Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2229: , The strength is too weak!

After extinguishing Chen Youdao, the white-robed man switched on the pocket communication device.

"Master Fengshen, I am King Han..."

"King Han, has the goal been solved?"

"Master Fengshen, the goal has been resolved."

"Very well, after completing the next task, come back and meet."

"Yes, Master Fengshen."

The white-robed man replied respectfully, and then turned off the communication device.

Afterwards, the white-robed man took out a token engraved with the word "Huashan" and threw it on the ground, then a few flashes and disappeared in the bamboo forest.

This evening, people of various sects in the ancient martial arts have died, and all the main characters in the sect, elders, heads, or deputy heads...

This night is destined to be a **** night.

Moreover, after this night, the entire ancient martial arts world will become turbulent...


One night passed, and in a blink of an eye came the next day.

Secular world, Ninghai City.

Ye Fei indulged with Xia Kexin last night. There was a "morning exercise" for an hour in the morning. Ye Fei let her go until Xia Kexin begged for mercy and was about to catch a plane.

After eating breakfast, Ye Fei and Xia Kexin took a taxi to Ninghai Airport.

The car was driving fast and smoothly on the road, and Xia Kexin was talking to Bellis.

"Teacher, wait a while, I'll be there soon, um, ok..."

After answering the phone, Xia Kexin turned her head and looked at Ye Fei with a grimace, and said, "Brother Ye Fei, it's too early to say that you are going to bully someone. Look, the teacher called me to urge me. "

Ye Fei grinned and said, "It's okay, it's still early, I can make it."

Xia Kexin whitened Ye Fei's eyes, and then gently leaned on Ye Fei's shoulder, and said softly, "Brother Ye Fei, I don't know how long I will stay in Fa country this time. Do you miss me?"

Ye Fei also felt the deep resentment in the woman's heart.

He sighed softly and said: "Ke Xin, I will miss you.

Moreover, you are about to graduate soon, and we will be able to meet frequently in the future, right? "


Xia Kexin nodded, smiling like a flower.

Seeing the girl's beautiful smiling face, Ye Fei was sighed, and his eyes also showed a firmness that he had never seen before.

In the battle between the Antiquity Alliance and the Alliance of the Gods in the near future, in any case, even if he tried everything, he must win the final victory and survive.

For their relatives and friends, it is for their own beauty.

Although the probability of winning is less than three times, what about?

In the past, every battle that he and his brothers went through was not completely sure, but in the end, didn't he still win?

Therefore, this battle is no exception!

It doesn't matter what hell, Alliance of Gods, do it, that's it!

"Brother Ye Fei, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Ye Fei looking out the window in a daze, Xia Kexin asked curiously.

"Oh, hehe, nothing thought about it."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "By the way, Ke Xin, both Qingcheng and Xiao Ran liked the wedding dress you designed yesterday. So, why don't you design a wedding dress for the other sisters too?"

"Other sisters?"

Xia Kexin was stunned, and said sourly: "Brother Ye Fei, you... how many women do you have?"


Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, leaned into Xia Kexin's ear, and whispered.

"What?! Eleven?!"

Xia Kexin couldn't help but exclaimed.

The older brother who was driving was listening to the conversation between the two with ears erected. When he heard Ye Fei say that he had eleven women, he sneered and said to his heart that this buddy is really bragging.

Eleven girlfriends, inflatable, right?

Don't talk about this elder brother, whoever listens to it, I'm afraid they won't believe it.

After all, in this society of prosperity and decline, many people can't even find a girlfriend, okay?

"haha, yes."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

In fact, when Ye Fei said it, it was also a bit funny.

And looking back now, I am a little bit deeply moved.

Originally, I was only planning to spend the second half of my life in Ninghai City. I didn't know that after experiencing so many things, I actually got involved with eleven women.

However, Ye Fei did not regret knowing these beauties, if he could survive the war, he would spend his whole life to protect them.

Xia Kexin pouted her mouth and said, "Brother Ye Fei, shouldn't I make eleven wedding dresses?"

Ye Fei thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Let's make twelve pieces."

"Twelve pieces?"

Xia Kexin froze for a moment and said, "Who is the twelfth piece for?"

"A person who is important to me."

A soft smile appeared at the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, and a graceful figure that was supernatural and refined appeared in his mind.

"Brother Ye Fei, who is that sister?" Xia Kexin asked curiously.

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "When she appears, I will introduce you to everyone."


Xia Kexin saw that Ye Fei was reluctant to say more, so she didn't ask more.

Ye Fei turned his head and looked out the window, eyes full of longing, and sighed in his heart: "Master, where are you? Fei'er misses you so much..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei's thoughts returned to the past.

Some memories are like pure brewed wine, the longer you pass, the more mellow it will be.


It was under a bright starry sky.

Twelve or thirteen-year-old Ye Fei was lying on the rock at the top of the mountain, with a grass dangling from the corner of his mouth, looking at the bright starry sky.

And beside her, was sitting a detached young woman.

The woman gently sweeps her brows, her eyes are full of spring, her skin is as soft as warm jade and sheen, and her thin lips are spotless and red, beautiful and beautiful.

She has long, supple, black hair that is at the waist and flutters with the wind. The woman is wearing a snow-white long skirt with a soft waist and an imperfect grip. The beauty is so flawless, and so beautiful that it cannot eat the fireworks.

Next to the woman is a white sword, while the woman is holding a white jade gourd in her right hand, drinking wine in small sips.

Ye Fei looked at the starry sky for a while, then turned to look at the woman aside, somewhat obsessed.

Little Ye Fei didn't understand the relationship between men and women, but he knew that he liked the woman in front of him.

Because this woman is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in this world, and the best person to him.

Ye Fei had never seen a fairy, but in his heart, the real fairy should be like this.


Ye Fei spit out the grass in his mouth and smiled and said: "Master, when I grow up, you will be my wife, okay?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the woman chuckled, turned her head to look at Ye Fei, her eyes flashed with tenderness, her red lips were light, the fragrance of wine filled her, and she said, "Feier, why do you want Master to be your wife?"

"Because I think Master is the most beautiful woman in the world, so I want to marry Master as a wife!" Ye Fei said seriously.

The woman smiled, stretched out her slender hand, stroked Ye Fei's head, and whispered: "Fei'er, you will meet many beautiful women in this world in the future. At that time, would you still think of Master? "


Ye Fei didn't hesitate at all, and directly nodded in response.

The woman smiled and shook her head, and said: "Feier, now you don't know what love between men and women is, and you don't know what love is.

When you grow up, you will understand that Master is actually just a passer-by in your life..."

"No, no, the master is not a passerby!"

Ye Fei said seriously: "Feier swears that as long as Feier grows up, he must marry Master and be his wife! This is my promise!"

Hearing what Ye Fei said, the woman looked at Ye Fei in a daze for a while, then chuckled like a silver bell, and said: "Silly Fei'er, then you have to grow up quickly..."

Ye Fei directly sat up and said seriously, "Master, as long as Fei'er grows up, he can marry you as his wife?"

"Then you still like Master when you see it."

The woman blinked her eyes like stars, smiled and said something.

"I like it, I definitely like it, and I will like it more than now!"

Ye Fei said three likes in a row.

"If Feier still likes Master at that time, then Master can agree to be Feier's wife." The woman seemed to be true.


Ye Fei's eyes lit up and said, "Master, one word is sure!"

"Well, it's a deal."

The woman nodded with a smile.

"Master agreed to be Feier's wife! Master agreed to be Feier's wife!"

Ye Fei jumped up happily, shouting at the mountain, echoes echoed, and the woman's soft and melodious chuckle...

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