Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2505: , The next is not an example!

The next morning, it was more than eight o'clock.

The sun is shining and there is no cloud in the sky.

Ye Fei and his party arrived in the sky over the Lost Island by private jet.

The entire lost island is like a pearl in the blue sea.

"Brother Fei, is this the Lost Island?"

Gu Xiaoran looked down below, his eyes shining, and the entire lost island and surrounding islands could be seen in full view.

"Yes, this is the lost island."

Ye Fei glanced below, smiled and nodded.

The other women, as well as the three of Lu Qinghong, could not wait to look down.

After all, everyone had only listened to Ye Fei before, and had never been here.

"What a beautiful island, it's like the bright moon starry sky under the blue sky!" Liu Yiyi said obsessively.

Everyone was fascinated by the beautiful main island and the surrounding islands, and they couldn't move their eyes.

"Ye Fei, why haven't I seen such a small island on the world map?" Gu Qingcheng asked suspiciously.

The other women also looked at Ye Fei, very curious.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "This island was found when my brothers and I were fighting in the South and North. Because of the pleasant climate and abundant resources, there was no one inhabited at the time, so we designated it as a temple. Base camp, developed on the island.

Moreover, because of the influence of the temple in the world, even if someone knows it, they dare not mark the location of the lost island on the map. "

"Lost Island...Well, the name is pretty good."

Xiao Lengyu nodded and said, "In the Pacific Ocean, this small island is a corner forgotten by the world. If you don't look for it carefully, no one will find it here."

"Brother Fei, hurry up and let the captain land, I can't wait!!"

Gu Xiaoran exclaimed excitedly.

Ye Fei smiled and touched Gu Xiaoran's head, and said: "Girl, the plane is about to land, hurry back to your seat and sit down."

"That's it!"

Gu Xiaoran spit out her little tongue at Ye Fei, then sat back to her position obediently.

It didn't take long for the plane to land on the airport of the Lost Island.

Opening the cabin door, Ye Fei and his party walked off the plane.

Elena and the purgatory knights who had been waiting at the airport hurriedly greeted them.


A group of fiend knights held their chests with their right hands and bowed respectfully.

"Wang, welcome home."

Elena looked at Ye Fei gently, with a smile on her lips.

Ye Fei smiled softly and said, "Elena, I have troubled you these days, how is everything on the island?"

"King, everything on the island is fine."

Elena nodded.

"that's OK."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Elena, even if I don't need to introduce them, you should know them too?"

Elena let out a "um", and then said: "Welcome to the Lost Island."

Because Gu Qingcheng had seen Elena before, the two of them looked at each other and smiled and nodded.

However, when the other women saw Elena, they all stared blankly.

Although Ye Fei had always mentioned Elena, it was the first time I saw each other today.

Although Elena is wearing a simple black dress, her temperament is very outstanding.

Especially the long amber hair draped over the shoulders and the pale blue eyes are very attractive.

"Sister Elena, my name is Gu Xiaoran. Brother Fei has always talked about you, how beautiful you are.

When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved, Sister Elena, your hair and eyes are so beautiful, just like the princess in the fairy tale! "

Gu Xiaoran greeted Elena very familiarly.


Elena smiled lightly and said: "This is the first time everyone has come to Lost Island. I can show you the scenery of our Lost Island. We will go to the castle for lunch until noon."


Gu Xiaoran excitedly raised his hands in agreement.

Ye Fei and his party left the airport and walked in the direction of the castle.

Along the way, Ye Fei and Elena introduced a scene on the island to everyone.

Because the island is located in a suitable climate, it is like spring all the year round, and the flowers and trees are thriving.

Birds are chirping, and some small animals are running and jumping in the jungle, full of life.

Everyone looked at the Lost Island under the early morning sun, all in a daze.

Qin Menglan's eyes were full of longing, and she said with emotion: "If you can live in such a place for a lifetime, it seems to be very good."


Xiao Lengyu nodded and said, "It's really beautiful here, just like Xanadu."

Before, women wanted to come to the place where Ye Fei grew up. Now that everyone has turned away their work and came here, it feels very worthwhile. Fortunately, they didn't miss such a beautiful scenery.

"By the way, Elena, does everything on this island belong to your temple?" Gu Qingcheng asked curiously, what came to mind.

Elena smiled faintly and said: "Queen, to be precise, everything here belongs to the king only."

Gu Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, and reacted with shock.

That's right, the temple belongs to Ye Fei, and everything on the island naturally belongs to Ye Fei. What silly question he asked.

After walking for ten minutes, everyone came to the town.

There are many people living in the small town, including old people, middle-aged people, young people, and children.

Some are running their own small shops, some are playing chess, and some are walking around. Everyone has a smile on their faces. They are very harmonious and enjoyable.

When everyone saw Ye Fei's arrival, they all respectfully nodded and greeted Ye Fei.

However, when everyone saw such a beautiful young woman with Ye Fei, they were all wondering who these women were and what was their relationship with Ye Fei.

"Ye Fei, who are the people living here?" Gu Qingcheng asked curiously.

Ye Fei smiled and replied: "There are family members of our temple warriors living here, and there are also some old guys who have made great achievements in various fields of the world.

After they retired in their field, they ran here to enjoy their twilight years. Of course, not everyone can come here. Those who can come here are all friends and trustworthy people of our temple. "

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Gu Qingcheng's eyes widened, and said, "Ye Fei, is the old man with reading glasses in the small shop making clothes just now, Master Jivis?!"

"Yeah, that's the old guy."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "When that old guy is not busy, he likes to come here to live for a while."

"I... I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be Master Guivis!"

Gu Qingcheng's excited body trembled slightly.

"Sister Gu, who is Jivis?" Liu Yiyi asked.

Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath and said: "Gives is the world's top tailoring master, and many world-renowned luxury brand clothing designers are the apprentices of Master Guives.

For example, the current design and design of clothing brands such as LV, Chanel, Armani, Versace, etc., once worked as an apprentice in the tailor shop of Master Gevez..."

When Liu Yiyi and the other women heard this, they were all stunned.

After all, in their hearts, the fashion designers of those luxury brands are already the world's top masters, but how do you know that the humble old man in the tailor's shop just now turned out to be the master of those masters? This is incredible.

"Sure enough, the hair is long and the knowledge is short. I thought you had noticed it a long time ago, but it was a hindsight."

Xiao Lengyu replied without saltiness.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Gu Qingcheng frowned, her expression cold.

"Gu Qingcheng, you have no experience yourself, are you afraid of me saying it?"

Xiao Lengyu jokingly smiled, and said, "Many people in this small town are from extraordinary backgrounds, such as the restaurant we passed by just now.

The two chefs inside are the top two of the top ten chefs in the world assessed by Michelin, Christopher and Blanco. These two masters are called the "God of Cooking" by the world.

And the two old men who were playing chess on the side of the road just now are the current world's top construction engineers Niemeyer and Master Atol. The buildings they designed are famous all over the world. If you don’t know, you can check the information.

And the old man walking the bird just now is the second generation of the Ferrari brand Bliss Ferrari, whose father Enzo Ferrari is the founder of Ferrari..."

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