Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2474: , The smell of the smell has changed!

Satan is worthy of being a Satan. A person who challenges tens of thousands of people without interruption every day and night will be tired even if he is an iron striker.

But not only was Satan not tired, he defeated tens of thousands of people alone, causing countless deaths and injuries.

The stronger Satan, the more satisfied Adams.

After all, Satan is his weapon against the purgatory king.

Danville found it strange, he didn't understand why Adams laughed, and laughed so strangely.

However, without waiting for Dan Verdo to think about it, the entire bullring's stands burst into thunderous cheers.

I saw that in the bullring, a bald head with an inverted triangle figure could not bear his irritable emotions and directly attacked Satan.

"Satan! Go to death for me!!"

The bald roared, directly clenched a fist, and blasted towards Satan.

However, at the moment when the bald head punched out, Satan clenched his fists and went up to the bombardment.

There was a loud "bang" first, followed by a constant "click"!

An arm of the bald man was directly shattered by Satan's punch!

Immediately, Satan punched again, smashed his bald head with a punch, and fell directly to a position twenty or thirty meters away, vomiting blood, and passed out!

When the bald man was killed with a punch, the man with tattoos all over his body also launched an attack on Satan!

"You devil!!"

The tattooed guy roared, and then he slammed his feet to the ground, stamping two deep footprints on the ground, and his body ejected directly!

However, at the moment the tattooed man leaped over, Satan directly lifted his foot, like a heavy hammer, and kicked his chest fiercely!

boom! !


The tattooed man screamed, and his body flew upside down 20 or 30 meters away, and fell heavily to the ground, splashing dust.

After falling to the ground, blood was flowing from the mouth of the tattoo, and the pain was so painful that he rolled on the ground, and his ribs were also kicked and broken a lot.

At this moment, a giant man who was more than two meters tall and weighed three to four hundred jin also rushed towards Satan.

Klang Klang! ! ...

Every time he ran, the ground seemed to be vibrating with it, full of power!

At the moment of approaching Satan, this two-meter giant directly ran into Satan with a huge body, trying to knock Satan away!

However, Satan smiled evilly, with one hand sticking out like iron tongs, his hands directly grasped the flesh on his body, and lifted it high!


The two-meter giant was shocked and shouted in fear, "Let me down! Let me down!!"

Satan smiled coldly, lifted this huge two-meter giant, and then threw it into the sky like a sandbag!

Huh! !

This two-meter giant drew a parabola tens of meters high in the air, and then landed on the ground with a "boom", and the bones all over his body didn't know how many bones had been broken!

He curled up on the ground, screaming in pain!

At this moment, a lean bandit seized the opportunity, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and suddenly launched an attack from behind Satan!

When approaching Satan, the gangster drew out a dagger with a loud cry!

"Fuck! Where did he get the knife?!"

"Ou Maiga! Lord Satan will be fine, right?!"

"Don't worry! Satan is a pervert, a devil, he will be fine!!"

"Satan, kill this cunning guy!!"

The prisoners in the stands waved their fists and roared.

After approaching Satan, the bandit directly raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed him on his back!

Cang! !

Only heard a crisp collision sound!

This fierce bandit was stunned immediately, he felt that his knife did not feel like it was pierced on the flesh, but as if it was pierced on a steel plate!

Except for his clothes being pierced, Satan’s flesh was not pierced!

This guy is a man or a ghost, why is his flesh harder than steel? !

Although Satan was not injured in any way, he was completely angered by this guy's sneak attack!


Satan yelled angrily, reached out with one hand, clasped the right wrist of the gangster holding the knife, and then squeezed it sharply!

He only heard a "crack" sound, the wrist bone of this fierce bandit was directly squeezed, and the dagger fell to the ground as a result!

Immediately, Satan grabbed the broken arm of the bandit, used his feet as support points, and rotated his body on the spot, directly kicking the guy who had attacked him!

After several laps, this guy was directly kicked out, hit the iron net with a "boom", was bounced back, and fell to the ground!


The brutal bandit with the knife screamed sorrowfully, dying of pain.

However, Satan did not let him go, but slammed his legs to the ground, and there was a "bang", and a deep hole was directly exploded on the ground!

Immediately, Satan jumped directly over thirty or forty meters, landed straight from the air, and slammed his foot on the chest of the gangster!

Only heard a "click", the entire chest bones of this fierce bandit collapsed, and his heart was directly exploded by a foot, and he died!

Seeing this scene, the remaining dozen gangsters were shocked!

This guy is not a human at all, not only is his power violent, but his body is invulnerable!

"Satan! Satan! Satan!!!..."

Seeing this scene, the entire bullring boiled directly, shouting loudly.

"After Satan finishes the fight, take him to the office to see me."

Adams said lightly, and then walked outside with some people.

Hearing Adams' words, Danville was taken aback for a moment, and then he trembled all over, and hurried to catch up.

"Mr. Adams, wait!!"

"Why, is there any problem?"

Adams stopped and turned around.

"Mr. Adams, what the **** are you looking for Satan?" Danville asked.

"This is confidential, you don't need to know."

Adams stared at Danville coldly and said, "You only need to bring Satan over to see me."

Danville smiled helplessly and said: "Mr. Adams, you are too dear to me, the devil Satan will not listen to me at all.

In this prison, Satan is the king, all prisoners obey him, and all prison guards dare not disobey him.

He said one, but no one dared to say two. If you let me ask him to see you, he wouldn't pay attention to me at all.

Moreover, if he upsets him, he will most likely kill me directly..."

Speaking of this, Danville's face was slightly pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This kind of fear from deep in his heart cannot be pretended.

Adams frowned and said, "Then tell him that there is a master in our country now and can easily kill him."


Danville was stunned and said, "Mr. Adams, what you said is true. Can someone really kill Satan?!"

"of course it's true."

Adams squinted his eyes and said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to this horrible place to find him. You know, letting Satan out of the Angolan prison would be a big risk..."

Danville swallowed his throat and said, "Mr. Adams, forgive me for asking, who is the master you are talking about?

As far as I know, in our entire Citi nation, no one is Satan's opponent, whether it is a steel warrior, a super warrior, or an orc warrior.

Moreover, with Satan's strength, it is enough to compete with the top ten kings in the world, but Satan is not interested in these..."

Adams smiled and said, "The person I'm talking about is the purgatory king who is now in full swing in the world..."

"What?! The Purgatory King?!"

Danville swallowed his saliva and said with a look of fear: "If it is the king of purgatory, it is really possible to kill Satan.

Of course, it is possible that even the Purgatory King is not his opponent. After all, this guy is a pervert..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I'll go to the office and wait. You just need to tell Satan about this."

Adams finished speaking and left the bullring with a few fighters.

When Adams left, Danville gave a wry smile.

Ask him to invite Satan, it would be scarier than dealing with tigers and lions.

However, when he thought that this was Adams's order, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it...

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