Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2482: , I can't kill you!

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Satan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Purgatory King, you are really an interesting guy..."

Ye Fei smiled and looked at Satan, and said: "I think you are also quite interesting... Maybe we are all demons in everyone's eyes, we are aliens, and everyone wants to get rid of us.

However, only you and I know in my heart that these ants are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to us.

Because ants are only ants after all, no matter how they jump, they are only ants. "

"Yes, you are right!"

Satan nodded, and said in a shocking voice: "I'm Satan's life, why should these guys criticize me!

I want to kill them, it's so easy! "

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "Satan, let's talk about it, who made you come and kill me?

After all, you and I didn't know each other before, and there was no hatred. "

"It's a guy named Adams from the Citigroup military."

Satan replied truthfully: "This guy said you are very strong and you are in Citi, so I thought of challenging you.

Unexpectedly, these despicable guys had such thoughts and wanted to get rid of us at the same time.

I am very angry, these guys, I will not let go of any of them..."

Ye Fei was stunned and said, "What do you mean, are you going to kill all those guys?"

"Yes, they are all killed!"

Satan nodded, then looked at Ye Fei, and said: "Purgatory Lord, I think you are a very good fellow, worthy of friendship!

However, in this battle tonight, we did not have a winner or loser, so I will challenge you again if I have the opportunity in the future! "

Ye Fei said helplessly: "Are you still going to fight?"


Satan responded with a trembling sound, and said with a wicked smile: "Why, dare you not?"

"Who said I dare not?"

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth and said, "To tell you the truth, I didn't try my best just now..."

Satan was taken aback, then smiled evilly, and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't use my best..."

The two looked at each other, and then both laughed.

Ye Fei stepped forward, patted Satan on the shoulder, and said, "How about it, Satan, do you want to follow me?"

Satan tilted his eyes and Ye Fei, curled his lips and said: "You are a strong man. It's not impossible to follow you, but I still have a few things to solve. When the time comes, when the matter is resolved, I will go to you again.

Next time we meet, we will fight again, so don’t lose by then..."

"Okay, that's it!"

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, "When you finish the matter, go to the Lost Island, where is my territory."


Satan waved his hand, then flashed a few times, left the street, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

After Satan left, Ye Fei turned his head and saw Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan looking at him with strange eyes.

"Qingcheng, Sister Lan, why are you looking at me like this?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Ye Fei speechlessly and said, "You are the only one who can become friends with such a devil."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I am also a devil in the eyes of many people. Devil and devil become friends. I think it's normal."


Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan were speechless, unable to understand the man's thinking at all.

After chatting for a few words, Ye Fei left here with Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan.

After returning to the hotel, Ye Fei returned to his room, took a shower, and then went to the living room.

Originally, Ye Fei intended to personally go to the guy who fired missiles at him tonight, but when he thought that Satan would do it for him, Ye Fei didn't take care of it anymore.

With Satan on the go, those guys have only a dead end.

As for whether the people at the top of Citigroup would find themselves, Ye Fei didn't bother to take care of it.

If these guys dare to trouble themselves, then I don't mind sending them to hell.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei picked up the phone and called Elena.

The phone rang for a while and was connected.

"Wang, are you looking for something to do with me?"

Elena's gentle voice came.

"Elena, how are you doing, have you digested the energy of the **** stone?" Ye Fei asked.

"Wang, I have already digested the energy of the **** stone, but this energy is too terrifying, I can't fully control it yet." Elena replied.

"It's okay, since you can't control it, it means that your physical fitness is not up to the requirements.

So, what you have to do is to practice hard and improve your physical fitness. "Ye Fei said.

"Well, I got it."

Elena responded, and then asked: "By the way, Wang, is there anything you are looking for me?"

Ye Fei smiled, and said: "It's nothing big, just tell you. Soon, an interesting guy will come to me, and then he will go to the Lost Island.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble for you, I will tell you in advance. "

"Interesting guy? Who?" Elena asked curiously.

"His name is Satan." Ye Fei replied.

"What?! Satan?!!!"

When Elena heard it, she exclaimed.


Ye Fei was taken aback and said, "What's wrong, Elena, do you know Satan?"

Elena gave a "um" and said, "Because our temple and Citigroup are in conflict, so in order to know myself and the enemy, I took a closer look at Citigroup.

By understanding the history of Citi, I learned that ten years ago, there was a super master in Citi, named Pendella Ramiro, code-named ‘Satan’.

Satan is the strongest player in Citi's real world, and his strength is quite against the sky, especially after his madness, he is simply invincible.

Ten years ago, Satan also challenged many powerhouses such as the Pope of Light, the Master of Doom, and the Lord of the Wild, and left an undefeated record.

Some of the weaker powerhouses were directly killed by him, and the Pope of Light was also severely injured, and it took several years to recover.

Later, Satan felt that no one could challenge him, and no one could beat him, so he was admitted to the Angolan prison..."

"I went, I didn't expect this madman-like fellow to have such a glorious past? It is indeed not easy to defeat the Pope of Light ten years ago."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and became happy in his heart, as expected, he didn't see the wrong person.

"Wang, are you sure that the person who is going to defect to you is Satan? It is said that that guy is arrogant and never compromises with anyone..."

Elena still can't believe it. After all, Satan is a strong man who has been famous for a long time. Although he hasn't appeared in ten years, his glorious past cannot be erased.

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "That guy said he was called Satan, and I also had a fight with him in a frenzied state.

I have to say that that guy is indeed very strong. If I really want to beat him, I have to use 80% to 90% of the strength to do it.

Of course, because Satan said that he himself didn't use all his strength to fight me, so if I and him really fight with all his strength, whoever wins or loses, maybe..."

"Wang, what a fight, what is going on?" Elena asked suspiciously.

Ye Fei didn't hide it either, and told Elena what had happened just now.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Elena took a deep breath and said, "Wang, that guy is indeed Satan. Moreover, according to your description, Satan did not use all her strength.

Because, according to the information I have found, it is said that after Satan becomes mad, there are three levels, namely, ‘crazy devil’, ‘crazy devil’, and ‘crazy god’.

Although Satan did not use all his strength, Satan in the state of ‘maddening the devil’ is already quite a heaven-defying existence..."

"Well, it turns out this guy really didn't use his best..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "If I have a chance in the future, I really want to fight with Satan in the state of'Mad Demon God', and see how strong he is..."

"King, congratulations on subduing a strong general. Satan joins our temple, then the strength of our temple will be raised to a higher level." Elena said.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Elena, when Satan has gone to the Lost Island, if he wants to fight with you, just ignore him.

I think, no matter how crazy this guy is, he shouldn't do anything to women. "

"Okay, I know."

Elena agreed.

Afterwards, Ye Fei casually chatted with Elena, and then hung up the phone.

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