Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2251: , Self-destruction!


Ye Fei screamed, and the Fengshen knife in Fengshen's hand severely split his shoulder with a bone-invisible hole, and the blood kept pouring out, it was terrifying!

But Ye Fei stretched out two hands and firmly grasped the blade of the windblade, making it impossible to cut half a minute down!

Ye Fei's body is indeed very strong, able to withstand steel swords, but what Fengshen condenses is a knife formed by magical energy, which has super destructive power, so it directly split Ye Fei's shoulder!

Seeing this thrilling scene, Master Jinghui and others felt suffocated. They clenched their fists and gritted their teeth. They couldn't even make a sound.

"Go to hell, kid, I will completely shred you to pieces!!"

In Fengshen’s eyes, the blue light flashed, and the strength of his hands was increased dozens of times. The Wind Blade fell half an inch again, cutting away the bones on Ye Fei's shoulders!


Ye Fei roared, his eyes were bloodshot, the muscles of his arms were swollen, and veins appeared, and he exhausted his whole body to resist.

Although the falling speed of the Fengblade was slowed down, his hands were also cut open, blood was flowing, and Bai Shengsheng's bones could be seen!

"Get out of here!!"

Ye Fei screamed again, feeling an explosive force coming from his arms, pushing Fengshen away forcefully, and then he pulled back and violently retreated, suddenly withdrawing more than 20 meters!

He landed on both feet, and the ground collapsed in a big chunk!

boom! !

Fengshen’s knife fell to the ground and smashed heavily to the ground, cutting the ground into a trench that was more than 20 meters long!

Ye Fei took a few deep breaths, looking at the crack that was less than one meter away from him, he knew clearly that if he retreated by a few tenths of a second, he would really be split in half!

Moreover, at this time, Ye Fei also realized that his strength was slowly weakening!

This is not a good message!

Therefore, I must find a way to solve the battle as soon as possible!

Otherwise, in this battle, I would really lose!

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Ye Fei's forehead unconsciously, but his eyes were staring at Fengshen!

Even if he was bloodied and seriously injured, he never thought of going back!

"Boy, come again, I want to see how much you can do!"

Fengshen squinted his eyes and hooked his finger at Ye Fei.

At this moment, in Ye Fei's secret luck, a faint golden light gleamed in his hand, and a golden sword of true energy was already condensed!

Although this sword of true Qi is not as long and broad as the previous one, but at least the sword is still there, so he hasn't lost yet!

"Hehe, boy, where's that powerful sword before you?"

Fengshen mocked and said: "You can't beat me with a powerful and arrogant giant sword, but now you have replaced it with such a short and small much power can such a short sword exert?"

"No matter what the sword is, as long as it can kill you, it is a good sword!"

Ye Fei screamed, the golden sword in his hand suddenly exploded with a dazzling golden light!

Before the sound fell, Ye Fei's legs slammed on the ground, the ground collapsed, and his body also accelerated suddenly and shot towards Fengshen!

cough! !

At this time, Ye Fei's speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. His whole person and the sword in his hand were parallel to the ground, and a bright beam of light was drawn in the air, like a beautiful arc drawn by a meteor in the sky!

"This...what kind of swordsman is this?!"

"I don't know... I haven't seen the leader perform..."

"Although this sword move does not look very good, I vaguely feel that the explosive power in it is only stronger than the previous sword move used by the leader..."

Just as the people of various schools were talking in shock, Ye Fei's figure had already approached Fengshen in the blink of an eye!

"Ancient swordsmanship! Pointing to the stars from afar!!!"

At the moment when Fengshen was approaching, the sword in Ye Fei's hands burst out again with a dazzling golden light, stupefied that Fengshen closed his eyes subconsciously!

In just a few tenths of a second, Ye Fei directly pierced Fengshen's heart with a sword!

Even though Fengshen felt the horror of Ye Fei's sword, and gathered the wall of wind to resist, it still couldn't stop it!

