Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2459: , So arrogant?

"I'm really not sure about this."

The dragon master replied, and then whispered: "It is said that those ancient powerful people did not die, but went into hiding.

However, there are even more rumors that those ancient powerful people are no longer in this world, but have gone to another world.

Of course, these are just legends, and no one knows what the truth is... It's possible that these ancient powerful men have passed away long ago, but no one knows..."

"No, those ancient powers are definitely not dead!"

Ye Fei suddenly thought of something and said firmly.


The Dragon Lord was stunned, and said in a puzzled manner: "Boy, why are you so sure, do you know anything?"

"Uh, hehe, I don't know, I just think that these ancient powerful people are all peerless powerhouses in China, how could they die easily?" Ye Fei said.

"Okay, kid, don't think about it so much. Even if those ancient mighty people really didn't die, or they went to other worlds, how can we know."

The dragon lord spoke lightly, then paused, and continued: "However, boy, since those rules can't restrain those warriors now, you, as the leader of the ancient alliance, are superior in strength, and you should be able to restrain them.

Therefore, I hope you can make something for the stability and security of China, such as emulating those ancient powerful people to formulate some codes and regulations..."

"Come on, I'll talk about this later, I don't think I have such a big face now, so that all warriors can listen to me.

Besides, I have a lot of things now, so how can I manage them? Besides, there is not much trouble in the secular world now, so let's keep this state for now. "Ye Fei said with a curled mouth.

"You kid just won't suffer any loss, for fear of trouble."

The Dragon Lord smiled and said: "Okay, when you want to understand later, let's do this again."

Later, Ye Fei chatted with the dragon master a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei lit a cigarette, quietly looking out the window, many thoughts appeared in his mind.

He absolutely believes that those ancient powerful people are still alive, after all, he seems to have really met these people in the past two years.

The old man who sold Qinglian swords before, the old man who showed himself fortune-telling on the train, and the expert who met on Star Island.

These three people have come and gone without a trace, as if they had the ability to fly into the sky and escape the ground.

Although Ye Fei didn't know whether those three people were ancient powerful people, it was certain that those three people must be first-class masters.

Moreover, because his strength is so different from them, he can't detect any of their cultivation.

Thinking about what Minova and Elena said, there are other planes and other worlds, Ye Fei feels that it is possible that those ancient powerful people can really crush the void and communicate on various planes. Feel free.

However, what makes Ye Fei puzzled is that China is in trouble now, and the Alliance of Gods is eyeing China, don't those ancient powerful people know?

No, they must know it.

Perhaps these people are too lazy to intervene because the Alliance of Gods is nothing in their eyes.

However, there is another reason, that is, whether it is the current ancient alliance or the alliance of the gods, perhaps in the eyes of these people are ants.

Imagine, do people care about ants fighting?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei felt his heart thump faster and his blood boiled.

There is fear of the unknown world, but also the yearning and challenge for the future.

There are people outside of people, and there are days outside of heaven. This is really not just a talk.

I don't know when I can reach the strength of those ancient powers, I can crush the void, go to all planes, and see the wider world.


Ye Fei spit out a long mouthful of cigarettes, really like the expert he met on Star Island, he still has a long way to go...


Early the next morning.

Sisters Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng had breakfast together.

Because Gu Xiaoran was of legal age and got his driver's license early, he drove Gu Qingcheng's Ferrari supercar and went to school.

Ye Fei drove the car and drove Gu Qingcheng towards Allure International.

When I came to the gate of Allure International, I saw that the company's elite team was already waiting, and there were about a dozen people.

Moreover, to Ye Fei's surprise, Qin Menglan was also present.

The woman wore a burgundy professional suit, a shawl with slightly curly long hair, and her figure became more plump and sexy.

The variety of amorous feelings got the most perfect interpretation in this woman.

At this moment, Qin Menglan was blinking at him, the charming corner of her eye made Ye Fei's heart hot.

Ye Fei thought that this trip to the United States would be a bit boring, but when he thought of two beautiful women, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan, Ye Fei felt happy.

Especially Qin Menglan, who hasn't made affection with her for a long time, and this time I go to the United States, I have to "compensate" the woman.

"Are everyone ready?" Gu Qingcheng glanced at the crowd and asked.


Everyone responded in unison, very motivated.

After all, being able to be selected by Gu Qingcheng to handle the company's listing in the United States this time is a great affirmation for them.

Gu Qingcheng nodded, then looked at Qin Menglan, and said, "Sister Lan, have you arranged all Qingcheng Entertainment's work?"

"Don't worry, Qingcheng, everything has been arranged." Qin Menglan replied with a smile.

"Sister Lan, in fact, you don't have to go this time. It's enough to have people like us.

It was tired enough to entrust Allure to you. I don't want to increase your workload. "Gu Qingcheng said.

"It's okay, Allure, now Allure Entertainment is slowly on the right track, and I feel a lot easier.

This time I go to the U.S., I should take a vacation and travel for myself. "Qin Menglan said.

"Yes, Sister Lan is right. Anyway, it's just a bit of the last formalities, and there is nothing to be busy.

When the time comes, we can have a good time in the United States for a few days after we have dealt with the listing. "Ye Fei also leaned over and said with a smile.

Gu Qingcheng glared at Ye Fei, saw through the man’s mind, lowered his voice and said, “You think I don’t know what you are thinking of as a gangster. Then I went to the United States. I will live in the same room with Sister Lan, and you will live alone. one room!"


Ye Fei suddenly wondered, "Qingcheng, if you have something to say, don't you need to be like this?"

"It must be like this!"

Gu Qingcheng had a hint of cunning in his eyes, and said, "Otherwise, you still can't shake the sky?"


Ye Fei was speechless immediately.

With that said, Gu Qingcheng took everyone into the arranged cars one after another.

After Gu Qingcheng got in the car, Qin Menglan walked over and covered her mouth with a smile: "Little bad guy, there's no way, I can't help you with this."

"Baby Menglan, you can help." Ye Fei grinned.

"How to help?" Qin Menglan asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter if you live in the same room, you just have to remember to open the door for me when that happens." Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a wicked smile.

"Think beautiful!"

Qin Menglan blanked his eyes and Ye Fei, then turned and swayed her hips and got into the car.

Ye Fei licked the corner of his mouth and smiled badly, thinking to himself, I have the final say when I go to the United States?

It would be better if we could hug left and right, and that thing together...

"Ye Fei, what are you still in a daze? Are you going or not, or not."

Gu Qingcheng put down the car window and saw the man with a wretched smile, he felt that the man must have no good intentions.

"Go, of course!"

Ye Fei responded, and then hurried over, pulled the door and got into the car.

Along the way, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan were talking about going public, while Ye Fei stared at the two women, which was a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

"By the way, Qingcheng, there seems to be interviews and speeches at that time, are you ready?" Qin Menglan asked.

Gu Qingcheng felt nervous at the thought of having to face so many big business leaders at that time.

However, Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, Sister Lan, I'm ready."

"Well, I believe we are the best!"

Qin Menglan raised her fan fist and said with a smile: "Come on!"

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