Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2366: , I am deeply affectionate!

However, although the quality of these flight attendants in the first-class cabin is quite high, not only are they beautiful, they are also good-looking, but they are still a bit worse than Gu Qingcheng next to him.

Therefore, Ye Fei did not go to see the stewardess again, but propped his head and looked at Gu Qingcheng's profile with a smile.

Although Gu Qingcheng was looking at the information, he also felt Ye Fei's fiery eyes.

She really couldn't stand it, her brows jumped, turned her head, and said, "Ye Fei, if you are bored, you can listen to music and sleep. Don't keep staring at me, OK?"

"Oh, Qingcheng baby, this is your fault."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "You are my wife, I don't look at you, do you want me to see those beautiful flight attendants?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the flight attendants in the cabin all giggled.


Gu Qingcheng was also speechless to the man, and was about to speak when suddenly, a strong smell of perfume came to his face.

As soon as Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng turned their heads, they saw a woman standing next to her body wearing a brand name, a sun hat on her head, and a pair of sunglasses on her nose.

Although this woman was very beautiful, Ye Fei just glanced at it and lost interest.

The woman had too many knives on her face, her nose was padded, her chin was chipped, and she was given hyaluronic acid, exactly like a dummy.

Such a woman, let alone compare with Gu Qingcheng, even the stewardess is more beautiful and natural than her.

"Miss, is there anything wrong with you?" Gu Qingcheng asked suspiciously.

"I don't want to sit in the back, I think you two are in a good position." The woman said coldly.

"so what?"

Gu Qingcheng looked dumbfounded, wondering what this woman meant.

Ye Fei was also happy, this woman didn't even look at them when she talked, how arrogant this is.

"Don't you understand what Miss Vivienne said? What Miss Vivienne meant is that she wants to change positions with you, you sit behind!"

A tall, handsome man in a decent suit walked up, his nostrils turned into the sky, and he looked arrogant.

The voice fell off.

The people in the first class were all talking.

"My God, is this the little queen of Xiangcheng, Miss Vivienne?"

"This is the first time I saw Miss Vivienne up close, she is really beautiful!"

"I have heard every song of Miss Vivienne, it is simply the sound of nature!"

Hearing the praise from the people present, Vivian raised her head proudly, then turned to look at Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng, and said: "Do you still understand what my assistant said? Quickly give up your position, I I don't want to say it again!"

"Miss Vivienne, originally, if you tell us well, maybe we will change positions with you.

But now, I think your attitude is very problematic, so, I'm sorry, we will not change positions with you. "Gu Qingcheng said indifferently.

"Miss, are your ears deaf? I'm Vivienne, the little queen of Xiangcheng. I am willing to change positions with you. That is your honor. You are so ignorant to promote?!"

Vivian took off her sunglasses, her expression was exaggerated, obviously she didn't expect Gu Qingcheng to refuse.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Vivian with a calm face, and said, "I don't care who you are, as a human being, the most basic respect is still necessary."

"Oh, I see what you mean."

Vivienne sneered, and then said to the male assistant on the side: "Jason, give them 20,000 yuan, immediately, let them change positions!"

The male assistant who called Jason nodded, then took out two wads of banknotes from his bag, put them on Gu Qingcheng's table, and said, "This is 20,000 yuan, take it, sit back!"

"I will give you one hundred thousand, and you will immediately disappear from my eyes!"

Gu Qingcheng said coldly, as the president's aura suddenly exploded.

"you you you……"

Vivienne pointed at Gu Qingcheng, stunned by anger, her chest was fluctuating, and her stiff face that had been hit with hyaluronic acid twitched.

Ye Fei on the side saw this scene and rushed to Gu Qingcheng and gave a thumbs up.

"Miss, are you really going to fight me?!" Vivian asked coldly.

"Miss Vivienne, it's not that I want to fight you, but you are looking for something." Gu Qingcheng said with a calm expression.

"Okay, very good, remember what you are saying now!"

Vivian stared at Gu Qingcheng and Ye Fei fiercely, and said, "I hope that when you arrive in Xiangcheng, you can still have such a backbone!"

Jason glanced at Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng, and said, "Miss Vivian, you are dead!"


Ye Fei smiled and said, "Brother, come and tell me, why are we dead? Is it possible that Miss Vivienne can cover the sky with only one hand in Xiangcheng?"

"Miss Vivienne can't cover the sky with just one hand in Xiangcheng, but Miss Vivienne's godfather Zhao Shengqiang is the leader of Xiangcheng Xingyi Society!

The entire underground world of Xiangcheng belongs to Xingyi Society! To put it bluntly, Xingyishe is the heaven of Xiangcheng!

Tell me, are you dead if you offend Miss Vivienne? "

As soon as Jason finished speaking, the faces of the people in the cabin changed drastically, and they trembled all over.

"This young man, miss, you still have to apologize to Miss Vivienne quickly, and quickly give up your position. If you offend Xingyi She, you are really done!" An old Xiangcheng man persuaded.

Gu Qingcheng didn't know what the ghost of Xingyi Society was. She turned to look at Ye Fei and asked, "Which leader of this Xingyi Society is better than you, the purgatory king?"

Ye Fei couldn't laugh or cry: "Qingcheng, you look down on me too much, so you compare me with the leader of Xingyishe? Don't you compare the little earthworm with the real dragon?

Let me tell you this, if I want to eradicate this Xingyi Society, I only need to move my fingers. "

"Oh, I see."

Gu Qingcheng nodded.

"Boy, who do you think you are, dare to say such a big thing!"

Jason suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, you continue to brag, if you can't kill you in Xiangcheng, I'll let you do it!"

Ye Fei squinted and said, "Remember what you said."

"Of course I **** remembered, let's just take a look!" Jason said viciously.

"Well, Jason, don't waste saliva with these two ignorant mainlanders."

Vivienne waved her hand, and then left with Jason.

Seeing Vivian and Jason were gone, Gu Qingcheng was relieved and said, "Ye Fei, to be honest, I was a little scared when they said that Xingyi She was so good."

Ye Fei squeezed Gu Qingcheng's face and said with a smile: "Qingcheng Baoer, you just have to remember this, the most terrifying person in the world is sitting next to you now.

Those big, ghosts and snakes are not as scary as I am, do you understand? "

"Yeah, I got it."

Gu Qingcheng smiled and nodded.

After that, Gu Qingcheng continued to read the information, while Ye Fei turned his head and looked out the window, thinking, it seems that he has to find time to take all his women to the Lost Island to see. Let them see their own energy.

I want to declare to them that no matter what trouble they encounter, they don't need to be afraid, because their man is their biggest backer.


at the same time.

On a plane flying from Yingguo to Xiangcheng, two men were sitting in the front second row of the first class cabin.

The two men, one of them was a burly man, wore a black leather jacket, had curly chestnut hair, had deep features and a beard, and looked very rough.

The other was thin, wearing a gray tailored suit, with golden curly hair, fair skin and pale red eyes, which looked a little weird.

"Magic Wolf, are you sure what we are looking for is in Xiangcheng?"

The burly man, holding a newspaper in his hand, glanced at the golden man beside him.


The man called Demon Wolf nodded, and then said: "Stone Beast, it seems that this time we have to go to Xiangcheng to participate in an auction..."

The burly man named Stone Beast froze for a moment, and said in a puzzled manner: "Aren't we looking for something, why are we going to participate in the auction?"

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