'm not harming you, I'm saving you!" Carol said in a solemn voice.

"Fuck your mother shit!"

Zog yelled, then shouted outside: "Come on, take him down for me!"

However, no one came into the cabin.




But at this time, there were screams and shouts outside...

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