Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2537: , Daqian World!

The power of the true witch is truly extraordinary!

Ye Fei looked at the sky and the sea in the distance as if he had fallen into a magic cave, and he was fascinated in his heart!

When can I have such power?

Possess this kind of power that overwhelms the world and destroys the earth in a single thought?

If you have this kind of power, what are you afraid of Alliance of Gods?

Before that, Ye Fei thought that the top gods and the king of gods in the League of Gods were the strongest existence.

But now, Ye Fei felt ridiculous when he saw it. Compared with Medea, those guys who professed to be gods were no different from being funny.

No wonder the mysterious man I met on Star Island said that his road of cultivation has just begun.

Thinking about it now, that mysterious man was right.

At this time, the people on the island also felt a strong shock and saw the strange scene outside.

People who don't know think that the gods are angry and the end of the world is coming.

After a full few minutes.

Ye Fei quickly said to Elena: "Mom, it's enough, it's enough. You can quickly dissipate your strength, otherwise, everyone will be scared to sleep tonight."

Medea nodded, then folded his arms.

Soon, the black cloud in the sky that was like a curtain dissipated, restoring the previous starry sky and bright moon.

The water column connecting the heaven and the earth also fell down and merged into the sea.

The storm disappeared, the crying voice of the demons stopped, and everything was quiet again.

When Medea put away his strength, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that their breathing was much smoother.

Ye Fei let out a sigh of breath and smiled bitterly: "Mom, I'm completely convinced. No wonder you said you can easily defeat me.

You have such terrifying power, it is really easy to defeat me..."

Medea smiled faintly, and said nonstop, "Ye Fei, in fact, the power I have now is less than one-thousandth of what I am in the realm of nothingness."

After all, the spiritual energy in this world is too thin to be suitable for my cultivation at all, so I can only exert this little power..."


Ye Fei was speechless when he heard it.

Oh dear, this is just a little bit of strength, less than one-thousandth of the strength? !

If Medea returns to her peak state, how terrifying would her power be? !

This has surpassed Ye Fei's cognitive scope, and Ye Fei could not even imagine it.

Not to mention that Medea has returned to its peak state, even in his current state, I am afraid that he is similar to the ant in his eyes, right?

Although a bit exaggerated, Ye Fei had this feeling in his heart.

Seeing Ye Fei's wry smile, Medea faintly smiled and said: "Ye Fei, you don't actually need to be so depressed.

You are only in your twenties, and it's pretty good to have such strength.

Moreover, I can see that your cultivation talent is also very high.

Maybe in the future, you can also have this kind of power..."

"I hope so."

Ye Fei nodded, determined in his heart that he must continue to strengthen his cultivation.

After all, there are too many unknown areas. If one day an enemy like Medea comes, if his strength can't keep up, then he can really just sit and wait for death...

Time is still passing slowly, and every minute that passes, everyone's feelings become heavy.

Everyone looked at the distance quietly, silent, and didn't speak much.

When the parting came, all the words seemed pale and weak.

As the last minute was approaching, Medea clearly felt that the strength in her body began to slowly weaken.

Medea looked at Ye Fei and the others, and said, "Everyone, the time has come, I should go.

If I wait any longer, when the strength in my body weakens, I will no longer be able to open the void and lead to the realm of our nothingness.

So, it's time to say goodbye to everyone..."


Elena's emotions finally couldn't hold back, and she broke down completely, and started crying bitterly.

She hugged Medea tightly, choked and said: "Mom, I don't want you to go, I don't want to... We just met, but we have to face the difference, I really can't accept..."

Winterburn just stood silently aside, silent, but his face was wet with tears.

Ye Fei and the others also had red eyes, and their hearts were filled with reluctance.

After all, no one knows, after this parting, when will the next meeting be?

several years? Decades? Still hundreds of years?

No one can know the answer, everything is just unknown.

With tears in her eyes, Medea stroked Elena's face and said, "Son, don't cry. After mom is gone, you must be strong and be well.

Please trust mother, this time we will not be separated for too long, we will definitely meet again later..."


Elena screamed in pain, choking silently.

Medea kissed Elena on the forehead, then let go of Elena.

She turned her head to look at Ye Fei and the others, and said, "Well, everyone, don't be too sad. We will definitely see you again in the future."

"Auntie, you must come back early, we will miss you!" Gu Xiaoran said with tears in his eyes.

"Well, I will definitely be back soon."

Why did Medea smile, and then hugged Gu Xiaoran gently.

Afterwards, Gu Qingcheng and others all stepped forward, said blessings, and gave Medea a hug.

Only Winterburn did not dare to step forward.

Although he also wanted to step forward and hug his lover, he felt that he was unworthy and felt that he was too sorry for the mother and daughter.


Medea looked affectionate and yelled softly.

"What's the matter, Medea?" Winterburn asked, stupefied.

"We are married, don't you have anything to tell me?" Medea asked.

Winterburn took a deep breath and said, "Medea, take care, Elena and I will be here waiting for you to come back."

Medea gave an "um", walked forward, hugged Winterburn, and whispered in his ear: "My dear, I am in love with you, I don't regret..."

Hearing these words, Winterburn burst into tears.

He almost choked and said: "Medea, I love you, forever and ever..."

"Me too……"

Medea responded, saying: "Take good care of our children and wait for me to come back..."

After speaking, Medea let go of Winterburn.

Immediately, she turned around, and six pairs of black and red wings of light appeared behind her, and the six pairs of wings of light were gently vibrated, and her light body flew directly to the sky, flying to the sea not far away.

Then, Medea faced the sky, spread his arms, and released all the power in his body.

In an instant.

Above the sky, a red glow of light pierced the sky, like a meteorite falling to the ground, and blatantly landed on her body, extending into the sea!

This sun light seemed to illuminate the entire sky, red, yellow, blue, white, purple, gray... all kinds of brilliance, colorful, dazzling!

From a distance, it looks like a dozen beams of light, forming a circle, forming a star pattern, deep and mysterious!

Soon, the dozens of light beams slowly converged, forming a thick light curtain, and Medea's figure was shrouded in the light curtain!

Time goes by every second.

After a while, everyone saw Medea's figure getting darker and darker, as if it was about to become a phantom.

With a small smile at the corner of Medea's mouth, he raised his hand and waved at everyone.


Elena was afraid that this meeting would be the last one, so she directly released the three pairs of wings of light behind her, like a flash of lightning, and swept directly in the direction of Medea.

Seeing this, Ye Fei also stepped on the golden sword, turning into a sword shadow, and swept over there.

When Ye Fei and Elena came to Medea's front, Medea's figure had become even lighter.

Elena hurriedly stretched out her hand, trying to hold Medea's hand, but all she caught was a phantom.

"Elena, take care of yourself, Mom will definitely come back..."

When the sound rang, the light beam that had fallen from the sky disappeared into the air, and Medea's figure disappeared.

Elena stood still on the sky, and finally couldn't help covering her face, and started crying bitterly.

The sound resounded across the sky, stern, sad, but helpless...

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