Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2485: , Voluntary?

Ye Fei nodded, also expressing understanding.

After all, Dongfang Xuanqing's previous appearance was indeed too eye-catching. People who don't know will definitely think that this guy is acting in a costume TV series.

"Brother Dongfang, let's talk about it, is there anything you came to see me so late?" Ye Fei asked.

Dongfang Xuanqing opened the Qiankun iron fan with a "pop", slapped it, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, I am here to see you this time to drink and chat with you. I wonder if Brother Ye has time?"

"Yes, of course."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Then let's go, let's go get a bunch of skewers and have a drink."

"and many more."

When Dongfang Xuanqing received the fan, he stopped Ye Fei.

"Why, what else?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"Old rules, tricks, how about it?" Dongfang Xuanqing asked with a smile.

Ye Fei smiled helplessly, and said, "Can you not fight?"


Dongfang Xuanqing squinted his eyes and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, and I feel more and more unable to see through you.

However, I don’t need you to tell me, after playing, I will know..."

"Okay, since you have to fight, then fight."

Ye Fei curled his mouth, moved his muscles and bones, hooked his fingers at Dongfang Xuanqing, and said, "Come on."

"it is good!"

Dongfang Xuanqing gave a soft drink, and his whole body was shocked, and a vigorous and surging silver-grey universe was released from his body!

Wow! !

The strong wind swept like a storm!

The dust and fallen leaves on the ground were suddenly swept up, suspended in the air, stagnant, just like movie special effects!

Feeling the breath and coercion of Dongfang Xuanqing, Ye Fei's heart was shocked!

It's amazing. The last time I met, this guy's cultivation base was returned to the original. Now when I saw it, his cultivation level had reached the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng!

It is incredible!

Ye Fei had always felt that Dongfang Xuanqing was a talented warrior, and his cultivation level had improved very quickly, so he could compete with what he had!

Originally, Ye Fei thought that he should have left this guy far behind him, but now that he saw it, he didn't!

It is precisely because there are some genius masters like Dongfang Xuanqing in the world, that's why Ye Fei will be inspired to continue to go forward and surpass himself again and again!

Make yourself stronger, stronger, stronger again!

Feeling the breath and coercion of Dongfang Xuanqing, the corner of Ye Fei's mouth rose, and his blood was boiling!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not conceal it, and raised the power of Li Chen Dacheng's true energy!


The wind howls!

When Ye Fei raised his breath and coercion, the airflow in the entire yard was pulled up, forming a violent hurricane!

Ye Fei's body was glowing with golden light, and golden flames burned in his eyes!

Feeling the change in Ye Fei's body, Dongfang Xuanqing was shocked!

He looked at Ye Fei with an unbelievable expression, and said with a trembling: "Lichen Realm?! Xiaocheng?!'s not right... Lichen Xiaocheng's breath and coercion are not that strong...

Could it be that... your cultivation has reached the realm of Li Chen Dacheng? ! "

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "I'm sorry, it's just one level higher than about it, do you want to fight?"

"Fight, why not fight!"

Dongfang Xuanqing recovered from the shock and said: "I have never played against a warrior in the realm of Li Chen Dacheng. Now that I have a chance, how can I let it go!"

The voice fell off.

I saw that Dongfang Xuanqing's figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Ye Fei!

"The iron fan of the universe! Panlong vent!!"

Dongfang Xuanqing screamed, directly raised the Qiankun iron fan in his hand, and swept towards Ye Fei!

Huh! !

A Qi of the Universe swept out, like a giant silver-gray dragon swept over!

Seeing this true energy swept across, Ye Fei was startled!

Sure enough, Dongfang Xuanqing's strength became stronger as his cultivation level increased!

The power of this Qiankun Iron Fan has also increased countless times!

However, because of the strength of Dongfang Xuanqing, Ye Fei was even more excited and excited!

Seeing this silver-grey dragon rushing towards him, Ye Fei lifted his right hand, directly condensed a sword finger, and hit the silver-grey dragon!

call out! !

Golden light flashed!