Fengshen was shocked, and when the sword stabbed, he shifted his body!

Pouch! !

The sound of a sword into the flesh rang!

When the golden light disappeared, everyone looked up and saw that the golden sword in Ye Fei's hand had pierced Fengshen's!

The blood flowed slowly down the golden sword, dripping to the ground!


"Leader has stabbed Fengshen with this sword!!"

Everyone shouted excitedly when they saw this scene.

However, even though this sword stabbed Fengshen, there was a touch of helplessness in Ye Fei's eyes!

With the last bit of power, he thought he could pierce Fengshen's heart with a single sword, but he didn't know that at this critical moment, Fengshen avoided the vital point, so this sword just pierced his shoulder!


Fengshen howled in pain, suddenly raised his leg and kicked towards Ye Fei's chest!

With a muffled "bang", Ye Fei's chest was kicked fiercely, and he flew upside down again more than 30 meters away, and fell heavily to the ground!

"Boy, you're're dead!!"

Because this sword was stabbed by Ye Fei, Fengshen was so angry that his face was full of hideous colors.

Before Ye Fei got up from the ground, Fengshen directly waved his hands. After chanting something in his mouth, he shouted angrily: "Dance of the Heavenly Wind!!"

The voice just fell.

Wow! !

The air is moving, the storm is sweeping!

I saw that thick tornadoes were like fountains, directly breaking out of the ground, and there were pits the size of manhole covers everywhere on the ground!

Ye Fei wanted to stand up and dodge, but he suddenly felt a wind cyclone coming from under him. With a "boom", a tornado pierced through the ground, like a laser cannon, hitting him to 40 or 50 meters. High altitude!

If it was just taken into the air, it would be fine, but when Ye Fei was taken into the air, it would undoubtedly become a living target!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

The tornadoes that broke through the ground are like storm laser cannons, blasting on Ye Fei's body again and again!

After a dozen or so times, these tornadoes disappeared, but Ye Fei fell from an altitude of more than 50 meters with blood in his mouth!

With a "bang", a large crack was removed from the ground!

And Ye Fei felt that all his bones were broken, and the internal organs were damaged in a large area. The blood couldn't stop gushing out, even the sword in his hand disappeared!

"Ye Fei!!"


Seeing this scene, everyone screamed heartbreakingly, heartache unbearably.

"Boy, give up, give up resistance, you are not my opponent..."

Fengshen looked at Ye Fei lying on the ground indifferently, and said something.

"Not to the end...I can't...can't give up..."

Ye Fei panted violently, slowly supporting his body with his hands, and slowly got up from the ground.

However, the speed of his body's recovery simply couldn't keep up with the speed of blood flow and the degree of injury, which made him feel that his strength was being emptied, and he was almost unsteady on his feet, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

"It's over... the coercion of the leader is weakening!!"

A sect elder couldn't help but exclaimed.

Others present also felt that Ye Fei's coercion and breath were weakening.

"Although Ye Donor has such a powerful strength at a young age, Ye Donor has been fighting since he came here...

It took a lot of physical energy for Ye Shizhu to kill Thunder Beast, and now he has been fighting the Fengshen who has lived for hundreds of years for so long, and his body has suffered such severe injuries. I am afraid that Ye Shizhu is now at the end of the crossbow..." Zen Master Ku'e Said with a sigh.

Teacher Jinghui too naturally knew that Ye Fei's current situation was not optimistic. Even if she wanted to help Ye Fei, how could she help Ye Fei with her own strength?

When everyone was worried about Ye Fei, Ye Fei took a few breaths, did not continue to attack, but tried to restore a little bit of strength.

"Boy, why do you want to stand up? Isn't it all right to be a coward on the ground? With your broken body, what other storms can you make?"

Fengshen said jokingly, and then slowly raised the Windblade in his hand, and slashed towards Ye Fei!

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