Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2535: , Empathize!

"Mom, how can this be... how can this be?!"

Elena's eyes were red, and she said in a puzzled way: "Can't you stay here for more time?

We have been apart for so many years, and I still have a lot of things to say to you..."

Medea sighed heavily, her eyes filled with dismay, "My child, I also want to live here forever, to accompany you and take care of you.

However, the level of this plane is too low, and the aura is thin, and I can't survive here for a long time. Therefore, I can only choose to leave.

I hope that after I return to my plane, I can find a way to survive on this plane for a long time. At that time, I will be back and stay with you. "

Winterburn frowned and said, "Elena, in fact, if you want your mother to survive in this world, there is another way...that is to let your mother **** human blood on time."

"Winterburn, don't say that anymore."

Medea looked at Winterburn and said, "Everything has spirit. Although I am a witch, I will not kill innocent people and take the lives of others at will.

Moreover, Elena didn't want her mother to become a monster who sucked human blood and killed people without blinking. "

Elena felt bitter in her heart. She didn't expect that the only way for her mother to survive in this world was to **** human blood.

Although she wants her mother to stay, she does not want to see innocent people die.

"Is there really no other way?"

Ye Fei frowned and asked.

In fact, Ye Fei now believes that there are other planes.

It's just that what makes him wonder, which plane does Medea belong to, and why is the bloodline so special?

"At least so far, I haven't thought of other ways."

Medea shook his head.

When Gu Qingcheng and others saw Elena's painful appearance, they were also very distressed.

Unexpectedly, Elena had just met her mother and was about to face parting.

Moreover, this parting, I don't know how long it will take to see each other.

There is no more pain in the world than this.

Ye Fei looked at Medea with a puzzled look, and said, "Mom, from which plane did you come to us? Also, since you knew that this plane was not suitable for your survival, why did you come? Woolen cloth?"

Medea picked up the water glass and drank, with memories in his eyes.

Then, she put down the water cup and slowly said: "The plane I live in is called the Realm of Nothingness. There are many races there, and our demons and protoss are the strongest races on that plane.

However, because of the blood relationship, our demons and protoss have been fighting since the moment they were born.

Until I inherited the throne of the Demon Race, our Demon Race and the Protoss have been fighting for almost 50,000 years.

Twenty years ago, in the realm of nothingness, the demons and the protoss went to war. I fought a **** of the protoss for three days and three nights.

Of course, it is three days and three nights with us, but for you, it is almost equivalent to three hundred years.

After fighting for three days and three nights, I fought the deity and lost both...The body of the deity was destroyed by me, and there was only a trace of the soul left. I don't know where to escape.

Maybe it's gone, maybe it's taken away by other gods, but that doesn't matter anymore, it's just a trace of remnant soul, and it won't be able to overcome any storms.

And I was seriously injured, dying, and fell to this plane.

In this plane, I am unfamiliar with the place of life, know nothing, plus I was seriously injured, I can only wait for death.

But fortunately, Winterburn found me at the time and saved me with their blood.

Later, Winterburn and I fell in love and gave birth to Elena..."

Medea was still talking slowly, but Ye Fei, Elena, Gu Qingcheng and others were dumbfounded, feeling that their three views were refreshed.

It was the first time they heard these words, such as the Realm of Nothingness, the Protoss, and the Demon Race. They felt novel and shocked at the same time.

There was an uproar in Ye Fei's heart.

Unexpectedly, one fight can be played for three hundred years. This is too scary, isn't it?

Moreover, Ye Fei vaguely felt that Medea's strength was terrifying and unfathomable. It was possible that he could face her without fighting back.

That is enough to explain how the strength of the gods of the Nether Realm God Race should be.

It is impossible to imagine...

This has completely surpassed Ye Fei's cognition.

It seems that the ancient powers of the ancient martial world may have really crushed the void and went to other planes.

However, Ye Fei was curious, what plane did those ancient powerful people go to?

Ye Fei didn't know, nor did he understand.

After all, his current strength still can't touch a higher level, so he can't understand this.

"I have been seeing it in novels and movies, saying that there are other dimensions, but I didn't expect it to be!" Gu Xiaoran said in surprise.

The others also looked shocked. Although they didn't believe it, there was no need to lie to them when they thought of Medea, so everyone had to believe it.

It can only be said that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. What I see is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Of course there is."

Medea nodded and said, "In this vast world, there are countless planes and countless worlds.

And the plane of the earth is just one of the low-level planes in the great world.

So, this is the main reason why I cannot survive here..."

Ye Fei took a deep breath, then looked at Medea, and said, "Mom, can people from all planes travel freely to other planes?"


Medea nodded and said: "As long as your strength reaches a certain level, you can crush the void and move freely on other planes."

"so it is……"

Ye Fei suddenly realized that he nodded, and he was even more sure of his thoughts.

Those ancient powerful people must have gone to a higher plane, perhaps for cultivation, or for the pursuit of higher things.

After all, when a person's strength reaches a certain level, what he sees is naturally different, and his thoughts are also different.

Ye Fei didn't know what those strong men were pursuing, just like ants didn't know the idea of ​​elephants.

The fight of ants, naturally, will not attract the attention of elephants.

This is also the real reason why the ancient martial arts world is facing the danger of extinction, and why those ancient powerful people have not appeared.

Ye Fei took a deep breath. It seemed that he was still too weak to see a higher and broader world.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to go to other planes in the future and see the people and things of other planes, that would be pretty good.

However, if he couldn't go, Ye Fei wouldn't force it.

Because now life is pretty good. It is enough to have relatives, lovers, and friends...

Time passed slowly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Throughout the day, Elena was always by Medea's side, taking Medea around the island, watching the cultural scenery of the Lost Island, and enjoying the last time before parting. .

The residents of the island were all surprised when they saw Medea, thinking that Medea was Elena's sister or younger sister.

Especially when it was learned that Medea was Elena's mother, everyone's expressions were not to mention how rich they were.

After all, Medea is really too young, exactly like a girl in her twenties.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Medea has actually lived for more than three thousand years.

In the evening, everyone was in the castle, and after a happy dinner, it was time for parting.

Everyone accompanied Medea to the roof top of the castle.

In the distance is the vast sea and the sky full of stars.

Medea looked at the distant seascape and exclaimed: "Thank you very much for staying with me all day. This is also the happiest day I have had in so many years. I will always remember this day.

I'm leaving in twenty minutes, think about it, I'm a bit reluctant..."


Elena hugged Medea's arm tightly, her eyes were red, tears rolled in her eyes, her mouth was flat, and she said: "I don't want you to leave, I want to stay with you forever, never parting..."

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