This sword finger contains the power of true energy that is great from the dust, and it is like a golden thunder in anger!

In an instant.

boom! !

The sword finger and the silver-gray dragon collided together, making a terrifying explosion!

The violent air wave vented out, stupefied that all the flowers and trees in the yard were shaken!

"Jiaolong is wrong!!"

Seeing that his first move was defeated, Dongfang Xuanqing, apart from anything else, flashed his right hand holding the Qiankun Iron Fan quickly, and blasted two true qi towards Ye Fei in a row!

These two true qi quickly turned into two silver-gray flood dragons, attacking Ye Fei with their teeth and claws!

Seeing Dongfang Xuanqing's attack coming so fast, Ye Fei's face changed slightly, his legs lightly kicked to the ground, and he jumped directly!

With this leap, Ye Fei avoided Dongfang Xuanqing's second move!

Swish! !

Two zhenqi swept away almost next to Ye Fei's feet, directly blasting the two big trees behind him to pieces!

When Dongfang Xuanqing's second move fell, Ye Fei's figure moved, and he did not dodge anymore, but went straight up towards Dongfang Xuanqing!

At the moment when he approached Dongfang Xuanqing, Ye Fei squeezed a punch, instantly boosting the chicken power to a quadruple explosion state, and directly blasted towards Dongfang Xuanqing with a punch!

This punch not only contains Ye Fei's physical strength, but also contains the power of true energy that leaves the dust!

Therefore, this fist blasted out, like a snow-capped mountain collapsed, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and there were thunderous sounds in the air!

"Julong Hug!!!"

Dongfang Xuanqing also noticed the terrifying power of Ye Fei's fist, and directly raised the Qiankun iron fan in his hand and waved it several times in the air!

I saw that the four silver-gray dragons rushed directly towards Ye Fei!

boom! ! ——

Only heard a burst of earth-shattering explosion resounding!

With this fist, Ye Fei directly blasted the four silver-gray infuriating dragons to smash, and his body stood still on the spot!

laugh! !

Immediately afterwards, only a violent rubbing sound was heard, and Dongfang Xuanqing was pushed back by this powerful force!

The lawn and soil on the ground were marked with two deep gullies, and they had been backed three or four meters away, Dongfang Xuanqing stabilized her body!

When the violent wind dissipated and the dead branches and leaves swept in the air and the broken soil fell on the ground, the yard became quiet again!

Ye Fei and Dongfang Xuanqing looked at each other, and no one continued to do it!

"Brother Dongfang, do you still fight?"

Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"do not fight."

Dongfang Xuanqing shook his head, sighed, and said, "Brother Ye, even if I try my best, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent.

Last time, when we met, I actually felt that I had separated from you.

It's just that I have a good face, that's why I said that we were tied.

But this time, I don’t want to deceive myself, I admit, I’m not as good as you..."

Ye Fei smiled, stepped forward, and put his arms around Dongfang Xuanqing's shoulders, and said: "Brother Dongfang, don't be so discouraged, are you already very strong?

Even if I try my best to defeat you, it is not an easy task.

Go for a walk, drink, and make a yarn stand! "

Dongfang Xuanqing smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, go for a drink!"

With that, Ye Fei and Dongfang Xuanqing left the yard and went outside the villa area.

The two did not ride in the car, but rushed directly toward the city center.

It originally took at least an hour or so to get from the city center to the Maple Leaf Villa area, but neither of them was ordinary, so it only took about 20 minutes to get to the city center.

Because it is already two or three in the morning, there are a lot fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the street.

The two came to the night market street, came to a barbecue stall, found an empty seat and sat down.

Ye Fei ordered a large table for barbecue, and then ordered a bottle of Erguotou.

"Brother Dongfang, come, don't leave this bottle of Erguotou tonight," Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Yes, stay with you to the end."

Dongfang Xuanqing nodded.

Ye Fei asked the boss to bring two cups and filled them.

"Brother Dongfang, what is the matter with you coming to see me tonight?"

Ye Fei handed a glass of wine to Dongfang Xuanqing and asked.

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