Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2470: , Unforgivable!

"Mr. Orfando, why?!"

Donaldome clenched his fists, his face was full of displeased expression.

"what why?"

Orfando frowned.

"Gentlemen, why do you all have to speak for the purgatory king?"

Donaldome looked at the six Orphans incomprehensibly, and said: "The Purgatory King is just the head of an underground world organization, and he is still a Chinese. Why can't we punish him?"

"There is not so much why!"

Parival, who was a little bald, stared at Donaldome coldly, and said, "Anyway, that's all for this matter! We are not discussing with you, but ordering!!!"

"If you continue to do your own way, then we can consider helping you replace you. Anyway, it's almost time for elections.

You should know that many people are thinking about your position. If you retreat, they will be very happy. "Orfan said indifferently.

"Donaldome, you should know that the last Barrio was replaced by us because he was ignorant. You don't want to repeat the same mistakes, do you?"

Tomlake accepted the sentence with a smile.

When Donald Thomas heard this, his whole body trembled.

If other people say that they want to replace themselves, then they will only feel that that person is talking crazy.

But these big guys said that they want to change themselves, that is really just one sentence, this is not a joke.

"Why, Donaldome, are you thinking about it? Do you want to continue to fight against the King of Purgatory, or do you want to be obedient and be your No. 1 Citigroup?" Parival asked lightly.

Donaldome took a deep breath, then lowered his head slightly, his eyes flashed with coldness, and then respectfully said: "Sir, what do you say, I will do it."

"Hehe, that's right."

Orfan smiled more and said, "Donaldome, there is an old saying in China that is very good, and those who know the current affairs are brilliant.

Be your No. 1 Citigroup, and enjoy the wealth and status that power brings you... Some people, you can't provoke..."

"Mr. Orfando, you are right."

Donaldome nodded respectfully like a schoolboy, how could he have the awe-inspiring appearance in front of those military leaders?

Seeing that Donaldome had no objections, Orfan smiled at Tomlake and the others: "Old folks, since this matter has been dealt with, let's go too."

Tomlake nodded, then stood up.

"Gentlemen, I will send it to you."

Donaldome smiled slightly, and then sent the six Orphans to the door of the White House.

When Orfando got on the car with six people and several luxury car convoys had left, Donaldome was still standing at the door, but his face was gloomy.

At this time, several senior generals, including Adams and Hasel, walked out of the white room.

"Number One, what the **** are the gentlemen looking for you?" Adams asked.

Donald Tom squinted his eyes and said, "These gentlemen are here for the Purgatory King."


Adams's face changed and he said, "Then what did these gentlemen say?"

"A few gentlemen said not to let me provoke the purgatory king again, nor let me send soldiers to attack the temple..." Donaldome said solemnly.


Adams looked stunned, and said, "Why do these gentlemen say that? Could it be..."


Donald Dorm nodded and sighed: "I really underestimated the energy of the purgatory king... I didn't expect that this Chinese kid would unknowingly control all the big families in Citi Country... "

"Number One, what shall we do?"

Hasel frowned and said, "Do we really just forget it? We don't care about the King of Purgatory?"

"FUCK!! The **** purgatory king, I didn't expect that he would come to such a hand!!" Adams said bitterly.

Donaldome sighed heavily and said: "The purgatory king is too cunning. We haven't done anything yet, but he has attacked us first.

I thought the purgatory king was just a stubborn man with well-developed limbs and simple mind. I didn't expect that he was much smarter than I thought.

No wonder this guy dared to kill people in Citigroup unscrupulously. It turns out that he has something to rely on..."

"On number one, the Purgatory King has destroyed our plans so many times and killed so many of our fighters. Could we really just forget it?" A senior general said unwillingly.

"What else can I do if I don't forget it?!"

Donaldome angrily said: "I am not reconciled, and I am also very upset. I can't wait to divide the Purgatory King by five horses, but if I really do this, it will undoubtedly be an enemy of those gentlemen.

When the time comes, those gentlemen say a word, my position will be lost...

If I step down, then your positions will definitely be lost..."

Hearing Donaldome's words, the senior generals present frowned.

They naturally believed what Donald Thomas said.

Those gentlemen really have so much energy that they can all step down overnight.

However, they were very unwilling to let them just let go of the purgatory king.

Donnadom glanced at the expressions on everyone's faces, sighed, and said, "Just forget about it, no one should talk about dealing with the purgatory king and the temple."

With that, Donaldome walked into the white room.

"Damn the purgatory king! It's so **** awkward!!"

"We Citi State fighters have never suffered such a shame!"

"FUCK!!! FUCK!!!"

Several high-ranking generals were furious and left cursingly.

But Adams alone was still standing at the door, frowning in thought.

"Adams, why are you still standing here?"

Hasel walked over and said, "Now let's not have to fight anymore. The Purgatory King and the Temple can't deal with it again. Let's go, let's drink together, not get drunk or return!"


Adams shook his head and said, "You go first, I have something to talk to No.1."

"All right, then I can drink, don't blame me for not calling you."

As Hasel spoke, he turned and got on a military jeep and left the white room.

After Hasel and others had left, Adams hesitated for a while, and then walked straight into the white room.

At this time, in the White House No. 1 office.

Although Donaldome was in a bad mood, he had to continue his work, so he lit a cigarette and smoked while looking at the file.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Donald Tom was stunned, put down the file in his hand, and replied, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Adams in a military uniform strode in.


Donaldome looked at Adams in confusion, and said, "What's the matter, something?"

Adams walked in, closed the door of the office, and said, "Number One, I have a way to avenge the Purgatory King and also make the gentlemen have nothing to say."

"Oh, do you have a way?"

Donaldome squinted his eyes and said, "Tell me, what can you do?"

Adams thought for a while, and then said, "Number One, shall we ask Satan out?"


When Donald Thomas heard this, his face changed slightly, and he asked, "Why are you asking him out?"

"I think it is possible to kill the purgatory king only by asking Satan to come out."

Adams squinted his eyes and said, "Isn't Satan claiming that we are the number one master in Citigroup? No one can kill him?

Now, as long as we tell him that the purgatory king can kill him, he will definitely be very interested..."

Donnadom's face sank and said, "But, you have to know, that fellow Satan is a murderous demon.

Decades ago, he murdered and committed crimes everywhere in Citi, and we all took him nowhere.

If it wasn't for later, he felt bored, and felt that no one could beat him, do you think he would go to Angolan prison obediently?

Moreover, if after he comes out, the purgatory king cannot kill him, then the entire Citigroup will become turbulent, he will definitely kill, and many people will die..."

"No, as far as I know, the strength of the purgatory king is very powerful, far beyond our imagination."

Adams smiled and said: "If Satan fights with the purgatory king, whoever wins or loses is not necessarily...

Of course, I think the most likely result is that Satan and the purgatory king will suffer both losses..."

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