Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2231: , The appointment of master and apprentice!

Two hours later, the storm finally stopped.

Ye Fei asked with a wicked smile while putting on his clothes, "Yu'er, is your anger gone?"

"Huh, big bad guy, I only know how to bully people!"

Xiao Lengyu groaned, his body still trembling slightly.

She thought that her cultivation level had improved, and she shouldn't have been so tired of being tossed about by men.

However, she still underestimated the man's combat effectiveness.

It was absolutely abnormal, and now, his legs are still trembling.

Ye Fei smiled, touched his stomach, and said, "Yu'er, get up and put on clothes. I didn't even eat lunch in order to come over. I was almost starving to death."

"I don't care if you are hungry or not, I won't get up." Xiao Lengyu shrank under the quilt and said coquettishly.

"You can't get up, are you?"

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly.

"You...what else do you want to do?"

Xiao Lengyu's heart trembled when he saw the man's malicious eyes.

"Since you are disobedient, the husband will naturally have to punish you!"

Ye Fei gave a bad smile, then opened the quilt directly and got into the quilt.

"Yeah! What are you doing? No! No..."

Before Xiao Lengyu finished speaking, he was replaced by the soft moan...

Another hour passed.

Satisfied Ye Fei and Xiao Lengyu, whose legs were still shaking, walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

Xiao Lengyu followed Ye Fei like a little daughter-in-law who had been bullied.

She really didn't understand, where did the man learn the new postures, it was really shameful.

But then I thought about it, men shouldn't be learned, but practiced. After all, there is no shortage of women around this flower-hearted carrot.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lengyu's heart was filled with mixed flavors again.

"Yu'er, what are you thinking about?"

Ye Fei asked Xiao Lengyu in a daze.

"Huh, what do you think!"

Xiao Lengyu's face flushed, and he stared at Ye Fei fiercely.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and said, "Dear Yuer, don't look at me like this, I don't seem to be doing anything."

" said you didn't do it yet!"

Xiao Lengyu gave a beautiful eye, and said, "I said I don't want to come, but I want to come, and...and..."

Speaking of the latter, Xiao Lengyu couldn't go on.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I saw you, I really miss it."

Ye Fei smiled, a hippie smile on his face.

Xiao Lengyu blanked Ye Fei charmingly, and said to his heart, it's best not to come these few days. If you come again, you can't bear it.

Soon, Ye Fei and Xiao Lengyu came to the box on the first floor near the artificial lake behind the clubhouse.

Because Xiao Lengyu had people ready for lunch before going downstairs, the table was already full of delicacies as soon as he entered the box.

After "fighting" with the woman for a few rounds, Ye Fei was already hungry. So, as soon as he entered the door, he was welcome, and he sat directly on the futon, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and started eating.

Xiao Lengyu sat opposite, only ate a small bowl of rice, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, and looked at Ye Fei with a smile.

Ye Fei looked up at the woman and said vaguely: "Yu'er, why do you always like to stare at me for dinner?"

He really feels very strange that every time he comes to eat, the woman eats it quickly, and then, like a little fan, stares at him for dinner.

Xiao Lengyu stretched out his jade hand, took a sip of tea, and said softly, "Because, only in this way can I feel at home...

In fact, I also want to be like an ordinary woman, after a day's work, go home to cook a meal, wait for my man to come home, and have a warm meal together...

Although this kind of life is very ordinary and ordinary, it is also what I yearn for the most..."

Hearing what the woman said, Ye Fei's eyes darkened and said: "I'm sorry, Yu'er, I am indeed not a qualified husband. I can't even give you the simplest happiness..."

"It's okay, honey, I didn't blame you."

Xiao Lengyu shook his head and said, "After all, you and I are not ordinary people. We all have a lot of work to do. However, this is also very good. It is enough for you to come and accompany me from time to time... "

Ye Fei leaned forward and touched the woman's face, with a serious expression on his face: "Yu'er, don't worry, I will definitely spare more time to accompany you when I finish everything."


