Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2418: , The sky is falling!


Hearing Gu Qingcheng's words, Ye Fei's heart was suddenly startled, "Qingcheng, quickly tell me what happened yesterday?!"

In the next time, Gu Qingcheng told Ye Fei what happened last night.

After listening, Ye Fei's face sank and said: "The two guys, the King of Darkness and the Holy Dragon Knight, are really shameless.

They didn't dare to **** it when I was there. I just left. They snatched it like a mad dog. It really humiliated their name as a king. "

"It seems that the sacred stone is really important to them, otherwise, they will not grab it at all costs.

Ye Fei, I don't think they will stop there, so you should come back quickly. I am worried that they will come back..." Gu Qingcheng was a little worried.

"Okay, when I finish dealing with things here, I'll rush back immediately."

Ye Fei replied, and then said: "Before I go back, you and Xiao Ran don't go anywhere, just stay at home.

At least Zhang Baokun will protect you, and I can rest assured. "

"Okay, listen to you."

Gu Qingcheng also realized the seriousness of the matter, so he agreed without hesitation.

After a few more conversations, Ye Fei hung up the phone.

Ye Fei walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the capital, frowning, and then lit a cigarette.

What is the role of the sacred stone?

Why do those guys in the Alliance of Gods spend so much manpower and material resources to find, and even do not hesitate to grab it?


Ye Fei spit out a long mouthful of smoke, thinking, it seems that he must bring the sacred stone to the temple as soon as possible to do research for Elena.

With Elena's ingenuity, I can definitely figure out the role of the **** stone.

Perhaps, the truth of everything will come to light at that time.


Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Maple Leaf Villa No.6, Ninghai City.

At this time, in the courtyard in front of the villa.

Zhang Baokun is working as a sparring partner for Gu Xiaoran.

Although Gu Xiaoran's talent is very high, his cultivation is also very fast.

However, Gu Xiaoran lacks actual combat experience after all, so no matter how she launches an offense, she can't defeat Zhang Baokun, but is repelled by Zhang Baokun time and time again.

However, Gu Xiaoran's temperament is very stubborn. Every time she is repelled, she can adjust her state as soon as possible, and then launch an attack.

"Brother Bao Kun! Look at the move!!"

Gu Xiaoran yelled, rushed forward with a stride, and blasted Zhang Baokun with a punch!

boom! !

A punch blasted out, bringing out a sound of breaking through the air!

After Zhang Baokun's guidance, Gu Xiaoran was now able to condense the infuriating energy on his fist, and the fist he punched out was not only more powerful, but also burning with hot flames!

However, Zhang Baokun exuded his true energy a long time ago as a defense, so he didn't fear Gu Xiaoran's fist at all!

He lifted his sturdy arm easily, only to hear a muffled "bang", and directly blocked Gu Xiaoran's punch!

"Xiao Ran, the strength is not enough, come again!"

Zhang Baokun said aloud with a muffled thunder.

"it is good!"

Gu Xiaoran responded, and then violently retreated, and once again distanced himself from Zhang Baokun.

At this time, the black sports vest that Gu Xiaoran was wearing was already wet with sweat, her hair was tied up, her face was flushed, and her forehead was full of sweat.

From 6 o'clock in the morning until now, in addition to eating breakfast, Gu Xiaoran has been resting, and has been letting Zhang Baokun accompany him to practice exercises until now.

Although very tired, Gu Xiaoran did not give up in order to make himself stronger.

At this time, the corners of Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu who were watching the battle also showed gratified smiles.

"Sister-in-law Xiao Ran is still young, but her perseverance is really amazing!" Tang Yu said with a sigh.

Lu Qinghong smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Xiao Ran is really a martial arts wizard. When we were young like her, we weren't as good as her."

"Haha, that's what I said."

Tang Yu laughed, and then joked: "However, this foolish guy looks decent as a master.

In just a few hours, Xiao Ran's sister-in-law's combat effectiveness increased so much. "

"It seems that our two half-hanging masters have to work harder to train sister-in-law Qingcheng.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to be compared with this idiot. "Lu Qinghong joked.

