Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2477: , Too much face!

The fat white man opened his mouth wide and was stunned!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought he was dazzled!

Just in full view, the man slowly squatted down, directly buckled the front of the car with one left hand, and then slowly raised the front of the several-ton car!

"You, you... what do you want to do?!"

The fat white man has been scared mad.

Was it a **** man or a ghost, lifting the car with one hand? !

The passers-by on the street were also frightened and stupefied, standing there blankly, like a sculpture!

The fat white man quickly unfastened his seat belt and was about to open the door and get out of the car, but the man lifted it up with a gentle force!

This car weighing a few tons was like a toy car. It skyrocketed more than a dozen meters high, turned over twice, and then slammed into a car coming from behind with a loud noise!

This scene stunned everyone on the scene!

Everything happened so fast that they didn't see it clearly, and the car had been lifted off!

As for the two cars that collided with each other, they were already scrapped. The people sitting in them had been smashed to the ground, their bodies squashed, and the dead could no longer die!



"Run! Run!"

It was quiet for about half a minute, and the pedestrians on the road screamed, and hysterical fear broke out!

All pedestrians no longer dared to watch, and quickly fled around!

The car on the street didn't dare to drive forward and turned around and fled!

This street suddenly became chaotic, and screams of horror continued to resound!

"Get out of here, the farther the better!!"

Ye Fei yelled to Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan, then directly opened the door and got out of the car.

After Ye Fei got out of the car, the white driver did not dare to neglect, he was so frightened that he turned around and fled into the distance!

At this moment, Ye Fei could no longer control the chaos on the street. He walked up and stared at the bearded man coldly and asked, "You are here to find me, right?"

The bearded man smiled evilly, nodded, and said, "Yes, that's right."

"Who are you and what is the purpose of looking for me?" Ye Fei asked coldly.

The bearded man looked at Ye Fei gloomily, and said: "My name is Satan, I only come to you for one purpose, either to kill you or to be killed by you..."

"Who sent you?" Ye Fei asked in a deep voice.

"No one sent me, it was me who wanted to come."

Satan smiled and said, "Prince of Purgatory, I heard that you are very powerful, so I have to come and find you..."

"Is that the reason why you came to trouble me?"

Ye Fei was speechless when he heard it.

Is this guy a lunatic?

He has no grievances or grudges against him, but he wants to run to kill himself, does this guy have a problem with his brain?

"Isn't this reason enough?" Satan asked rhetorically.

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Well, even if you want to kill me, then what do you mean by killing ordinary people?"

"These guys are ants. I can't control their life and death."

Satan smiled coldly and said, "Well, stop talking nonsense, come on, Lord Purgatory, let me see how strong you are!"

The voice fell off.

Satan's figure flashed, as if moving instantaneously, he appeared directly in front of Ye Fei!

So fast!

Ye Fei opened his eyes, and a touch of horror appeared in his eyes!

At the moment when he approached Ye Fei, Satan directly twisted his punch, roared, and blasted directly at Ye Fei!

boom! !

With a punch, the power is amazing, as if a mountain collapsed!

Ye Fei didn't say a word, and quickly raised his fist and greeted him!

boom! !

A dull bombing sound resounded!

Because Ye Fei didn't improve his true energy and muscle strength, he was shocked a few steps by Satan's punch!

Satan stands still, motionless!

However, Ye Fei is still very surprised!

After all, his body is quite powerful now, even if it doesn't improve the true energy and muscle strength, it is not something ordinary people can bear!

The point is that Ye Fei also found that Satan's punch just now was very casual, and it didn't seem to be 10% of his true strength!

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and his blood began to boil!

I didn't expect to meet such a super expert in Citigroup!


Satan saw that Ye Fei had only stepped back, not being beaten by himself. He looked at Ye Fei curiously, and said, "Boy, it's interesting, I can even withstand my fist..."

"Hehe, come again!"

Ye Fei smiled and hooked his finger at Satan.

"go to hell!!"

Satan opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a red flame in his pupils!

Moreover, the second punch that Satan blasted directly increased its power dozens of times!

A punch blasted out, and the air made a harsh whistling sound, as well as blasting noises!

Ye Fei didn't dare to hold it big, clenched both fists, and shouted: "Muscle strength exploded!!"

boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, although Ye Fei's injured body did not seem to have changed in any way, in that instant, all aspects of Ye Fei's body had been qualitatively improved!

At this moment, Satan's eyes glowed with scarlet fire, and he rushed towards Ye Fei Kuang!

Although Satan’s punch seemed rough, it was very subtle and its power was terrifying, as if the heavens and the earth were torn apart!

Wherever he walked, cracks appeared in the stone slabs!

Moreover, Ye Fei found that Satan had no thoughts at all. He simply slammed a punch, but blocked all Ye Fei's escape routes!

Ye Fei also wanted to see how strong this guy is, so he didn't bother to dodge, and he just punched him! !

boom! !

The two fists collided heavily, and the two forces directly rushed in all directions like a ripple of power!

Rumble! !

Klang Klang! !

Click! Click! !

The earth bounced to pieces, the cars parked on the side of the street were smashed, and the tempered glass doors of the shops on the side of the street were also shattered!

Fortunately, there are no other people around, otherwise, just now, I don’t know how many people will be killed or injured!

At this time, people who had escaped five or six hundred meters away saw this scene and were shocked!

The power of the two has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people!

Moreover, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan did not leave either, but got out of the car and wanted to wait for Ye Fei to defeat this strange guy before leaving together!

At this moment, Satan was even more excited when he saw that Ye Fei had taken his second punch!

Satan yelled frantically and pushed his fist, Ye Fei grinned calmly, and stood firmly!

This kind of contest between men and the collision of iron fists made Ye Fei miss it!

Once, he also used his fist to kill the Quartet, but later, because of encountering the wizards who are good at long-range attacks in the West, Ye Fei started to use the sword!

Now, Ye Fei felt very excited when he encountered this monster who could compete with him in physical and strength!

It just so happens that I can use this guy to practice martial arts, otherwise my fists will rust!

"Hahaha, interesting! Really interesting!!"

Satan laughed loudly. After closing his fist, he immediately increased his strength by several dozen times, and then he punched him again and smashed towards Ye Fei!

"Muscle power is double explosive!!"

Ye Fei once again raised his muscle strength to the height of a double explosion.

When the strength increased again, the muscles and veins of Ye Fei's body also bulged, filled with explosive power.

In an instant, only a loud noise was heard, and Ye Fei and Satan's fists collided again!

The punches of the two, whether it is strength or speed, have reached a kind of extreme, like lightning and flint, thunder and collision!

There was another roar around, some buildings and walls were shattered, and some cars parked on the side of the road were overturned by two forces, smashed into the street, and smashed into the shop!

At this moment, when Satan saw that Ye Fei could not be hit with a punch, he immediately closed his fist and hit Ye Fei's jaw directly with an uppercut!

The conversion of the battle was so rapid that Ye Fei was extremely shocked!

I go!

Is this guy also a fighting genius? !

Ye Fei subconsciously raised his arm to the next gear, blocking Satan's punch!

Immediately, Ye Fei slammed a punch, and slammed heavily on Satan's chest!

With a "bang", Satan flew out directly, knocking down a wall of a storefront...

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