Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2429: , My heart is cold!

"Miss Gu, I'll say it again, hand over the sacred stone!"

The sacrificial **** looked at Gu Qingcheng indifferently, and said: "As long as you hand over the **** stone, I will let this little girl go..."

Gu Qingcheng clenched his fists tightly, his teeth biting his lower lip, and staring at the sacrificial **** in the sky, feeling cold and trembling all over.

She wanted to calm herself down and think about what to do now.

However, she now feels confused and can't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

She also knew that once the sacred stone was handed over, the offering to the gods would definitely kill herself and others directly.

If you really do this, you will harm everyone yourself.

However, if she doesn't pay, she doesn't want to watch Gu Xiaoran suffer such torture.

"Sister... don't promise him..."

Gu Xiaoran's body is already very weak, and her body is also limp. She is now completely grasped by the **** hand, so she has not fallen.

She looked at Gu Qingcheng below, tears streaming, and the blood from the corners of her mouth couldn't stop dripping, staining the ground red.

"Xiao Ran..."

Gu Qingcheng choked, tears couldn't stop streaming down, she stretched out her hand to grab Gu Xiaoran's hand, but the 20-odd-meter altitude is like a mountain to her, and she can't do it at all.

"Sister... let him kill me... You guys run away... run away!!!"

Gu Xiaoran hissed and screamed, his eyes were already decisive.

"No...I can't do..."

Gu Qingcheng shook her head vigorously, although she was decisive, cautious and rational in her career.

However, facing her sister, she had already forgotten her sanity.

Seeing that Gu Qingcheng was still hesitating to the gods, he couldn't help feeling a little impatient. He coldly said: "Miss Gu, what are you still hesitating? Do you really care about your sister?"

Gu Qingcheng's eyes were filled with blood, and he stared at the sacrifice, hissing: "Don't you be afraid of death if you do this?!"


The priest sneered and said, "Who can kill me, and who can make me die?"

Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath and said, "My fiance, Ye Fei, will definitely repay the sins you committed today!

He has already killed so many people in your alliance of gods, and you are not the only one! "

The sacrificial **** squinted his eyes and laughed wildly: "Let's not say whether the purgatory king has this ability to kill me... even if the purgatory king really has this strength, he is not here at all!

He is now in the capital, and he is deceived by my people. He wants to rush over. It is undoubtedly a foolish dream, hahaha! ! "

Gu Qingcheng and Lu Qinghong's hearts fell completely upon hearing the words of offering sacrifice to the gods.

Just now, they still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Ye Fei could arrive in time to save Gu Xiaoran.

However, when they heard the words of worshiping the gods, they knew that Ye Fei was still in the capital and couldn't make it back at all.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and quickly hand over the sacred stone..."

The sacrificial **** smiled indifferently, and said: "Tonight, don't expect anyone to save you... Ye Fei won't be able to come back, he won't show up...

Give you three seconds to think about it. If you hesitate any more, I will kill this little girl..."


The countdown to the worship of the gods has begun.

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng felt a tingling in her heart, and she felt like she was about to suffocate. Her body was sweating cold, and she could even hear her own heartbeat.

As for the voice of worshipping the gods, to her, it was even more like the whisper of a demon.


The corner of Gu Qingcheng's mouth showed a touch of bitterness.

No time to think about it.


The sacrifice to the gods counted to the last sound, and then said: "The time has come, hurry up and hand over the **** stone!!"

As he said, the left hand of the sacrificial **** slowly began to gather...

As his left hand closed, the **** hand holding Gu Xiaoran began to slowly close...


Gu Xiaoran felt that his whole body would be crushed, and the pain was extremely painful, and the screams resounded throughout the world.

"I pay it!! I pay it!!!"

Gu Qingcheng felt that his soul was about to explode, and he screamed.

"very good……"

The priest smiled and nodded, "Go get it..."

However, before his voice fell, he felt a violent killing intent swept over him from behind!

He turned around abruptly and saw that a huge golden blade, like a golden mad dragon that smashed through the sky, slashed towards him!


Sacrifice's face changed drastically, and he quickly let go of Gu Xiaoran!

"Xiao Ran!!!"

Gu Qingcheng exclaimed, hurriedly rushed over, caught Gu Xiaoran who had fallen, and hurried to the side.

At this time, the **** priest also had no time to take care of Gu Qingcheng and the others. With his arms raised, he condensed a thick and thick magical energy, forming a huge shield, blocking him!

"Shield of the Undead!!!"

Boom! !

A violent explosion sounded!

This golden light blade slashed heavily on this undead shield!

The **** sacrifice originally thought it would block this sudden blow, but in the next second, only a "click" sound was heard!

This side of the undead shield is directly crushed!

Sacrificing the gods was shocked, and he shot out several magical energies in a row, and condensed three large shields of the undead to resist in front of him! !

Boom boom boom! !

Three bursts in a row!

All three undead shields were split apart!

However, because of the defense of the shield of the undead on all sides, the violent power carried by this golden blade was finally offset!

"Who is it?!!!"

The priest looked over there and shook out.

As soon as his voice fell, he felt as if a powerful pressure over the world, covering several miles in an instant, making him unable to stop the panic!

Moreover, this coercion and breath made him very familiar!

Could it be...

The sacrificial god's heart trembled, and suddenly thought of a possibility!

"Brother Fei?!"

"Brother Fei is here! Brother Fei is here!!"

At this time, Lu Qinghong and the others also reacted and shouted in surprise.

"Ye Fei..."

Gu Qingcheng hugged Gu Xiaoran who had passed out and murmured, tears wet his face.

Immediately, everyone saw that a scorching golden light directly penetrated the darkness, coming from a distance like a golden lightning!

In the blink of an eye, a faint golden light radiated from all over his body, and a man with golden flames in his eyes appeared in the yard. It was Ye Fei!

Seeing that the person here is really Ye Fei, his pupils shrank and said in disbelief, "You... how could you..."

Ye Fei ignored this guy, but walked in the direction of the five Gu Qingcheng step by step.

When he saw that Lu Qinghong was injured and Gu Xiaoran was unconscious, an uncontrollable anger rose directly in his heart.

"Sorry, Qingcheng, I'm back late..."

Ye Fei exhaled deeply and said something softly.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, quickly kill this old thing!!"

Gu Qingcheng raised his bare hand and pointed directly at the sacrificial **** in the sky.

Ye Fei nodded, then turned to look at the sacrificial **** in the sky, and said: "Last time because the wisdom **** was there, so luckily let you, an old thing escaped...this time, save your life..."

Sacrifice God looked at Ye Fei with a grim look, and said: "Smelly boy, my current strength has already surpassed before. You want to kill me, it's just a delusion!!"

"Is it?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Then try..."

The voice did not fall.

boom! !

There was a bang directly on the ground, and Ye Fei's whole body was like a rocket lifted into the sky, and he jumped directly into the sky!

As for the ground, it collapsed directly!

Seeing Ye Fei directly launched an attack, Ji Shen's face became cold, and he waved the staff in his hand!

"Fire of the Undead!!!"

The black flames are like fire dragons, sweeping towards Ye Fei, as if to burn everything!

"The double burst of sword intent!! One sword hides the air!!"

Because the opponent was the main god, Ye Fei didn't support it, and as soon as he came up, he raised his sword intent to the double explosion of sword intent!

Huh! !

Cut out with one sword, like thunder and lightning, like a violent storm!

Boom! !

A shocking explosion sounded directly, the sword was as fast as lightning, and everyone could only see a golden stream of light flashing under the night sky, like a shooting star across the night sky!

With just a sword, those black flames like fire dragons were directly extinguished!

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