"Well, that's right."

Tang Yu nodded.

At this moment, after Gu Xiaoran gasped for a while, he slammed his feet to the ground, body like a sharp sword, and rushed directly toward Zhang Baokun!


At the moment when he approached Zhang Baokun, Gu Xiaoran's figure jumped, and his long legs swept toward Zhang Baokun's chest like a steel whip!

Huh! !

This kick is not only as fast as lightning, but the power is also amazing!

"Haha! Good job!"

Zhang Baokun Lang laughed, then suddenly raised his right arm to block!

boom! !

Gu Xiaoran's kick hit Zhang Baokun's arm heavily!

But, soon, Gu Xiaoran bit his teeth and Liu eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously!


It hurts too much!

Gu Xiaoran felt like he had kicked on a steel plate, and it was painful and numb!

Immediately, before Gu Xiaoran could react, Zhang Baokun's right arm shook suddenly!

A strong force shook out directly, Gu Xiaoran couldn't stop this force at all, and his body was directly shocked and flew out!

After flying out more than ten meters away, Gu Xiaoran volleyed with a backflip and landed steadily on the ground!

"Xiao Ran, although you did a good kick just now, but the strength and speed are still not enough, come again!"

Zhang Baokun said aloud.

Hearing Zhang Baokun's words, Tang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "This silly guy is too harsh? Let alone Xiao Ran's sister-in-law. Even if we are the two of us, we can only compete with him for health. Isn't it better than him? "

"It's okay for this nasty guy to be strict, as long as it doesn't hurt Xiao Ran's sister-in-law." Lu Qinghong replied.

At this time, after Gu Xiaoran stabilized his body, he took a deep breath, and then said softly: "Brother Bao Kun! I'm going to be serious!"

"Okay! Even if you try your best, I can catch it!" Zhang Baokun replied with a grin.

Gu Xiaoran nodded, and then directly condensed two fiery red qi, forming two fiery red phoenix whips, and directly hit Zhang Baokun!

Huhu! !

The phoenix whip whizzed out, like two fire dragons, burning the air to the point of white smoke!

Regarding Gu Xiaoran's phoenix whip, Zhang Baokun didn't dare to hold it big, and directly released the fierce infuriating energy, forming a defense all over his body!

Bang! !

When the two phoenix whips lashed over, Zhang Baokun directly stretched out two big paw fan hands and grabbed them, not afraid of the burning of the flames!

Then, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and he twitched!

Only heard a burst of "cracking"!

The two phoenix whips that Gu Xiaoran hit were directly torn apart!

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiaoran was shocked!

However, Gu Xiaoran didn't pause much, but slammed his feet on the ground, and his body jumped directly!

"Feng Wu! Meteor fire rain!!"

Accompanied by Gu Xiaoran's tender voice.

I saw that the flames fell from the sky like heavy rain meteors, and fell directly towards Zhang Baokun below!

Seeing this dense flame hit, Zhang Baokun opened his eyes, and a beast-like fierce light flashed out!


Zhang Baokun screamed, with both arms open, the surging and thick infuriating energy directly oscillated out, and the falling rain of fire was directly crushed before it got close to his body!

Seeing that the trick "Meteor Fire Rain" still didn't work, Gu Xiaoran's heart sank and decided to try that trick!

Gu Xiaoran had practiced that trick before, but he had never succeeded.

Nowadays, with such a powerful Baokun brother training with him, maybe he can be successful.

Thought of this.

Gu Xiaoran directly released all the power of zhenqi from all over his body.

A stronger pressure than before swept out directly, and both Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu couldn't help being shocked.

Then, Gu Xiaoran slammed his foot on the ground, and his light body jumped directly into the sky.

"Fengwu for nine days!!"

Gu Xiaoran shouted.

Wow! !

I saw that the true Qi exuding from her body directly turned into a fiery red flame, and Gu Xiaoran's whole person was wrapped in the flame!

The temperature of the blazing flame is extremely high, which is dozens of times higher than the "Phoenix Whip" and "Meteor Fire Rain" used by Gu Xiaoran!

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