Xiao Lengyu smiled sweetly and nodded.

After eating, Ye Fei thought of his intentions, and asked: "By the way, Yu'er, I'm here this time to see how far you have practiced in the "Shadow Nine Transformations", by the way. Click on you."


Xiao Lengyu nodded, inviting credit, and said, "Ye Fei, I feel that my skill seems to have increased a lot now!"

"Of course, your cultivation level has already broken through to the Guiyuan realm, okay? Although it's still a small achievement, for many people, it is already an existence against the sky."

Ye Fei spread his hands. He was actually surprised. He didn't expect to see him for a while, Xiao Lengyu's cultivation level also broke through to Gui Yuan.

I have to say that the talents of these women in cultivation are really scary.

Although I gave women the top ancient martial arts mentality, if people who don't have the talent to learn, even the top mentality won't make much difference.

"Return to Yuan Realm?"

Xiao Lengyu blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Is the Guiyuan Realm very powerful? Then what realm is above the Guiyuan Realm?"

"Above the Guiyuan realm is Vientiane, and above Vientiane is Lichen..." Ye Fei replied.

"What about above the dust?"

Xiao Lengyu continued to ask.

"Above the dust is heaven and human..."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "However, until now, I haven't seen anyone whose cultivation base reaches the realm of heaven and human...Perhaps, the cultivation bases of those ancient powerful men hundreds of thousands of years ago can reach this state. Bar.

Maybe there is a stronger realm above the heaven and human realm, maybe, it's just that we can't touch it at our current level..."

"Ye Fei, what realm are you now?" Xiao Lengyu asked curiously.

"Vientiane Dacheng."

Ye Fei did not hide from his own woman.

"Tsk tusk, Vientiane Dacheng Realm is already so abnormal. Wouldn't it be even more abnormal if you break through to Lichen?" Xiao Lengyu opened his beautiful eyes and said with his mouth.


Ye Fei nodded and said, "After returning to the original realm, every time you break through a realm, it is a qualitative leap.

To give a simple example, if the breakthrough from Guiyuan to Vientiane only increases the strength by a few times, then the breakthrough from Vientiane to Lichen will increase the strength by hundreds of times, maybe even higher..."


Xiao Lengyu drew a breath, unimaginable.

It's no wonder why I can't beat this guy all the time, even though it's only one level away, it's a huge difference.

Of course, if she knew that Ye Fei could leapfrog the challenge, she might be even more shocked.

After chatting for a while, Ye Fei and Xiao Lengyu came to the back of the box.

There is a large artificial lake behind the box, a pavilion is built in the center of the lake, and two bridges are built on both sides of the pavilion, which can lead to the pavilion.

On weekdays, in addition to drinking tea in the pavilion, Xiao Lengyu also practiced exercises here.

"Yu'er, let me see how your recent cultivation results are." Ye Fei stood on the bridge and said to Xiao Lengyu.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lengyu nodded, flipped his hands, and three gleaming willow-leaf flying knives appeared in the slender jade hand, and the woman's momentum changed in vain, like a sharp sword out of its sheath!

"Shaying Nine Changes! Changed into the breeze Xu Liu!!"

Jiao shouted.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Xiao Lengyu was secretly lucky. With a flick of his wrist, the three-handled willow-leaf flying knife directly shot out, with a strong murderous intent, rushing towards the lake!

Shattering! !

The place where these three-handled willow-leaf flying knives passed directly divided the calm lake into three, and the lake water rolled, like a curtain, swept up by the impact ground!

When the water curtain rose to a height of seven or eight meters, the lake water turned into the shape of a blade, shooting in all directions!

Shoo! !

The blade formed by this piece of lake water, under the package of Zhen Qi, became extremely solid, like a real blade!

Wow! !

The branches and fallen leaves of the surrounding big trees were all cut off and scattered on the lake surface, and even the trunks were cut with deep holes!

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