Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2410: , The evil spirit comes to the world!

Seeing that the ghost wizard and the underworld were about to join forces, Ye Fei narrowed his eyes, then turned his head and said to Shi Junze: "Junze, you will fight later, be careful yourself.

If it is really no match, then go up quickly, understand? "


Shi Junze nodded.

He was ready to fight side by side with Ye Fei.

Of course, if he is really lost, then he is also ready to evacuate at any time.

After all, if you are there, you will be distracted by the boss, and you can't hold back the boss.

The ghost mage looked at Ye Fei jokingly, and said faintly: "Purgatory King, even if Shi Junze breaks through, he will not be your helper.

Now that I join forces with Hades, you two are dead..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Fight if you want to fight!"

Ye Fei shouted, not afraid at all.

"Yes, fight if you want to fight, for fear that you won't succeed!"

Shi Junze also took the sentence with great momentum.

"Two arrogant boys, die!!"

The ghost mage has a hideous face. He raised his hands to the sky and began to chant again.

"Eternal contract, in my personal name, offer the soul and blood of the creatures before me as a sacrifice, and curse again..."

When the sound of chanting sounded, in this huge pit, there were gusts of dark wind, and black dead air filled everywhere, as if a thick fog had formed.

Immediately, the ghost mage waved his arms, "Dead Waterfall!!"

Shattering! !

Suddenly, the wind was violent and wailing!

Thousands of undead summoned by the ghost mage suddenly gathered together, like a waterfall that covered the sky and covered the sun, rushing towards Ye Fei and Shi Junze!

That violent and fierce waterfall of the undead, with overwhelming murderous and deadly aura, swallowed everything on the ground, crushed it, and razed it to the ground!

Seeing this powerful attack hit, Ye Fei didn't say a word, and directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand, towards the waterfall of the undead!

The huge golden light blade cut out, directly splitting the waterfall of the undead into two halves!

However, soon, the waterfall of the undead, which had been split in half, gathered together again, and the magical power did not weaken, and it continued to attack Ye Fei!

"Get away!!"

Ye Fei roared wildly and raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand to resist!

The broad blade is like a door, blocking him!

boom! !

That crazy waterfall of undead hit the sword in Ye Fei's hand fiercely, making a frantic vibration!

For a moment, the gathered undead was desperately torn apart by the sword intent radiating from the infuriating giant sword in Ye Fei's hand, and bursts of miserable wailing sound continued!

However, a large number of undead disappeared, and a large number of undead refilled it, as if it couldn't be killed at all!

The waterfall of the undead launched a violent impact and directly pushed Ye Fei back!

Click! ! ...

The rocks on the ground were all marked by Ye Fei's feet with two deep gullies, and the rocks were directly broken into slag!

"Dragon claws crack the ground!!"

Shi Junze didn't hesitate, and directly raised his claws and hit the waterfall of the undead!

Two huge golden dragon claws, with the power of Vientiane True Qi, attacked the waterfall of the undead, making a violent sound!

Three forces swept wildly in this huge pit, smashing all the surrounding stalactites, crystal stones and other rocks to smash, and punching holes in the stone walls on all sides!

"The undead transformed!!"

Seeing that Ye Fei and Shi Junze could not be defeated by this move, the Ghost Mage waved his hand again.

The undead that resembled a waterfall suddenly split into two.

Half of them merged to form a black giant sword that was twenty to thirty meters long, suspended in the sky above Ye Fei.

The other half of the undead turned into two black dragon claws, which were just different in color from the golden dragon claws played by Shi Junze.

Both Ye Fei and Shi Junze were shocked in their hearts. Obviously, they did not expect that the Ghost Mage had reached the extreme in their manipulation of the soul, allowing thousands of souls to obey the command and transform them into different forms.

When Ye Fei used the sword, he changed his soul into the shape of a sword, and Shi Junze used the dragon claw hand, and he changed the soul into the shape of a dragon claw.

Really incredible magic!


The ghost mage screamed and dropped his hands at the same time.

Huh! !

I saw that the black undead greatsword above, with the sound of breaking through the air and bursting into the air, fell towards Ye Fei abruptly!

The air was torn apart, as if to split Ye Fei's sword in half!

The point is that the sword of the undead can destroy not only the human body, but also the human soul!

On the other side, the two black undead dragon claws were also destructive, and they buckled towards Shi Junze, wanting to crush Shi Junze into fleshy foam!

Although these tens of thousands of undead were divided into two, the magical energy they carried has not diminished much!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The undead greatsword and the undead dragon's claws have not been completely dropped, and the ground can no longer withstand these two forces, and it will break directly!

The feet of Ye Fei and Shi Junze suddenly sank more than ten centimeters!


Ye Fei shouted, slammed his foot on the cracked ground, and then swung a sword directly at the undead giant sword in the sky!

The golden streamer suddenly skyrocketed, and directly wrapped the sword of the undead in the sky, making a loud "bang"!

Although the magic power of this Undead Sword is very powerful, it is more than twice as weak as Ye Fei's sword intent!

So, with just one sword, the black sword of the undead was directly smashed!


Shi Junze also screamed, releasing the true energy of Vientiane Dacheng, and then shot two huge golden dragon claws toward the sky!

The two golden dragon claws collided with the two black undead dragon claws, making a "rumbling" explosion!

Suddenly, the golden infuriating light and the black magic light intertwined together, spreading away in all directions in an instant!


Although Shi Junze smashed the huge undead dragon claw, his current cultivation base and strength were simply not enough to contend with this violent magical power, so he was directly impacted and flew out!

There was another loud bang, and Shi Junze's body slammed heavily on a rock wall, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth!

As for that side of the stone wall, it was a human figure!

"Shunze! How are you?!"

Ye Fei was startled and asked quickly.

"Boss, I'm fine!"

Shi Junze wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and got up from the ground.

"The Gate of the Devil!!"

At this moment, the underworld was not watching either, but raised the magic scepter in his hand.

The magic scepter in his hand, the black gem on the top exudes a dazzling black light.

Immediately, I saw a black, huge magic door appeared in the air.

This magic door is carved with complicated patterns and magic circles, which are profound and mysterious.


Underworld once again waved the magic scepter in his hand.

Only a "creak" was heard, and the huge magic door was opened.

It was dark inside, and nothing could be seen, but there were waves of howls and roars.

This voice seemed to come from the eighteenth layers of hell, which made people frightened.

Looking at the opened magic door, Ye Fei and Shi Junze increased their vigilance by twelve points.

After only half a minute, I saw that one after another huge monsters rushed out of the door, there were hundreds of them.

Among these monsters, some are **** dogs with two heads, some are monsters with one horn and one eye, some are pythons with seven or eight heads, and some are with horns and fangs, holding a giant axe. The magician...

These monsters have different sizes and appearances, but each monster exudes powerful dark energy, as if it really exists.

When these monsters ran out, the entire space became gloomy and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect the Underworld to summon so many beasts, and these beasts didn't look like illusory.

As for Shi Junze, he was already dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a horrible scene before, and he couldn't help shaking.

A powerful magician is equal to an army!

Seeing the scene in front of me, this sentence is even more confirmed!

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