Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2519: ,wishful thinking!

Elena looked at Winterburn, with cold sweat on her forehead, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I just used all the energy for defense, otherwise, I would be seriously injured if I didn't die.


Winterburn grinned and said: "It's quite tenacious...nothing, I won't play with you, I will send you to **** now..."

Winterburn said indifferently, a surging coercion suddenly released from his body, and **** energy was released, sweeping the dark clouds in the sky, forming a huge ferocious beast!

"Hell Devil Snake!!!"

Winterburn slapped sharply and slapped it towards the bottom of the training ground.

Click! Click! ! ...

The floor made of marble began to crack inch by inch!

The cracks continue to spread, like a spider web!

Huhuhu! !

The wind swept through, and a large amount of cold and dark blood-red energy sprang out from the cracks in the floor, forming dozens of huge blood-red magic snakes!

These blood-red demon snakes seemed to be mad, with a hideous face, neighing, and biting towards Elena in the sky above!

Elena saw so many magic snakes attacking herself, she instinctively felt that this power and coercion were more terrifying and pure than before!

This also shocked Elena's heart!

Could it be that this guy hasn't done anything seriously just now?

If this is the case, how terrible is this guy? !

"Black Demon Blade! Kill!!!"

Elena didn't have time to think about it, and she released all the energy in her body without hesitation!

Groups of black and red energy quickly condensed and flew high into the sky, and then formed hundreds of black and red sharp blades, with a terrifying killing intent, stabling towards the bottom!

Klang Klang! !

Boom boom boom! !

A burst of fierce collision sounded, and the entire sky and the entire earth seemed to vibrate!

Completely shake the mountain!

Those incomparable black and red magic blades pierced those magic snakes, but they didn't have any effect at all. On the contrary, they were shattered by those magic snakes!

As for the other magic blades that fell, they pierced the earth out of deep pits, and pierced and shattered all the surrounding trees and rocks!


Elena's eyes showed a thick color of shock, and she did not expect that these **** snakes transformed from energy would be so terrifying.

However, without waiting for Elena to think about it, the dozens of blood-red **** snakes flew into the sky and directly attacked Elena!

"Black Demon Light Wave!!"

Elena naturally didn't want the blood-red magic snakes to come close, so it condensed all the energy that could be controlled in the body, and produced a black and red shock wave!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A wave of fierce shock waves blasted on those magic snakes with a force of destruction!


What excites Elena is that the shock wave that came out did have an effect, and the magic snakes were actually blasted into fragments!

However, Elena hadn't been happy for a while, and saw that the magic snakes that had been blasted to pieces had actually condensed again!


Elena was shocked, and then she reacted.

Therefore, these blood-red magic snakes are only formed by energy, not real magic snakes.

In other words, if there is no absolutely powerful force to completely destroy them, then these magic snakes can be regarded as "immortal."

However, even if she knew this, Elena still had no way to completely destroy these magic snakes.

After all, the strength of the man in front of him is much stronger than himself.

Therefore, Elena didn't dare to stop, raised both hands, and continuously blasted out shock waves, bombarding those magic snakes.

However, those magic snakes are shattered every time, and after a while, they will condense and form again, and they will not be able to kill them cleanly.

Elena was anxious and sweated all over her body.

The man in front of him is powerful.

The point is that he seems to be able to restrain his every move and every style, which really makes her feel puzzled.

At this time, Winterburn, standing still in the air, looked at Elena with an indifferent expression, and said: "Don't waste your effort, you can't kill the **** snake.

Although your energy is very strong, there will be a moment when it will eventually be exhausted...By then, you still have to die, don't you? "

"shut up!!"

Elena roared and raised her arms.

"Black Demon Bound Spirit!!"

I saw that a long whip formed by black and red energy emerged from under Winterburn and directly attacked Winterburn!

Since it is impossible to kill these magic snakes, then directly attack Winterborn, as long as Winterborn dies, those magic snakes will naturally disappear!

Because these black and red energy whips appeared too suddenly, Winterburn did not pay attention, and his hands and feet were entangled!

And, soon, there are still some long whips entangled Winterburn's body!

"what is this?"

Winterburn frowned, a little unhappy.

"How to kill you!!"

Elena screamed, muttered a series of spells silently in her mouth, and her arms snapped.

"The black demon bursts out!!"

The voice fell.


Winterburn's face changed, as if thinking of something.

However, he didn't wait for him to react.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of dense explosions rang out one after another!

Groups of black and red energy rays flashed in the air like fireworks!

Winterburn is exploding, and Elena is fighting fiercely with the blood-red magic snakes!

At this time, the temple warriors on the island and some residents of the island also rushed over.

When they saw this scene, they were stunned.

"What the **** is going on? Is there an enemy invading?!"

"Sure. Didn't you see Her Excellency Elena fighting those monsters?"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Damn, the enemy is too strong, we can't intervene at all!"

The warriors and residents of the temple all started talking.

Although the warriors of the temple wanted to help, they were helpless.

At this level of fighting, they couldn't get in at all.

At this time, Elena, who was fighting fiercely with the devil snakes, saw so many people gathered below, she was uneasy and shouted: "Get out of here! Hurry up! Hurry up!!"

"Your Excellency Elena told us to leave quickly!"

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"


The warriors and residents of the temple below immediately obeyed Elena's orders and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the explosion above the sky disappeared.

Elena turned her head and looked around, trembling all over, her eyes filled with incredible expressions.

Because Winterburn had no other serious injuries except for some holes in his clothes and skin injuries.

Winterburn looked at Elena coldly, wiped a trace of blood from her face, and said: "Do you think this level of explosion can kill me?

Hehe, you are too whimsical..."

As he said, he glanced at the crowd below his eyes and said with a smile: "I see that you seem to care about these human beings. If they die, you should be very sad and painful, right?

That’s should also taste the pain I have endured over the past twenty years..."

The voice did not fall.

"Devil Flame Burns Wasteland!!"

Winterburn waved his hand, and saw that the dozens of magic snakes suddenly turned into an overwhelming magic flame, and attacked the crowd below.


Elena yelled, her body moved, like a teleport, directly blocking the front of the crowd.

Everyone on the island is Elena's friends and family, and she naturally does not allow anyone to harm her friends and family.

"Black Magic Light Shield!!"

Elena screamed and released all the energy in the body, condensing a giant shield in front of her.

Demon Flame is burning this shield frantically, and is slowly destroying it!

The heat wave hit, Elena felt a scorching sensation, physically and mentally tortured!

While releasing energy to replenish the "Black Devil Light Shield", she shouted at the crowd below: "Run away! Run away!!!"

The warriors and residents of the temple below saw Elena's painful appearance, but they were unable to help, and their eyes were red.


A temple warrior yelled, and then led everyone to evacuate towards the distance.

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