Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2215: , 30% sure!


When Gu Xiaoran heard everyone insult Ye Fei, he was blown up with anger, and immediately prepared to go back.

But Gu Qingcheng on the side quickly grabbed Gu Xiaoran and said, "Xiao Ran, don't be impulsive."

"But, sister, don't you get angry when they say that Brother Fei?!" Gu Xiaoran angrily said.

"Don't worry, Ye Fei will take care of this matter."

Gu Qingcheng said lightly, thinking, perhaps this Prince Henry is just like a clown in the eyes of a man.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng's calm look, Gu Xiaoran was very puzzled. Brother Fei was insulted and laughed at. Why was the sister not angry at all?

At this moment, Prince Henry saw Ye Fei's puzzled look, and said with a sneer: "Oh, boy, I almost forgot. As you are, you should not understand such a high level, so you don't know me, too. It's normal..."

Ye Fei ignored the people's ridicule, but asked faintly: "Is the old king Harald V your father?"

"You actually know my father?"

Henry looked at Ye Fei with a puzzled look.

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "A long time ago, your father invited me to be a guest at the royal family, but he didn't see you at that time...

Moreover, not long ago, your father gave me a big gift, so your father and I can be considered to know each other..."

Not long ago, after he destroyed the dozens of organizations surrounding the temple, he did see Old Harald's name in the list of gifts.


Prince Henry seemed to have heard a big joke. He laughed and mocked: "I said kid, are you dreaming? How could my father invite someone like you to the royal family? This is an insult. I moved the royal family!

Besides, you even said brazenly that my father gave you a big gift? What kind of thing are you, my father needs to give you a gift? Wake up, boy, this kind of dream is not what you should do! "

The others in the room also laughed, mocking Ye Fei's irresponsibility.

"Hey, how can you tell the truth that no one believes it?"

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask your father."

"Huh, I don't need to ask at all to know that your kid is bragging!"

Prince Henry snorted coldly.

"Yes, you say I'm bragging, then that's bragging."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "I'm still waiting to see the fashion show, I don't have the time to accompany you with nonsense."

With that, Ye Fei held Gu Qingcheng with one hand and Gu Xiaoran with the other, and said, "Qingcheng, Xiaoran, let's go."

"Boy, stop for me!!"

When Prince Henry saw that Ye Fei didn't want to pay attention to him at all, he was so angry that he roared directly.

"I mean, are you annoying?"

Ye Fei turned around and said impatiently: "You are dressed like a dog anyway, and you are still a prince. Can't you be a little restrained?

I just want to accompany my woman to a fashion show, but you repeatedly hindered, not only changing the way to insult me, but also showcasing superiority with me here, have you moved the royal family to this point? ? "

" said that I didn't keep up? You said that we moved the royal family?! Boy, you dare to insult me ​​and move the royal family, it's brave!"

Prince Henry was furious, and he waved his hand at the bodyguards behind him, "Get this kid down for me!"

When Ye Fei saw a few bodyguards walking towards him, he was very depressed. Why can't he return to a country to participate in a fashion exhibition without giving people peace?

Just when Ye Fei was about to solve the trouble three times and five times, suddenly, a loud noise came over.

"Oh my God! Isn't this... Isn't this the king of Oman Atusal?! Oh my god, even the king of Oman has come to the exhibition?!"

"Not only King Atusal is here, but also the elder prince Amlaisi and the second prince Abdul are here!!"

"But it's not right. Although this exhibition is international, no matter how powerful the organizer is, it seems that King Atusal cannot be invited over in person?"

While everyone was talking about it, they saw that King Artuzal with a beard, white clothes, a white turban on his head, and a gold necklace inlaid with rubies hung on his chest. The two princes of Abdul stepped onto the red carpet.

Many wealthy businessmen and celebrities present rushed to greet them and wanted to build a relationship, but the three of Atuzal and his son nodded indifferently, which was regarded as a response.

Everyone is not angry about the attitude of the father and son. After all, the others are the king and prince of Oman. Although the country of Oman is small, it is rich in resources such as oil, diamonds, and gold mines. Oil.

"Abdul, are you sure that Lord Purgatory Lord will come to this exhibition?"

Atusal looked at his son and frowned, "You know, my time is precious. If you don't see Lord Purgatory here, see if I can take care of you!"

Abdulgan laughed and said: "Father, don't worry, Lord Purgatory will definitely come, but I asked Miss Belis."

"that's OK."

Atuzal nodded.

"Father, look at it quickly, then... isn't that the Lord Purgatory King?!"

The prince Amlessi on the side pointed to Ye Fei on the steps.

"It's really the Lord Purgatory! Go and go, go quickly!!"

Atusal was overjoyed, and quickly took the two princes and ran up the steps.

Others present were also very puzzled. They didn't understand who King Atusal saw, so excited?

Is it because you saw Prince Henry?

But, that's not right, Oman is much richer than Norway, and the royal family of Oman is much higher than the royal family of Norway. Even if the Norwegian King Harald is here, Atusal will not be so excited, right?

Just as everyone was speculating, the three of Atuzal and his son had already ran to the top of the steps.

"Uncle Artusal, why are you here too?"

When Prince Henry saw the three of Atusar, he hurriedly greeted them, his face full of respect.

"Haha, it's Henry, how well is Harald?" Artuzal asked with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle for your concern, my father's body is still very strong."

Prince Henry smiled, and then asked: "Uncle, why have you come to this clothing exhibition?"

"Oh, participation in the exhibition is only second, I came to meet an old friend." Atusal replied.

"Old friend? What old friend can let you come here in person?" Prince Henry asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Don't you know this big man? I seemed to see you chatting with this big man just now."

Atusal glanced at Prince Henry and then at Ye Fei, feeling even more strange.

"Big guy?!"

Prince Henry lifted his spirits and turned his head to look at Ye Fei in a daze.

At this time, Atusal had already greeted him with his two sons.

"My Lord Purgatory, it's my honor to see you again!"

Atusal folded his chest with his right hand and bent down slightly.

Both Amlaishi and Abdul also bowed to Ye Fei and bowed.

Prince Henry on the side was shocked when he saw this scene. He opened his mouth and was speechless.

Not only Prince Henry, but everyone else present was stupid.

Who on earth is this kid who can make King Atuzal and the two princes so respectful and so polite? !

For this scene, Gu Qingcheng felt strange.

As for Gu Xiaoran, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and dumbfounded.

"Atuzal, why are you here too?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Are you also interested in such an exhibition?"

"Oh, no, no, no."

Atuzal repeatedly shook his head and said: "This exhibition should have been my son Abdul, but when I heard that you would be here, I came here to see you.

Moreover, not long ago, two of my dogs accidentally ran into you. I feel guilty and always want to apologize to you.

Sorry, my lord, I hope you can forgive my two dogs, they are just young and ignorant for a while, I hope you don’t think about it..."

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