Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2426: , Overpowering!

"Luo Shenquan!"

Gu Qingcheng didn't show any weakness either, and directly released the icy qi in his body, and then hit a few punches at those roaring skulls!

Every punch, like an avalanche, directly freezes the skulls burning with black flames into ice!

Then, as the ice cubes shattered, those skulls also shattered into dregs!

However, the number of those skulls is too much, it is not clean at all!

Even if the eradication is not clean, you must continue to fight!

Because now there is no way to go back!

Sisters Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran joined hands to take care of each other, and they were able to cope in a moment, so as not to be hurt by these burning skulls!

At this time, the other side.

Lu Qinghong felt the sword in his hand sink a lot because of the excessive consumption of Zhen Qi.

After he destroyed dozens of skulls in a row, he didn't have time to swing his sword again, but those skulls hit him like missiles!

Bang bang bang! …

Accompanied by a series of muffled noises, Shi Junze was directly knocked out!


Lu Qinghong barely stabilized his body with a tumbling in the back, but he felt the blood churn in his body, and he couldn't help but spray out a mouthful of blood!


"Xiao Lu!"

"Brother Lu!"

When Gu Qingcheng saw this, they were all shocked.

"Bao Kun, go and protect Qinghong!"

Gu Qingcheng said aloud to Zhang Baokun.

"it is good!"

Zhang Baokun responded with a sound, then shook off his sturdy legs and ran towards Lu Qinghong.

He swung several punches and smashed several skulls that continued to invade Lu Qinghong, then squatted down and said, "Xiao Lu, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, leave me alone, hurry up and protect the two sisters-in-law!"

Lu Qinghong turned pale, clutching his chest and screamed.

"Now that you are injured, I should protect you!"

Zhang Baokun supported Lu Qinghong and roared.

But at this moment, because Zhang Baokun didn't notice behind him, several skulls rushed madly and hit his strong and generous back.

Although he had a thick skin and a strong body, the magical power of these skulls was so strong that Zhang Baokun spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Bao Kun!"

Seeing Zhang Baokun vomiting blood, Lu Qinghong felt a pain in his heart.

If it wasn't for this silly guy who came to protect himself, how could he be injured by the skull?

"Stay away!"

Zhang Baokun hurriedly pushed Lu Qinghong aside, and then suddenly turned around, with a roar of tigers and thunder in his mouth!

Then, he slammed his fists violently, smashing those raging skulls to pieces!

"I want to see how long you can last!"

Seeing that the five people of Gu Qingcheng were still struggling to support the gods, his heart was extremely angry.

The voice fell, and a more fierce and terrifying magical energy was released from his body.

"Sacrificial magic! Abyssal Python! Come out!"

Without any hesitation, the priest waved the scepter in his hand again, casting out a burst of magical energy.



Suddenly, there was a shrill roar in the sky.



The wind screamed and the earth shook!

Immediately afterwards, only one black giant python with a length of more than ten meters and a thick adult waist appeared directly in the air. There were three of them!

The eyes of these black pythons are scarlet, the size of a lantern!

And the scales on their bodies exude black light, like steel!

Although these black pythons are not real pythons, they are the dead pythons summoned by the gods!

However, the coercion and breath of this undead python is dozens of times more terrifying than the real python!

These three undead pythons hovered in the air, with their scarlet eyes wide open, their fangs exposed, their mouths wide open, and they stared at the five Gu Qingcheng people below!

Seeing these three undead giant pythons, Gu Qingcheng couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they couldn't help trembling all over!

so horrible!

This guy is horrible!

He was able to summon three giant pythons out of thin air, and they looked so realistic!

This Western magic is simply incredible!

"Undead python, get on it!"

The priest directly issued an order to the three undead giant pythons.

These three sturdy undead giant pythons crashed to the ground, smashing into the ground three huge pits!

Immediately, they moved quickly and ran over several long gullies on the ground!

One of the undead giant pythons rushing to the forefront slammed their tails toward Gu Qingcheng's location!

This huge giant tail is more than several tons, and with this huge force suddenly swept, even the tank has to be swept away!

Even if Gu Qingcheng and the others were martial artists, they didn't dare to resist forcibly!

"Qinglian Sword Song! Kill!"

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more dangerous, Lu Qinghong can't care about rest and breathing, directly holding the sword, performing light work, leaping into the sky, and slamming a sword at the undead python!


A sword slashed out, and the cyan blade slashed down wildly, bringing out a huge cyan blade of light!

However, when Lu Qinghong's sword struck the undead giant python, he made a crisp sound and burst into sparks!

Lu Qinghong was immediately surprised!

How could the scales on this undead python be so hard, like steel? !

However, before Lu Qinghong could react, this undead giant python swept his tail directly at him!

Boom boom boom!

Where the giant tail passed, a frantic explosion broke out everywhere in the entire yard, and the soil, lawn, and planted flowers and plants were all crushed to pieces!

Seeing the giant tail sweeping towards him, Lu Qinghong naturally did not dare to hold it big, and quickly raised the Qinglian sword to release his horrible sword intent!

"Qinglian Sword Armor!"

In an instant, the sword intent was intertwined into armor, blocking Lu Qinghong's body.


The giant tail of the undead giant python swept over and slapped it heavily on the "Green Lotus Sword Armor", making a shock!

However, although he blocked a round of sweeping by the giant tail, Lu Qinghong suddenly discovered that the "Qinglian Sword Armor" he was displaying had cracks, and he couldn't withstand the second round of attacks at all!

Thinking of this, Lu Qinghong hurriedly volleyed into the air and stepped on the "Green Lotus Sword Armor". With the force of recoil, his body jumped directly again!

Immediately, Lu Qinghong held the sword in both hands and swung a sword at the undead python!

"Qinglian sword armor! Zhan Kong!"


With a sword swung, the momentum is like a rainbow, unstoppable!

However, at the moment Lu Qinghong swung his sword, the undead python was a mouth, and directly spit out a solid black death air, like a huge lifeless cannonball, towards him. This sword strikes up!



Lu Qinghong's sword was directly blocked by the lifeless shells spit out by the undead giant python!

It was in this electric light and flint that the undead giant python swept once again and took Lu Qinghong's chest straight!


Lu Qinghong was shocked, and subconsciously released defensive energy, and raised his arms to resist!

A loud "bang"!


Lu Qinghong screamed, and his body flew upside down 20 to 30 meters away, and then fell to the ground with a "boom", smashing the ground into a deep hole!

Lu Qinghong, who fell into the "Pit of People", felt that his body was turned upside down, suffering a serious internal injury, and even his bones seemed to have been smashed, causing great pain!

Even if he wants to get up and fight again, it becomes even more difficult...


"Brother Lu!"

When Gu Qingcheng saw this, they were startled and screamed.

Lu Qinghong is the most mature and stable among the five. In order to protect Gu Qingcheng and the others, he basically gave up his life!

Therefore, he was severely injured several times in a row, which has already caused him more injuries!

"Naughty animal! Do you dare to hurt my brother! I want to kill you!!"

Zhang Baokun suddenly became furious, and directly blocked the undead python that was about to continue attacking Lu Qinghong.

Seeing this scene, the sacrifice to the gods just joked, and said faintly: "Ignorant humans, with your tiny body, can block my undead python? It's really whimsical..."

Yes, in front of an undead python that is more than ten meters long, Zhang Baokun's huge body of 1.9 meters is really very small!

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