Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2517: , Heartless!

At this time, on the training ground on the hill behind the Lost Island.

Elena, who was trying to increase her energy, stopped suddenly.

She raised her eyes and looked up to the sky, and noticed a familiar, perhaps powerful, dark power rushing towards this side.

Who the **** is here?

Why is there such a terrifying breath and power? !

Moreover, why do I feel that this breath is familiar? !

Just when Elena was puzzled, she saw that the entire training field was covered with dark clouds, blocking the sun.

Immediately, Elena saw a black and red figure coming from a distance and appearing in the air. It was Winterburn.

Winterburn stood still in the air, surrounded by blood-red energy, which was particularly dazzling against the backdrop of this dark cloud.

After arriving in the sky above the training ground, Winterborn stood silently in the sky, overlooking Elena below, silent.

At the moment she saw Winterburn, Elena felt her heart beating faster, and she had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

However, she didn't even know the man in front of her, and had never seen this man before.

Who is he?

Elena frowned, and directly vibrated the two pairs of black and red wings of light behind her.

"Who on earth are you?"

Elena stared at Winterburn closely, and said blankly: "This is the lost island, the site of the temple, please leave quickly!"

Winterburn raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile, and said, "As expected of her daughter, she really looks like her..."

Having said this, Winterburn closed his eyes, feeling sad.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became more scarlet, and his eye sockets were also red.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Elena stared at Winterburn and replied in a cold voice.

Winterburn smiled openly and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand... After all, I came here today just to do one thing..."

"What's up?"

Elena asked coldly, feeling more uneasy in her heart.

She felt that the man's breath was too evil and dark, which made her feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Kill..." Winterburn replied with a wicked smile.

"Who are you going to kill?"

Hearing these two words, Elena secretly raised the energy in the body.

Sure enough, this strange man is an enemy and not a friend.

Although I can't see through the strength of this guy, if this guy is really going to be against the king, then I will do my best to kill this guy.

It was the time for Wang Xiu to attack, and he absolutely couldn't let this guy disturb Wang Xiu's cultivation.


Winterburn spit out a word indifferently.


Elena's face changed drastically, and her face became colder and colder, "Why are you killing me? I don't seem to know you..."

"Because of your existence, my beloved her fell asleep for twenty-two years, and she hasn't been able to wake up until today...

You are the cause of all this, you are the cause! Without you, the one I love so much wouldn't be awake all the time! ! "

Winterburn roared hoarsely.

Elena frowned, she was maddened, "This gentleman, first of all, I don't know you, and I don't know who your girl is!

If you dare to speak harshly, don't blame me for being rude! "

"You're welcome? Ha, ha ha..."

Winterburn laughed a little madly, and said: "Sure enough, she is very similar to her, even her temper is the same. It's a pity that your blood is not awakened, and your strength is too weak..."

"Stop talking about rants here!"

Elena suddenly became furious and waved her arms directly!

"Bloodthirsty Ghost Claw!!"

The two groups of black and red energy instantly condensed into two huge claws, tearing the air with the sound of breaking through the air, and grabbed it towards Winterborn!

"too weak……"

Winterburn just said a little, and then with a wave of his right hand, a blood-red energy blasted out!

In an instant.

I saw that a huge blood-red demon claw suddenly appeared in the sky, as if a demon hidden behind a dark cloud protruded its blood claw!

This blood claw is like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun. Even if Elena plays two bloodthirsty ghost claws, it is less than one-tenth of this blood red claw!

Seeing this scene, Elena's face changed drastically, and she was shocked!

Although she felt that this man's moves were somewhat similar to her own, but in terms of coercion and strength, the blood claws of this man were more than twice as powerful as hers!

Huh! !

This huge blood claw drew several red marks in the air, like a gust of wind!

Next second.

Only hearing a "boom" sound, the two bloodthirsty ghost claws that Elena played were directly torn apart by this blood claw, turned into dots of black and red energy, and disappeared into the air!

Huh! !

The violent power shook out, shocked Elena directly back more than 20 meters!

Elena suddenly flew out, her body swayed a few times in the air, and the two pairs of light wings behind the vibration barely stabilized her body!

However, before Elena was relieved, the blood-colored giant claw as huge as a hill stirred a strong wind in the air and grabbed it directly towards Elena, wishing to tear it into pieces!

Seeing this giant claw attacking herself, Elena's heart was shocked, and she fluttered her wings and withdrew twenty to thirty meters away, and then she avoided the attack of this blood claw!

Elena was annoyed, she didn't understand, why did this strange guy shout and scream at herself?

I don't even know him!

"Hehe... the reaction is quite sensitive..."

Winterburn smiled coldly and said: "Even if your bloodline has not been fully awakened, you can still be considered a top power in this world.

It's a pity that you, who have no awakened blood, are inferior to me after all..."

As he said, Winterburn raised his right hand!

I saw that the blood-colored giant claw also rose, and immediately, Winterburn's right hand slammed down!

Huh! !

This blood-colored giant claw suddenly smashed toward Elena below like a giant palm of the Tathagata!

"Black Demon Light Wave!!"

Elena raised her arms, and a group of fierce black and red energy immediately condensed on her hands!

Immediately, Elena suddenly folded her arms toward the middle, and then pushed out toward the huge blood claw in the sky!

boom! !

Like a cannon popping out of its chamber, a thick black-red shock wave hits directly, and the target is directed at the huge blood claw above!

boom! ! ——

In an instant, this shock wave collided with the blood claws pressed down by Winterburn, making a thunderous bombing sound, spreading in all directions!

The wind is violent and the air vibrates!

Because the two forces are too strong, even the air is almost distorted!

The black and red rays of light bloomed dazzlingly above the dark clouds, illuminating the whole world!

Until the light dissipated.

I saw the black magic light wave played by Elena and the huge blood claw played by Winterburn disappeared into the air!


Winterburn looked at Elena with a puzzled look, and said: "Your blood is obviously not awakened, but why is your energy so strong?"


Elena snorted and said, "Since just now, you guy has been saying some inexplicable things...If you want to know the reason, then I will send you to heaven and ask God!"

With that said, Elena once again condensed a group of more terrifying black and red energy, and then quickly closed her arms, and struck out towards Winterburn not far away!

boom! !

A black-red shock wave as thick as a tree trunk, with the momentum of breaking through the air, rushed towards Winterburn!

"With this strength, you want to kill me too? It's just wishful thinking!"

Winterburn's eyes were full of disdain. Seeing this dark magic light wave rushing towards him, he just waved his right hand.

"Crimson Defense!"

I saw that a blood-red light mask enveloped his whole person in it.

Immediately afterwards, only a loud "bang" was heard, and Elena's black magic light wave hit heavily on the scarlet mask surrounding Winterburn!

However, this layer of some transparent blood-colored mask was shaken, but there was no damage at all...

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